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161. Vermont Breeding Bird Atlas breeding Bird Atlases are used throughout the world to document and map the The first Vermont breeding Bird Atlas, based on data collected by over 200 http://www.uvm.edu/~vbba/ | |
162. Free BBA List Software For Breeding Bird Atlas/Survey Free fully functional BBA List software from Flying Emu Software provides breeding bird atlas/survey data recording and display by point and click on a map. http://www.flyingemu.com/bbalist.html | |
163. Kansas Breeding Bird Atlas The University Press of Kansas publishes scholarly and regional books that contribute to the understanding of Kansas, the Great Plains, and the Midwest. http://www.kansaspress.ku.edu/buskan.html | |
164. Oklahoma Breeding Bird Atlas Avian Research Center conducted a breeding Bird Atlas Project in Oklahoma. The field work for the Oklahoma breeding Bird Atlas began in Spring of 1997, http://www.suttoncenter.org/obra.html | |
165. Ohio Breeding Bird Atlas Learn about Ohio s 125 nature preserves and 15 scenic rivers as well as the hundreds of rare species in these special places. http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/dnap/OhioBirding/BreedingBirdAtlas/BreedingBirdAtlas. | |
166. Research This statewide survey of breeding bird distribution began with a year of Summer surveys traditionally include breeding Bird Surveys and the MAPS program http://www.naturecenter.org/research/research.htm | |
167. Iceland-Birds Around 70 species of bird breed in Iceland, but as many as 300 have been recorded as Some birds overwinter in Iceland returning to the Arctic to breed, http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/johnfirth/icel4.html | |
168. Michigan Breeding Bird Atlas Information about the Michigan breeding Bird Atlas. http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10370_35523---,00.html | |
169. Breeding Bird Atlas II Will Document Changes In Michigan's Bird Populations The purpose of this sixyear project is to determine and map the current distribution and abundance of each bird species that nests in Michigan. http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10369-123516--,00.html | |
170. University Of Iowa Press - Browse The Iowa breeding Bird Atlas establishes baseline data for Iowa s avian ÂIowa now joins the growing number of states with a breeding bird atlas in print http://www.uiowa.edu/uiowapress/jaciowbir.htm | |
171. Buteo Books: Bird Books, Ornithology Texts, Birding Gear - Breeding Bird Atlases Buteo Books specializes in Ornithology books, from birdwatching your backyard to textbooks for the serious ornithologist. When you need help finding books http://www.buteobooks.com/breeding.html | |
172. UMass Amherst: University Of Massachusetts Press Book Jacket Massachusetts breeding Bird Atlas edited by Petersen and It s also without a doubt the most brilliantly illustrated breeding bird atlas http://www.umass.edu/umpress/fall_03/petersen_meservey.html | |
173. Jukka Forsman. Heterospecific Attraction In Breeding Bird Communities. ISBN 951- Jukka Forsman. Heterospecific attraction in breeding bird communities. http://herkules.oulu.fi/isbn9514256263/ | |
174. Windsor/Essex Region Of Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas Project - 2001 Windsor Region of the Ontario breeding Bird Atlas Project, 2001 to 2005. Coordinated by the Ojibway Nature Centre. http://www.ojibway.ca/atlas.htm |
175. ADU: ATLAS Publication This approach is unique to The Atlas of Southern African birds. For species which breed in the atlas region, there is also a dotted line for each Zone http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/stats/adu/p_atlas.htm | |
176. Breeding Bird Surveys The ESER Program conducts, manages and coordinates ecological and environmental research, offsite environmental surveillance, and environmental education http://www.stoller-eser.com/BBS1.htm | |
177. Breeding Bird Survey 2003 The ESER Program conducts, manages and coordinates ecological and environmental research, offsite environmental surveillance, and environmental education http://www.stoller-eser.com/BBS2003.htm | |
178. Radio Archive: Breeding Bird Surveys The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, conserves wildlife and wilderness in northeast Alaska for present and http://www.mapcruzin.com/arctic_refuge/bbirdsra.html | |
179. PSIE Research Project 2nd Pennsylvania Breeding Bird Atlas Project Title, 2nd Pennsylvania breeding Bird Atlas Planning, 20022003 Design Phase. Investigator(s), Robert P. Brooks http://www.environment.psu.edu/research/project_details/85TC/ |
180. Alabama Ornithological Society To learn more about the breeding bird atlas (bba) project, read this article. The first breeding bird to look (or listen) for in 2005 breeding season is http://www.bham.net/aos/bba/ | |
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