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121. Dive Thailand, Myanmar, Andaman Sea, Indonesia, Malaysia Aboard Ocean Rover Divi Liveaboard luxury scuba diving cruises and charters in Phuket Thailand, burma (Myanmar), and Indonesia. http://www.fantasea.net | |
122. Choose Planet Burma Or Planet Myanmar Photos, book reviews, music, profiles and much else from the Britainburma Society. Book discounts and lectures for online members. http://shwepla.net/index.htm | |
123. Map Of Burma (Myanmar) Political, 1996. (357K) http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/middle_east_and_asia/burma_pol_96.jpg |
124. The Burma Fund Sharing knowledge for building democracy in Myanmar. http://burmafund.org/ | |
125. Doug Burnett's Travel Home Page Travel accounts of solo trips to burma, Uzbekistan, Thailand, Cambodia, China, India, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Mexico, Greece and Turkey by Doug Burnett. http://traveldoug.com | |
126. Welcome To The Burma Study Abroad Website Information for students abroad and those who wish to study at foreign universities, and for donors who want to support Burmese students. http://www.ibiblio.org/BurmaEducation/ | |
127. Vivien Und Erhard Reisebericht: Reiseerinnerungen Burma, Myanmar Bilder, Fotos, Bilder mit Beschreibungen. http://www.vivien-und-erhard.de/reise/Burma/ausw.htm | |
128. Mon State - Myanmar - Burma Brief description of the geography of Mon State with travel and tourism information. http://www.asterism.info/states/2/ | |
129. BURMA Fakta och en karta fr¥n Utrikespolitiska institutet. http://www.ui.se/fakta/asien/burma.htm | |
130. Burma-rapport - Amnesty International Rapport fra organisationens l¦gegruppe i Danmark og repr¦sentanter for Folkekirkens N¸dhj¦lp afsl¸rer massive og systematiske menneskerettighedskr¦nkelser i burma/Myanmar. http://www.amnesty.dk/bibliotek/laegegruppen/burma/ | |
131. The Life And Work Of Adoniram Judson, Missionary To Burma Brief, yet welldocumented, account of Judson's life and legacy. http://www.robibrad.demon.co.uk/Judson.htm |
132. Burma Partners Home Page Untreated natural rubies, spinel, sapphire and peridot. http://www.burmarubies.com/ | |
133. Thailand Scuba Diving - Phuket Diving Liveaboards - Similan Islands Offers liveaboard or day trip vacation packages, and PADI courses in the Similan Islands, burma, and Phuket. http://DiveTheWorldThailand.com/ | |
134. Trouser People Brings Football To Burma An article about Trouser People the new book telling the story of the British adventurer who brough football to Myanmar. http://www.gluckman.com/BurmaBook.html | |
135. Logging Burma's Frontier Forest On the conditions of the natural forests of Myanmar, and recent logging activity. http://www.igc.org/wri/wri/ffi/burma/ |
136. Burma Jadeite Jade Jewelry,jade Bangle Bracelets, Carvings Offering a selection of jade jewelry such as rings, pendants and bracelets. http://www.jadefromburma.com | |
137. The Burma Photo Project - Providing Photography To Non-Profits Working In Burma A photography project documenting humanitarian aid projects in burma. The aim is to provide photography to humanitarian organizations for PR and fundraising, and to raise awareness. http://www.burmaphoto.org/ | |
138. Nestor Burma - Les éditions Casterman: Bande Dessinée, Jeunesse, E-cards... La s©rie du romancier L©o Malet, qui r©pond ici au questionnaire de Proust, la mise en images des livres par Jacques Tardi, pr©sent© par des informations et sa biographie, une enquªte sur le h©ros des albums. http://bd.casterman.com/serie/castnest/ | |
139. Der Burma Und Thai Boxing Verband In Deutschland Der erste offizielle burma und Thai Boxing Verband in Deutschland, mit burmesischer Anerkennung. Man findet Informationen zum Verband, eine Fotogalerie, Termine und aktuelle Nachrichten. http://www.ibbo-germany.de | |
140. Burma / Country / Problem / Home - International Campaign To Ban Landmines The International Campaign to Ban Landmines' focus page on burma. Includes summary of the landmine issue and action ideas. http://www.icbl.org/country/burma/ | |
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