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         Bulimia:     more books (100)
  1. Coping With Bulimia: The Binge/Purge Syndrome (Life Crisis Books) by Barbara French, 1987-08
  2. Recoveries: True Stories by People Who Conquered Addictions and Compulsions : Alcoholism, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, Cigarette Smoking, Cocaine, Nar by Lindsey Hall, 1988-01
  3. Hope and Recovery: A Mother-Daughter Story About Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, and Manic Depression by Becky Thayne Markosian, Emma Lou Thayne, 1992-04
  4. I'm Still Caroline: My Story of Hope, Health, and Long-term Recovery from Bulimia by Caroline Adams Miller, 2008-05-28
  5. Appetite for Life: Inspiring Stories of Recovery from Anorexia, Bulimia, and Compulsive Overeating by Margie Ryerson, 2005-07-22
  6. It's Not Your Fault: Overcoming Anorexia and Bulimia Through Biopsychiatry by Russell Marx, 1992-06-01
  7. BulimiaThe Binge-Purge Compulsion by Janice M. Cauwels, 1983
  8. How to Combat Anorexia, Bulimia, and Compulsive Overeating: The Promis handbook on eating disorders and recovery (PROMIS books limited) by Dr. Robert Lefever, 1988
  9. Reflections on recovery: Freedom from bulimia and compulsive overeating by Jane Evans Latimer, 1983
  10. At Issue Series - Bulimia (paperback edition) (At Issue Series)
  11. A Practical Guide To The Treatment Of Bulimia Nervosa (Brunner/Mazel Eating Disorders Monograph Series, No. 6) by Jo Vanderlinden, 1992-04-01
  12. When Dieting Becomes Dangerous: A Guide to Understanding and Treating Anorexia and Bulimia by Deborah M. Michel, Susan G. Willard, 2002-01-01
  13. Bulimia: A Systems Approach to Treatment (A Norton Professional Book) by Maria P. P. Root, Patricia Fallon, et all 1986-05
  14. Eating Disorders: A Question and Answer Book About Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa (Coping with Modern Issues) by Ellen Erlanger, 1987-12

81. Anorexia Nervosa
Describes what anorexia is, some of the key characteristics and how it differs from bulimia. There are also references for more information. This site is sponsored by AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians).

Advanced Search Home Conditions A to Z Anorexia Nervosa What is anorexia nervosa? What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia? Why do people get anorexia? What are the problems caused by anorexia? ... How can family and friends help?
Anorexia Nervosa
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What is anorexia nervosa?
Anorexia nervosa is an illness that usually occurs in teenage girls, but it can also occur in teenage boys, and adult women and men. People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin. They lose a lot of weight and are terrified of gaining weight. They believe they are fat even though they are very thin. Anorexia isn't just a problem with food or weight. It's an attempt to use food and weight to deal with emotional problems. Return to top
What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia?
People with anorexia starve themselves, avoid high-calorie foods and exercise constantly. People with bulimia eat huge amounts of food, but they throw up soon after eating, or take laxatives or diuretics (water pills) to keep from gaining weight. People with bulimia don't usually lose as much weight as people with anorexia. Return to top
Why do people get anorexia?

82. Eating - Facts On Bulimia Nervosa": Bulimia
bulimia Nervosa involves frequent episodes of binge eating, almost always followedby purging and intense feelings of guilt or shame.
Facts on Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa involves frequent episodes of binge eating, almost always followed by purging and intense feelings of guilt or shame. The individual feels out of control and recognizes that the behavior is not normal. Bulimia Danger Signals:
  • bingeing, or eating uncontrollably purging by strict dieting, fasting, vigorous exercise, vomiting or abusing laxatives or diuretics in an attempt to lose weight using the bathroom frequently after meals preoccupation with body weight depression or mood swings irregular periods developing dental problems, swollen cheek glands, heartburn and/or bloating experiencing personal or family problems with alcohol or drugs
Physical complications:
  • gastrointestinal problems: irritation of esophagus, stomach, salivary glands and throat from persistent vomiting damaged or discolored teeth: gastric acids erode enamel lung irritation: choking while vomiting causes food particles to lodge in lungs, causing inflammation chronic loss of bodily fluids: depletes blood potassium, sodium and chloride levels, resulting in muscle

83. Clínica Jorge Jaber - Psiquiatria E Dependência Química
Cl­nica especializada em dependªncia qu­mica e recupera§£o. Tratamento para diversos tipos de distºrbios mentais tais como depress£o, fobias, transtorno obsessivo compulsivo (TOC), obesidade, anorexia, bulimia, e esquizofrenia.
English A Clínica Jorge Jaber oferece um tratamento personalizado para os mais diversos tipos de diagnósticos de distúrbios mentais tais como: depressão, fobias, transtorno obsessivo compulsivo (TOC), obesidade, anorexia, bulimia, esquizofrenia etc. mais detalhes O tratamento dos distúrbios na utilização de substâncias químicas é feito com três objetivos primordiais: abstinência (desintoxicação), agregação social e reformulação do estilo de vida dos pacientes que usam substâncias químicas (álcool, maconha, cocaína, ectasy e outras drogas) e que levam o indivíduo a apresentar um significativo prejuízo em sua vida. mais detalhes Novo tema no Fórum de Idéias: Participe! Clínica Jorge Jaber, 16/09/2005 Diretor de cinema premiado escreve roteiro com consultoria do Dr. Jorge Jaber Clínica Jorge Jaber, 12/09/2005 Clínica participa do XVII Congresso Brasileiro da ABEAD Clínica Jorge Jaber, 10/09/2005 Ex-paciente escreve livro sobre seu envolvimento com as drogas e cita o Dr. Jorge Jaber Clínica Jorge Jaber, 23/08/2005 Clínica faz palestra para cerca de 300 síndicos na Barra da Tijuca Clínica Jorge Jaber, 21/07/2005

84. Bulimia - Bulimia Nervosa Better Known As Bulimia Is One Of The Eating Disorders
Rader Programs Specializing in the Treatment of all Eating Disorders includingAnorexia, bulimia and Compulsive Overeating. Treatment programs nationwide.
Program Philosophy Company Profile JCAHO Accredited ... Site Map
Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa is a disorder where the main characteristics are binge eating and compensatory behaviors in order to prevent weight gain. Bulimics are caught in the devastating and addictive binge-purge cycle. For individuals suffering from Bulimia Nervosa, the binge can be seen as a reward within itself and a way to cope with daily stresses and feelings. Bulimic binges usually consist of a larger than normal quantity of food, that typically are high in caloric intake. For individuals with Bulimia Nervosa, the binge eating usually occurs in secrecy and rarely in the presence of others. The types of food vary but are often sweet and/or high in fat content. Some binges are planned in advance by the Bulimic, but generally they are impulsive. Triggers for binges in Bulimia Nervosa include dysphoric mood, interpersonal stressors, boredom, prolonged dieting, and body image dissatisfaction. The binge eating in Bulimia Nervosa may temporarily numb the negative feelings, but this state is quickly followed by feelings of failure. The Bulimic is often ashamed of their binges and views the Bulimic behavior as a loss of control and a reason for low self-esteem. This is why it is often hard for Bulimics to come forward and seek help.

85. Welkom Bij Stichting IMET
Behandelinstituut voor eetstoornissen zoals bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, en B.E.D.
Stichting Instituut voor Mentaal- Emotieve Training
Over IMET is een boek verschenen: Titel: 'Ik zal stil naar je luisteren'. Voor meer informatie over dit boek: klik links op 'Boek over de methode IMET'. welkom bij Stichting IMET. Stichting IMET is een gespecialiseerd behandelinstituut voor mensen die lijden aan een vorm van angst-, dwang- of identiteitsproblemen. Bekende vormen daarvan zijn: In principe gaat het om gedragingen die ontstaan zijn uit frustraties en als compensatie gebruikt worden om te overleven. Het team van behandelaars bestaat uit vrijgevestigde therapeuten die op verschillende locaties in het hele land werken. Zie daarvoor de locaties Alle behandelaars zijn professioneel eclectisch therapeut. Voordat een behandelaar met Stichting IMET kan samenwerken, heeft deze een interne opleiding bij IMET voltooid. De werkwijze van Stichting IMET, Instituut voor Mentaal-Emotieve Training , is geïnspireerd door de visie van de Canadese eetstoornisspecialist Peggy Claude-Pierre en aangepast aan de mogelijkheden van ambulante behandeling . In de loop van de tijd zijn de behandelingen uitgebreid naar andere klachten die dezelfde veroorzakers en instandhouders kennen. Stichting IMET onderscheidt zich van praktisch alle andere gespecialiseerde behandelcentra door zowel de oorzaken , als de instandhouders en de symptomen integraal te behandelen. De ervaring heeft geleerd dat dit de grootste kansen biedt op een definitieve oplossing van het behandelde probleem.

86. Eating Disorder Treatment - Anorexia Bulimia And Compulsive Overeating Anorexia
Rader Programs Specializing in the Treatment of all Eating Disorders includingAnorexia, bulimia and Compulsive Overeating. Treatment programs nationwide.
Program Philosophy Company Profile JCAHO Accredited Program Philosophy Company Profile JCAHO Accredited ... Site Map
The treatment staff at Rader Programs has been providing the highest quality eating disorders treatment for over 20 years. It is our mission to help save the lives of those suffering from these devastating disorders. Our staff of caring and experienced professionals, many who are recovering themselves, assist the affected individual and their family in developing a life long program for recovery. We recognize the complexity of eating disorders and understand the emotional, physical, nutritional, exercise, family and social components. Our treatment approach is centered on the special needs of each individual and we provide a nurturing, supportive environment to help individuals achieve recovery.

87. Odchudzanie I Jego Skutki, Czyli Wszystko O Anoreksji, Bulimi I Depresji.
Anoreksja, bulimia, anoreksja bulimiczna.
NPB("009"); var gemius_identifier = new String('p3zlnXN5ibJOkRBBEdDodOVEDoyRwOdsRu1.O2V1cIT.u7'); Anoreksja, bulimia, anoreksja bulimiczna, depresja....czyli O problemach zwi±zanych z odchudzaniem




O braku samoakceptacji, depresji i zaburzeniach odzyiania......;-)) Anoreksja i bulimia to bardzo powazne choroby psychiczne, czesto lacza sie z depreja, ktora nieleczona moze doprowadzic do smierci Mimo iz bardzo duzo mowi sie o nich, wciaz jednak za malo. Chorych wciaz przybywa.
zapraszam do obejrzenia strony, i rowniez na czat na którym mozna pogadac nie tylko ze mna, ale tez z innymi.
Zapraszam do dyskusji wszystkich zainteresowanych tematem. Piszcie, by sie wy¿aliæ, poradziæ i gdy macie jakie¶ ciekawe pomys³y.

88. Eating Disorders Specialist : Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Pica For All Stag
Information from an eating disorder specialist about eating disorders in males.Article discusses the female to male comparisons of characteristics,
Home Articles Papers Book Chapters ... About BULIMIA IN MALES

Also see: Atypical eating disorders in males and Anorexia in males
Bulimia has been reported in male patients (38,42,44,69). Herzog et al. (38) noted an incidence in males of approximately four to five percent of a total population of bulimic patients. Gwirtsman found that ten to 13 percent of male students met DSMIII criteria for bulimia. The mean age of onset ranged fro 21 (38) to 24 (42) years. Duration of illness prior to treatment ranged from six years (42) to 7.4 years (38). This duration is significantly longer than the 4.2 years' duration of illness prior to treatment for bulimic females (38). Approximately two-thirds of bulimic males had a history of being overweight as compared to one-third of bulimic females. Socioeconomic classes were equally distributed in one series (38). Mitchell's (42) study noted that patients were employed, that they were functioning well, and that eleven of twelve were married. The clinical manifestations of male bulimia are comparable to female bulimia. Preoccupation with weight control and associations with the cultural pressures of professional life regarding personal performance (especially in sports, fashion, and musci) have been related to the onset of bulimia in some male patients (44).

89. Centro Per Lo Studio E La Terapia Dei Disturbi Dell'Alimentazione E Del Peso
Centro per lo studio e la terapia dei disturbi dell'alimentazione e del peso, come l'anoressia e la bulimia nervosa, l'obesit  e il B.E.D. (Binge Eating Disorder).
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Il CeSTeDAP Centro per lo studio e la terapia dei Disturbi dell'Alimentazione e del Peso ) si configura come spazio, dove professionisti di varia formazione, con competenza specifica nei DCA disturbi del comportamento alimentare ), collaborano al fine di promuovere l'approfondimento delle conoscenze e la messa a punto di protocolli di cura aggiornati e moderni, che abbiano dato prove di efficacia nella terapia dei disturbi del comportamento alimentare - anoressia nervosa bulimia nervosa , disturbi dell'alimentazione N.A.S. (tra cui il Binge Eating Disorder )- e dell' Il CeSTeDAP Centro per lo studio e la terapia dei Disturbi dell'Alimentazione e del Peso
Le aree di interesse sono quattro:
  • Anoressia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Disturbi dell'Alimentazione
Il CeSTeDAP Centro per lo studio e la terapia dei Disturbi dell'Alimentazione e del Peso Dr.Michele Morelli

90. :: UCPS, Oregon State University
bulimia is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating and purging. bulimia is most likely to affect young women who are of normal weight and

91. NDCA - Núcleo De Doenças Do Comportamento Alimentar
Fornece informa§£o sobre as doen§as do comportamento alimentar como a anorexia, bulimia nervosas, e a obesidade.

92. Assessment And Treatment Of Bulimia Nervosa - June 1998 - American Academy Of Fa
bulimia nervosa is characterized by binge eating and inappropriate bulimianervosa is 10 times more common in females than in males and affects up to 3

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Journals Vol. 57/No. 11 (June, 1998) ... Patient Information
Assessment and Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa
B ulimia nervosa is a psychiatric syndrome with potentially serious consequences. Relatively effective treatments for this disorder have been developed, and early intervention is more likely to facilitate eventual recovery. Unfortunately, few health care professionals receive training in the assessment of bulimia nervosa. Therefore, they may be unable to identify and treat patients with the disorder. Historically, patients with bulimia nervosa often were hospitalized until the most disruptive symptoms ceased. In today's health care environment, hospitalization for bulimia nervosa is infrequent and tends to take the form of brief admissions focused on crisis management. Specialists in the field of eating disorders have responded to the present cost-containment measures by developing a combination of treatment modalities, including medication and individual and group psychotherapy, that can be used in the outpatient care of patients with bulimia nervosa. This article discusses the assessment and treatment of bulimia nervosa and considers how this disorder can best be handled in a managed care environment. Definitions and Etiology Bulimia can occur with binge eating and purging, or with nonpurging behaviors such as fasting or excessive exercise.

93. ALDA - Asociación Civil De Lucha Contra Los Desórdenes Aliminetarios
bulimia, anorexia nerviosa, obesidad infantojuvenil, prevenci³n y tratamiento. Grupos de autoayuda.

94. Impact Of Anorexia, Bulimia And Obesity On The Gynecologic Health Of Adolescents
Approximately one half of adolescents with bulimia nervosa also have hypothalamic Purging type during the current episode of bulimia nervosa,

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AAFP Home Page
Journals Vol. 64/No. 3 (August 1, 2001)
Impact of Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity on the Gynecologic Health of Adolescents
Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center, New York, New York
A PDF version of this document is available. Download PDF now (6 page(s) / 79 KB). More information on using PDF files. See editorial
on page 367.
A dolescence is a time of tremendous growth and development, in which nutrition plays a key role. The adolescent growth spurt accounts for approximately 25 percent of adult height and 50 percent of adult weight. Moreover, girls develop reproductive capacity during this time. Adolescents with disordered eating behaviors, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or obesity, frequently have menstrual abnormalities that reflect their abnormal nutritional intake. In this article, we will address these three common adolescent conditions and describe the pathophysiology and management of the abnormal menstrual patterns that accompany each. Anorexia Nervosa Once described by Hilde Bruch as the "relentless pursuit of thinness,"

95. Altar A Mia
Promueve la bulimia y los des³rdenes alimenticios en general.
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96. Bulimia Nervosa: Description, Criteria, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments And Medicat
, Criteria, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Medications.......bulimia Nervosa

Guia sobre los trastornos alimentarios anorexia, bulimia y alimentaci³n compulsiva. Gu­a para padres y amigos. Gu­a para educadores. Gu­a de tratamientos. Prevenci³n y detecci³n precoz. Foro. Desde Valencia.
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98. Bulimia
bulimia research index site with links for disability users, 1000 s of searchengines and with live java games, chat s, kids internet, irc, jobs, news.
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Bulimia Suffers Diagnostic Criteria for diagnostic Bulimia by the American Psychiatric Association Eating Disorders Bulimia FAQ t on Bulimia. Bulimia Nervosa Research on the cause of Bulimia. Resource Guide for Individuals With Eating Disorders Serotonin and Eating Disorders Information on serotoninergics and how they help with the treatment of bulimia. The GROHOL Mental Health Page - Bulimia Nervosa What is Bulimia Nervosa? A definition of the disorder Bulimia The symptoms and the questions to ask yourself if you think you might have Bulimia. Learning to conquer Bulimia Learning to conquer Bulimia Bulimia Lifetime Womens Wellness MedicineNet - BULIMIA What is Bulimia an statistics on those that suffer from it. Bulimia Details of what bulimia is and the warning signs that can accompany it. Bulimia Characterization of the disorder and behavior patterns. bulimia nervosa Signs and characteristics of the disorder and the physical ailments that accompany it. Bulimia Nervosa Specific drug information and psychosocial treatment details Bulimia Information on alternative treatments.

99. Anorexia And Bulimia Eating Disorders New Therapy Treatment - Ensbay Book
By Dave MacEwan. Explains the counselor's new therapy for the treatment of anorexia and bulimia eating disorders; offers key resources, interactive quiz, and free book.
Author Excerpts Gen Info Resources ... Order This web site provides hope, treatment resources, body mass evaluation, an interactive quiz, and a dynamic new therapy to help anorexia and bulimia eating disorders sufferers, their supporters, and therapists establish a complete recovery. Currently, our Trilogy (3 books in 1) explaining this therapy is selling for only $5.00 , including free shipping and handling To further demonstrate our committment, we are now offering a totally free book to those unable to afford the cost.
The Spark of Life Trilogy may help save a loved one's life, or at the least, provide supporters a comforting calm by explaining all aspects of an effective new treatment for anorexia and bulimia sufferers. The author is a licensed counselor who successfully guided his soul mate toward a permanent spark of life through the pervasive dreary darkness of her severely incapacitating eating disorders. Read the amazing real life stories of how he helped his mate overcome the baffling bleakness of bulimia (book 1) over a few years and the absolute agony of severe anorexia (book 2) in a mere half year using his very own therapy (book 3). The third book provides an easily understood methodical explanation of how this dynamic new therapy was applied in the first book on bulimia and in the second on severe anorexia. The Trilogy is not a "war story" glorifying the horrors of eating disorders sufferers, but it is more a practical solution filled guide of what exactly should be done by those sufferers, their supporters, and therapists to effect the most affordable and longest lasting recovery possible. Amidst his prolonged assistance, the author was able to discover the

100. Hospital Practice: Eating Disorders: 2. Bulimia Nervosa
As many as one of every five collegeaged women has bulimia nervosa. Some ofthe behaviors and attitudes that characterize bulimia nervosa are extreme
Eating Disorders: 2. Bulimia Nervosa
Stamford Hospital/Columbia University
Dr. Gordon is Assistant Director, Family Practice Residency Program, Stamford Hospital/Columbia University, Stamford, Conn. As many as one of every five college-aged women has bulimia nervosa. Estimates of incidence in the general population range from 2% to 5%, and 10% of those affected are thought to be men. Some patients with bulimia are overweight, others are underweight, and still others are of normal weight. Further confounding the diagnosis is the sense of shame and secretiveness that often accompanies binge eating and purging. Hence, physicians must be on the lookout for clues to the condition. Some of the behaviors and attitudes that characterize bulimia nervosa are extreme manifestations of concerns common to many persons, especially those in Western cultures. Bulimic patients are preoccupied with their body weight, yet they engage in uncontrolled eating, and then must purge to compensate. In fact, bulimia may begin as an attempt at so-called normal dieting, but the person then is unable to stop the binge-purge cycles.
The diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV)

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