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61. U.S. Government News / Press Release Gateway - FCIC National Contact Center Office of Management and budget Office of the us Trade Representative (links to federal Courts of Appeal and District Courts maintained by Villanova http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/call/pressreleases.htm | |
62. Bounds Law Library -- Research Links -- U.S. Federal Law Pages dedicated to federal law and us government research generally Office of Management and budget budget of the United States Government (Search, http://www.library.law.ua.edu/links/fed.htm | |
63. OMB Watch - Federal Budget - Budget - US Borrowing At Record Rates Please take a moment to give us feedback on our web site. OMB Watch Logo. Demanding a federal budget that is fair, responsible, and meets our nation s http://www.ombwatch.org/article/blogs/entry/48/2 | |
64. US Trade And Budget Deficits, And The Fall Of The Dollar - Social And Economic P In his testimony before the us Senate budget Committee, federal Reserve budget projections estimate that under current us policies, federal debt will http://www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/crisis/indexbub.htm | |
65. Public Priorities In The Allocation Of The US Federal Budget of the us federal budget. Comment by Jeffrey Laurenti, Executive Director of Policy Studies, UNAusA. Some fascinating data was just released by the http://www.globalpolicy.org/finance/tables/usspend.htm | |
66. Summary Of Document (TruthAndPolitics.org) Document Summary. Bibliographic information. budget Explorer The Complete us federal budget, Kowal Design. Major Topics. data federal budget http://www.truthandpolitics.org/html_gen.php?entryId=32 |
67. Almost Unnoticed, Bipartisan Budget Anxiety Walker put us debt and obligations at $45 trillion in current dollars the budget in 2040, he said, could require cutting total federal spending as much http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/17/AR2005051701238. | |
68. The Budget Arithmetic Test: Repairing Federal Fiscal Policy Policies that cannot succeed at putting the us budget in orderfor example us General Accounting Office. 1996. federal Debt Answers to Frequently Asked http://www.epinet.org/content.cfm/bp153 | |
69. Federal Budget - Nader For President 2004 - Www.votenader.org Help us wind down our campaign debt today! New video! The United States needs a redirected federal budget that adequately funds the crucial priorities http://www.votenader.org/issues/index.php?cid=14 |
70. Office Of Science And Technology Policy -- Research And Development Funding In T FY 2006 federal R D budget Fact Sheet; FY 2006 R D Charts and Tables 2006 budget Priority Memo us federal budget 2006 R D Chapter 2006. http://www.ostp.gov/html/budget06.html | |
71. Grants And Financial Management For State And Local Employees On FirstGov.gov Accounting, budget and Finance; Acquisition and Procurement; federal Assistance Programs FirstGov.gov TM is the us government s official web portal http://www.firstgov.gov/Government/State_Local/Grants.shtml | |
72. TheOrator Network© - Links To U.S. Federal Government Branch Websites, Web Site Office of the budget National Park Service (ParkNet) us Fish Wildlife Service us Courts of Appeal (federal Court Finder) First Circuit http://www.theorator.com/government/govlinks.html | |
73. Cutting The Federal Budget To Prevent U.S. Bankruptcy, Part I: Why It Needs To B Cutting the federal budget To Prevent us Bankruptcy, Part I With the federal budget deficit now estimated to exceed the $500 billion level and not http://www.lewrockwell.com/grichar/grichar35.html | |
74. Cutting The Federal Budget To Prevent U.S. Bankruptcy, Part II: Cutting The Defe Cutting the federal budget To Prevent us Bankruptcy, Part II Cutting the Defense budget. by Jim Grichar (aka ExxGman) by Jim Grichar http://www.lewrockwell.com/grichar/grichar36.html | |
75. As I Please: "...The U.S. Federal Budget Is Out Of Control." The us federal budget Is Out of Control. This is what happens when you let Republicans govern without adult supervision http://www.spicejar.org/asiplease/archives/000161.html | |
76. Borland | US Federal Government Customer Information Office of Management and budget (OMB) 300s Capital investments in information technology must us Postal Service; federal Deposit Insurance Corporation http://www.borland.com/us/customers/federal.html | |
77. CW Resource Projected Pressures on the us federal budget 20002075 Similarly, the annual us federal budget is the realization of the country s actual fiscal policy. http://myphlip.pearsoncmg.com/cw/mpviewie.cfm?vieid=1056&vbcid=5498 |
78. NewsFromRussia.Com US Federal Budget Deficit us federal budget deficit Even if the United States saved billions of dollars by withdrawing all troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, President George W. Bush http://newsfromrussia.com/world/2004/09/09/55975.html | |
79. Powell's Books - Red Ink: The Budget, Deficit, And Debt Of The U.S. Government B Discussions and conversations about the us federal budget are commonplace, Contains a practical nuts and bolts approach to the us federal budget http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=62-0122440803-3 |
80. AlterNet: Immorality Of The Bush Budget OpEd A values audit of the president s 2006 federal budget reveals a document that is They tell us what is most valued to those making the budget. http://www.alternet.org/story/21426/ | |
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