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101. ART HISTORY RESOURCES: Part 16 Asian Art Professor, Department of Art history, Sweet Briar College, Virginia Architecture in Myanmar (burma) (through Asian Historical Architecture) http://witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks3.html | |
102. Britain Burma Buddhist Trust History / Bbbthist.htm THE history OF THE BRITAIN burma BUDDHIST TRUST. { By Nyaung Kan Aye SayadawAshin Eindaka, 1994}. {short description of image} http://web.ukonline.co.uk/buddhism/bbbthist.htm | |
103. Burma - Facts About Burma Including Map And Flag Images burma history,Geography and Economic information note since 1989 themilitary authorities in burma have promoted the name Myanmar as a conventional http://www.world-atlas.net/Burma | |
104. ASIA, SOUTHEASTERN/BURMA Narcopolitics in burma. Current history 95432437 December 1996. Political changein burma appears to depend on when, if ever, ASEAN starts to pay less http://www.au.af.mil/au/aul/bibs/seatoc/seabur.htm | |
105. Modern History Sourcebook British Government Statement Policy In Modern history Sourcebook British Government Statement Policy In burma, May 1945 burma Statement of Policy by His Majesty s Government, May 1945, http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1945-burma-ukpolicy.html |
106. Modern History Sourcebook U Nu Burma Looks Ahead, 1951 The history of burma from the beginning at Tagaung of Abhiraja to the end ofThibaw s reign has been a history of kings and kingdoms. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1951Nu-burma1.html |
107. Burma Ruby: A History Of Mogok's Rubies From Antiquity To The Present (Select Bo Introduced with an overview of burma s history this is a study of the country sfamed rubies, which since early times have been found in the Mogok stone http://www.selectbooks.com.sg/titles/33738.htm | |
108. Burma A history of European exploration of burma, Malaya, Siam, and IndoChina fromthe earliest times. This reprint remains the best overview of European http://www.thailine.com/lotus/burma/burma.htm | |
109. History (from Myanmar) -- Encyclopædia Britannica World history Archives history of Myanmar (burma) Haines Brown Collection ofdocuments and articles relating to the history of Myanmar, focusing on the http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=214472 |
110. Myanmar (formerly Burma) (from Education, History Of) -- Encyclopædia Britann Myanmar (formerly burma) (from education, history of) The indigenous system ofeducation in Myanmar consisted mainly of Buddhist monastic schools of both http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-47736 | |
111. History News Service burma s Hope Imprisoned. By Ralph E. Luker history News Service But whenburma s Aung San Suu Kyi was imprisoned on two weeks ago, world attention http://www.h-net.msu.edu/~hns/articles/2003/071103a.html | |
112. The cycle of contradictions in burma s history may provide clue to the answer . The failures/ successes in different stages of burma s history have been http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9912/msg00236.html | |
113. The Burma Project Established by the Open Society Institute. Dedicated to increasing international awareness of conditions in burma. http://www.soros.org/burma/ | |
114. Ben & Jerry's Meets Burma Shave Afficianado patterns mock advertisements after the classic roadside signs of yesteryear using animated GIFs. http://my.execpc.com/~jujube/Ben_Jerry.html | |
115. Long, Quiet Ethnic War In Burma | Csmonitor.com Christian Science Monitor report on an obscure war in burma. http://csmonitor.com/2002/0521/p01s03-wosc.html | |
116. Burma Shave Contest An internet competition for composing original jingles. http://www.webcom.com/duane/bscontst.html | |
117. Tom's Passage To... Burma Pictures from burma (Myanmar) with a special section for old Bagan. http://burma.tomber.de/ | |
118. Internet Resources On Burma General information including links to news, culture, economy and social issues. http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/burma.html |
119. Myanmar Travel Travel information, location information, lodging, and sights. http://www.myanmars.net/travel | |
120. Burmamedia News from overseas Burmese journalists, reporters and writers. http://www.bma-online.net/ | |
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