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41. U.S. Senate: Reference Home > Virtual Reference Desk > Budget The budget contains estimates of federal government income and spending for the upcoming fiscal year and also recommends funding levels for the federal http://www.senate.gov/reference/reference_index_subjects/Budget_vrd.htm | |
42. United States Senate Budget Committee Balance, us Senate budget Committee Hearing Health IT The federal Role budget Implications Chairman Gregg s opening statement http://www.senate.gov/~budget/republican/ | |
43. Bloomberg.com: U.S. us budget Deficit May Drop to $325 Bln This Year, Agency Says the nonpartisan Congressional budget Office said federal tax collections from people and http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=aWHbMYS3rEvY&refer=us |
44. XML Budget Items, U.S. Federal Government, FY 2004 Excerpted from http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2004/sheets/itspending.xls on June 5, 2003 (Figures in Millions) http://xml.gov/documents/completed/xmlitbudget04.htm | |
45. FuturePundit: US Federal Medical Research Budget To Lag Behind Inflation The us federal budget is running a large deficit. Cuts have to be made. But medical research is a pennywise pound-foolish place to cut spending. http://www.futurepundit.com/archives/002614.html | |
46. FRB: Testimony, Greenspan--Budget Process Reforms--April 21, 2005 The federal Reserve Board eagle logo links to home page. Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan budget process reforms Before the budget Committee, us Senate http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/testimony/2005/20050421/default.htm | |
47. FRB: Testimony Of Federal Reserve Officials, Release Dates For 2005 The federal Reserve Board eagle logo links to home page Skip to content Before the Committee on the budget, us House of Representatives http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/testimony/2005/ | |
48. "Cluster" The U.S. Federal Budget Cluster the us federal budget. Vivisimo has a new specialty interface online today that allows you search/cluster the us FY 2005 budget which runs over http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/blog/041210-163619 | |
49. Federal Government Resources On The Web/Executive Branch us State and Local Government Gateway. Annotated subject list of federal web sites Links to the federal budget; Text of selected circulars, bulletins, http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/fedexec.html | |
50. Operating Administrations, U.S. DOT, FY 2005 Budget In Brief us Department of Transportation 2005 budget in Brief. federal Aviation Administration (FAA) federal Highway Administration (FHWA) http://www.dot.gov/bib2005/admins.html | |
51. TABLES, U.S. DOT, FY 2005 Budget In Brief us Department of Transportation 2005 budget in Brief. budgetary Resources and $64 million for federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in FY 2004. http://www.dot.gov/bib2005/tables.html | |
52. The Allocation Of The US Federal Budget To The States: Evidence On The Power Of Downloadable ! Author(s) Valentino Larcinese Leonzio Rizzo Cecilia Testa. 2004 Abstract This paper provides new evidence on the determinants of the http://ideas.repec.org/p/hol/holodi/0425.html | |
53. Testing Intertemporal Budget Constraints: Theory And Applications To U.S. Federa using these tests, the authors find that both the postwar federal budget deficit and Applications to us federal budget and Current Account Deficits http://ideas.repec.org/a/mcb/jmoncb/v23y1991i2p206-23.html | |
54. Budget Plan, Annex 5 (Budget 2001) On the basis of comparable budgetbased data, the Canadian federal government a surplus in 1996-97, one year earlier than the us federal government. http://www.fin.gc.ca/budget01/bp/bpan5e.htm | |
55. Budget Plan, Annex 4 (Budget 2003) As a result, us federal financial balance and market debt figures reflect (rather than the budgetary balance) and the us federal unified budget balance. http://www.fin.gc.ca/budget03/bp/bpa4e.htm | |
56. US Federal Budget Report: Agency IT Spending Plans For FY2003 - Research And Mar Content includes Overview and Spending Forecast - Civilian Agency budget Charts - DoD Agency budget Charts FSI s Analysis is based on - President s http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reportinfo.asp?cat_id=79&report_id=214&p=1 |
57. U.S. Federal Budget Update us federal budget Update. On February 3, with the FY 2003 budgets for the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, and other agencies yet to http://www.siam.org/siamnews/03-03/budget.htm | |
58. Sustained Budget Deficits: Longer-Run U.S. Economic Performance And The Risk Of The us federal budget is on an unsustainable path. In the absence of significant policy changes, federal government deficits are expected to total around $5 http://www.brookings.edu/views/papers/orszag/20040105.htm | |
59. The U. S. Tax Code's Impact On Revenue Projections And The Federal Budget Testimony by William G. Gale, House Committee on the budget (7/22/04) http://www.brookings.edu/views/testimony/gale/20040722.htm | |
60. Eliminating The U.S. Federal Budget Deficit By 1993 - The Interaction Of Monetar Economics Department Working Paper 59 by R. Herd and B. Ballis. This paper uses the OECD s economic model, INTERLINK, to examine the consequences of http://www.oecd.org/LongAbstract/0,2546,en_33873108_33873886_2002152_1_1_1_37427 | |
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