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81. [Ganoksin] Jewelry Making - Burma's Jade Mines - An Annotated Occidental History The history of burma s jade mines in the West is a brief one. While hundreds ofdifferent reports, articles and even books exist on the famous ruby deposits http://www.ganoksin.com/borisat/nenam/burma_jade_mines.htm | |
82. Mon Information Home Page Details of history and language of the Mon, and their current status within burma. http://cscmosaic.albany.edu/~gb661/ | |
83. License Plate History Of Burma, Or Myanmar A detailed automobile license plate history of burma, or Myanmar. http://www.whidbey.net/licenseplate/Burma.html | |
84. HyperWar: The U.S. Army Campaigns Of World War II: Central Burma A brief illustrated history of US Army operations in burma in 1945. http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/USA-C-Burma45/index.html | |
85. Recent Mon History Recent Mon history. burma has been racked by civil war ever since its independence,over 40 years ago. The Mon people, as well as other ethnic minorities http://www.albany.edu/~gb661/monhist2.html | |
86. Burma Ruby: A History Of Mogok's Rubies Burmese ruby from Mogok, burma. Mining methods, grading of pigeon s blood rubies,spinel and sapphire, etc. http://www.palagems.com/burma_ruby_book_review.htm | |
87. SEAMEO Regional Centre For History And Tradition, Myanmar (Burma) SEAMEO Regional Centre for history and Tradition, Myanmar (burma) http://www.seameochat.org/ | |
88. The Journalism And Films Of John Pilger John Pilger charts the history of burma and the shocking events of the prodemocracyprotest of 1988 and the democratisation of the 1990s. http://pilger.carlton.com/burma | |
89. Burma, 1942 This brochure was prepared in the US Army Center of Military history by Clayton R . burma, a country slightly smaller in area than the state of Texas, http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/brochures/burma42/burma42.htm | |
90. This Site Is Dedicated To The Men And Ladies Of The CONTENTS The history of the burma Star Association. The burma Star Association was officiallyfounded on the 26 February 1951 with 2000 founder members. http://www.burmastar.org.uk/bsa.htm | |
91. The History Of The Burma-Bucknell Connection The rich heritage of intercultural links between burma and Bucknell began in 1846when Eugenio Kincaid, Baptist missionary on leave from his post in burma, http://www.bucknell.edu/Academics/Resources/BurmaBucknell_Connection/History.htm | |
92. Inside Burma | Bullfrog Films INSIDE burma exposes the history and brutality of one of the world s most repressive The Heroin Wars The history of the narcotics trade in burma. http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/inb.html | |
93. 1Up Travel : Myanmar - History And Culture Of Myanmar Or Burma. Archaelogical findings reveal that Myanmar s history dates back over 5000 yearsago. Early Myanmars were said to be Mons from Cambodia, Mongol Burmans from http://www.1uptravel.com/international/asia/myanmar-or-burma/history-culture.htm | |
94. A Short History Of Burma Since 1752 burma is more or less a really united country under the Konbaungdinasty of king In the nineteenth century Britain tries to control burma. http://www.electionworld.org/history/burma.htm | |
95. History Of Burma (Myanmar) This page contains links to pages on the history of burma. The links are organizedin roughly chronological order and have been selected because they are http://www.burmafund.org/Pathfinders/Research_Library/history of burma.htm | |
96. Asiatour.com / Myanmar (Burma) / Country And People / History / World War II, Po In 1942 the 15th Japanese army invades Myanmar. It is initially supported by asmall troop of Burmese nationalists, among them Aung San and his comrade in http://www.asiatour.com/myanmar/e-01land/em-lan44.htm | |
97. A Leonard Heller The License Plate History Burma Myanmar West leonard heller the license plate history burma myanmar ondence with man rangoonpage based and excellent book registration plates world third ed. http://www.postpoppulp.org/story/display/55.html | |
98. Burma Adventures - History Unique adventure tours in the tropical islands of the Mergui archipelago, BurmaMyanmar. http://www.seal-asia.com/adventure/history.htm | |
99. Burma Issues - History Of Burma The Peace Way Foundation (burma Issues) is a private, nonprofit organisationdevoted to a peaceful resolution to burma s struggle for human rights and http://www.burmaissues.org/En/facts.html | |
100. THE ART AND CULTURE OF BURMA - Contents Northern Illinois University, Former Director Center for burma Studies NorthernIllinois University Art history of burma Synoptic Overview http://www.seasite.niu.edu/burmese/cooler/BurmaArt_TOC.htm | |
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