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Burundi Regional History: more detail | |||||
41. Burundi Find websites related to burundi. Home regional Africa burundi Resource containing information on the geography, government, history, http://www.joeant.com/DIR/cat/10896/Burundi | |
42. The Sunday Mail - NEWS - SCOTLAND SAYS MAKE POVERTY HISTORY: WORLD THE G8 FORGOT While the prospect of peace in neighbouring burundi and Democratic Republic regional insecurity has meant that Guinea has hosted a million refugees over http://www.sundaymail.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=15801089&method=full&siteid=86024&h | |
43. Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation - OVERVIEW OF THE BURUNDI PEACE PROCESS Arusha regional Summit II was convened on 31 July 1996, six days after Major The need to write a history of the burundi process is already being felt. http://www.nyererefoundation.or.tz/research/centre.htm | |
44. OCHA-Online - Strategic Humanitarian Coordination In The Great Lakes Region 1996 Joint Communique of the Third Arusha regional Summit on burundi , October 96 . Forges, AD, burundi failed coup or creeping coup?, Current history, http://www.reliefweb.int/ocha_ol/pub/greatlak/biblio.html |
45. OCHA-Online - Strategic Humanitarian Coordination In The Great Lakes Region 1996 B. regional politics and the antiaid sentiment in the collapse of consent Current history, May 1994. 15 Filip Reyjntjens, burundi, (London Minority http://www.reliefweb.int/ocha_ol/pub/greatlak/external.html |
46. The University Of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe neighboring countries including the East African region, notably burundi, Rwanda, regional history. The city of Harare was established under British http://www.bard.edu/iile/univ_zim/index.shtml | |
47. History Department - University Of Colorado At Colorado Springs Stanford University s African Studies Program regional web sites which aregeneral in Central Africa including burundi, Cameroon,Congo (Brazzaville), http://web.uccs.edu/history/globalhistory/africa.html | |
48. BookHq: Researcher's Guide To Archives And Regional History Sources By John C. L Researcher s Guide to Archives and regional history Sources Brunei Darussalam,Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde http://www.bookhq.com/compare/0208021442.html | |
49. Africa HAFRICA encourages the interdisciplinary discussion of Africa s history, culture, Rwanda-burundi regional Emergency Emergency Update, May 9, 1996. http://faculty.washington.edu/krumme/regions/afrika.html | |
50. Regional Activities - Africa This was the case for burundi (1970), Lesotho (1971), Rwanda (1974), It isthe first time in the history of Interpol as organisation that regional focus http://www.interpol.int/Public/Region/Africa/Default.asp | |
51. History Of Burundi - MavicaNET regional Africa burundi Path to the top Archaeology of Africa,burundi Literature, Economy burundi, history of Algeria, history of Angola http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/eng/24013.html | |
52. ANC Today - Volume 1 No 42, 9 November 2001 This is demonstrated the formation of such regional organisations as the EU,NAFTA, ASEAN, The history of burundi illustrates this most vividly. http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/anctoday/2001/at42.htm | |
53. TRAVEL.com ® ... Regional:Africa:Burundi Top regional Africa burundi Notes on geography, history, politics,economy, international relations, travel, current affairs. USAfrica burundi http://www.travel.com/Regional/Africa/Burundi/ | |
54. AFRICA: United - NI 326 - Mwalimu, Mandela And The Long Road To Peace The regional burundi Peace Initiative, in which I have been involved for the The 1994 genocide in Rwanda was a defining event in the modern history of http://www.newint.org/issue326/peace.htm | |
55. History MAFR MiddleAfrica (burundi, Central Africa (Centralafrican Republic), Dutch metropolitan and regional history concerning the provinces Friesland, http://www.rug.nl/bibliotheek/collecties/biblet/60?lang=en |
56. IRIN News - Burundi News on relief, development, social, economic and political affairs, by the Integrated regional Information Network (IRIN) of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. http://www.irinnews.org/frontpage.asp?SelectRegion=Great_Lakes&SelectCountry |
57. Burundi Provides country brief and profile, Millennium Development Goals and regional Integration Assistance Strategy along with news, projects and total IDA credits. http://www.worldbank.org/bi | |
58. FWDP -- Geostrategies In The Great Lakes Conflict And Spatial Designs For Peace Discusses proposed solutions to the regional conflict affecting areas of Eastern Za¯re, Rwanda, burundi, Uganda, and Tanzania. http://www.cwis.org/hutu3_1.html | |
59. Kagera: Information From Answers.com The region neighbors Uganda, Rwanda and burundi and lies across the lake from Cultural history For a period of about five centuries Kagera Region had 9 http://www.answers.com/topic/kagera | |
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