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181. Hoosier Gun Works magazines and clips. Pistol, rifle, and shotguns. Orignal and hard to find. Gun parts and stocks. http://hoosiergunworks.com | |
182. Crosswords And Puzzles By Lovatts Leading publisher of crossword magazines. Play online or subscribe to any in the range of titles. http://www.lovatts.com.au/ | |
183. GOVERNOR: BUSINESS MAGAZINE CALLS NY BIOTECH HOT SPOT NYSTAR works to further hightechnology academic research and economic developmentin New York State. http://www.nystar.state.ny.us/pr/05/press33-05.htm | |
184. Magazines / Newspapers Shopping And Price Comparison Consumer reviews and ratings of hundreds of publications. http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/magazines-newspapers/ | |
185. Welcome To Industrialgroup.com Trade magazines, serving metalworking, fabrication, plastics, packaging, converting and material handling markets. http://www.industrialgroup.com/ | |
186. Jerry Hish Humorous Illustrator Humorous illustrations and cartoons for advertising, magazines, newspapers, children's books, greeting cards, tshirts, web sites and promotional use. http://www.jerryhish.com |
187. Pro-tobacco Editorial Content Of Young MenÂs Magazines Rises By 70% Between 199 Review of the six leading young men's magazines over 10 years finds 5 pages on smoking and health, over 400 pages of tobacco promotion, and a rising tide of protobacco editorial content. http://bmj.com/cgi/content/full/326/7382/182/a | |
188. PCI -- Publications & Communications Inc. Publisher of Cisco World, Sun Server, Unisys World, Professional Graphics World, Compaq Enterprise, and HP Chronicle magazines. http://www.pcinews.com | |
189. Sonic Switchblade Music Directory Music Search Engine Music Site MP3 Downloads A categorized list of bands, agents, managers, studios, record labels, venues, publishers, magazines, ezines, newspapers, MP3/audio sites, resources, radio and television. Includes news, message boards and free e-mail. http://www.sidesite.net | |
190. Australian Fishing Network Publisher and distributor of fishing journals, magazines, books, videos, maps, CDROMs and artwork. http://www.afn.com.au/ | |
191. Jour Du Seigneur,Dieu,Seigneur,Jesus,saint,eglise,catholique,pape Emission catholique sur France 2. Regards sur Dieu, la vie, le monde. Chaque semaine, l'hom©lie et les vid©os des magazines du dimanche. Visite virtuelle d'un hautlieu spirituel, t©moignages, d©bats. http://www.lejourduseigneur.com | |
192. Bodybuilding & Fitness Magazine Directory Directory of bodybuilding and fitness magazines, with magazine descriptions, current contents and links to the publisher. http://www.getbig.com/magazine/magazine.htm | |
193. Collectable Paper Ephemera From Bookaholic Offers a broad variety of items including trade cards, postcards, historical documents, and magazines. Located in the UK. http://www.booksatsixpence.co.uk/ephemera.htm | |
194. Wildlife Conservation Magazine Wild Bird Magazine Nature Kid Science Magazine Gr Sells nature and conservation magazines. http://www.earthhopenetwork.net/shop_magazines.htm | |
195. The Desert Oasis History of the big three early Commodore magazines (Ahoy!, RUN and COMPUTE!'s Gazette). Interviews with editors and contributing authors. http://www.geocities.com/dunric/ahoy.html | |
196. Phyllis Harris - Illustrator Children's illustration for books and magazines. http://www.phyllisharris.com/ | |
197. Route One Publishing Homepage: Transport And Infrastructure Publishing Company. Publisher of magazines for the transport and infrastructure industries. http://www.routeonepub.com | |
198. Ed Kalb Comics Comic Books 19391995, pulp magazines, Big Little Books, Monster and Mad magazines, vintage paperbacks, movie posters and related hardbacks. http://www.edkalbcomics.com | |
199. Softcover Commercial Printing By Hess Management. Commercial Printing The Way Yo Printer of catalogs, magazines and softcover educational material. Contains a site map, list of products, and customer support links http://www.hessmanagement.com/indexmain.htm |
200. Welcome To BtoBOnline.com A magazine for marketing and ecommerce strategists, covering online marketingnews, research and analysis. http://www.btobonline.com/ | |
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