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Home - Basic_B - British Literature Shakespeare |
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61. Program Description-British Literature Emphasis NineteenthCentury british literature. Anne Gossage. shakespeare. Sandra Hill.Technical Writing; Nineteenth-Century british literature. Susan Kroeg http://www.english.eku.edu/gradprog/britlit.php | |
62. Undergraduate Course Catalog Survey of british literature I. 3 hrs. Surveys major british literature from Survey of shakespeare. 3 hrs. Studies a selected group of shakespeareÂs http://www.usm.edu/english/ug_catalog.htm | |
63. Bachelor Degree In English ENGL 240 Survey Later English literature (4). A shakespeare Course Complete oneof the following courses 4 ENGL 448 Periods in british literature (4) http://www.sonoma.edu/english/ba.html | |
64. Page Not Found Literary Theory, 19th and 20th-Century british literature Renaissance literature,shakespeare. P. Jane Hafen, Associate Professor, University of Nevada http://liberalarts.unlv.edu/English/engfac.html | |
65. Department Of English | Yale University Drama, American and british; AfricanAmerican; shakespeare; dramatic theory andcriticism; 16th and 17th-century british literature and culture; http://www.yale.edu/english/facultyfields.htm | |
66. FSU ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY SPECIALTIES Hunt Hawkins, Modern british literature, postcolonial literature James O Rourke,british Romanticism, shakespeare, poststructuralist theory http://english.fsu.edu/faculty/facspecialties.htm | |
67. URI English Dept. Faculty Page shakespeare, Middle Ages, Contemporary british literature. Cappello, Mary,Ph.D., SUNY Buffalo, 1988 Professor, mcapp@uri.edu http://www.uri.edu/artsci/eng/faculty.html | |
68. Bloomsburg University (pre1660 topic) 20.347 Studies in british literature (pre-1660 topic)20.363 shakespeare One elective in post-1660 british literature from http://www.bloomu.edu/prospective/catalog/lib/eng_ba.php | |
69. Faculty & Staff: U. Of U. English Dept. vincent.cheng@English.utah.edu 20thcentury literature, british literature, mark.matheson@English.utah.edu shakespeare, Renaissance literature http://www.english.utah.edu/faculty/ | |
70. NAU English Department - MA In Literature a specialist in shakespeare and seventeenthcentury british literature, Nineteenth- and twentieth-century british literature, women s writing, http://www.nau.edu/english/literature/faculty.html | |
71. Publishing And Nonprofit Literary Arts Sequence A course in contemporary british literature is strongly recommended for ENG 329 Selected Figures in british literature; ENG 378 shakespeare on Stage http://www.english.ilstu.edu/undergraduate/major_publishing.htm | |
72. Lehigh University - CAS: English Faculty 19th century british literature, 20th century british and American literature, Tudor Stuart literature, shakespeare, literature about medicine http://www3.lehigh.edu/arts-sciences/casenglishfaculty.asp | |
73. Top20BritishLiterature.com - Online Directory For British Literature. Top 20 british literature, Top 20 Sites, Top 20 british literature literatureOnline Booker Prize English Server shakespeare VictorianWeb http://britishliterature.top20education.com/ | |
74. UNL Department Of English Graduate Program Course Title, british literature 9 hours, literature before 1800 shakespeare,230A*, 230A*. English Authors after 1800, 231. The Brontes, 231A http://www.unl.edu/english/undergrad/pre1999.html | |
75. General Humanities Courses - English & British Literature ENGL 301 shakespeare Early Period ENGL 302 shakespeare Later Period ENGL 304Chaucer ENGL 325 Modern british literature ENGL 327 british Novel I http://www.cofc.edu/~oncourse/humanity.htm | |
76. Selected Courses Renaissance Epic; Spenser and shakespeare; shakespeare and Skepticism british literature Department of English University of Chicago GatesBlake 324 http://english.uchicago.edu/graduate/british/courses.htm | |
77. GSU Department Of English | Faculty Directory NineteenthCentury british literature and Jewish Studies Renaissance literatureand shakespeare engjeh@langate.gsu.edu Dr. Mary Hocks http://english.gsu.edu/people/faculty.html | |
78. KU Academics shakespeare, Milton, Renaissance drama Marjorie Swann 17thcentury English literature, 19th-century british literature, American Indian literature http://www.ku.edu/~english/faculty_research.htm | |
79. CSUS English Department (3 units) English 40A Introduction to british literature I (3 units) English 40BIntroduction to (3 units) English 145B shakespeare Early Plays OR http://www.csus.edu/engl/major.htm | |
80. English Department - Notre Dame College Three courses in british, American, or world literature. Back To Top EN 460 literature of Continental Europe EN 461 shakespeare s Comedies http://www.notredamecollege.edu/academics/english/ | |
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