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Breeding Birds: more books (100) | |||
141. Fact Sheet: Penguins Describes the physical traits, breeding, behavior, and natural predators of these flightless sea birds. Also explains the differences between the individual species. http://www.asoc.org/general/penguin.htm | |
142. Flying Oriental Roller Society, Dedicated To The Preservation Of The Oriental Ro Includes articles on training, breeding, and flying the birds. http://www.wod.com/fors/ | |
143. A Few Good Birds Home Page A small aviary dedicated to the responsible breeding and conservation of amazons, bluemasked lovebirds, caiques, grand eclectus, senegals, and timneh greys. http://www.afewgoodbirds.com/ | |
144. Quaker House Quail, Raptor,Table & Breeding Quail Information about the West Rounton company breeding Quail for supply to restaurants, and as food for birds of prey. Includes company background, prices and details of corporate days out. http://www.quakerhousequail.co.uk/ | |
145. Welcome To Beak N Wings, Inc Educational pet bird club, to furnish and exchange knowledge about and to promote humane breeding and or raising of pet birds, and to introduce the general public to the field of aviculture. http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Park/5357/Beak_nWings.html | |
146. Maryland-DC Breeding Bird Atlas Project acquisition, interpretation and application of authentic data from the breeding Bird Survey, MD/DC breeding Bird Atlas and Classroom FeederWatch http://bird.washcoll.edu/birds.html | |
147. Birds In Forested Landscapes accurately determine a birdÂs breeding status with some measure of certainty. breeding Bird Atlas terms have been developed for many breeding behaviors http://birds.cornell.edu/bfl/surveyinstr1.html | |
148. Arizona Avian Breeders Association Advancing the knowledge, care, and breeding of birds with articles. http://www.AZAvianBreeders.org | |
149. Birds Eye View USA breeding facility specializing in supplying baby birds to pet stores, other breeders and experienced bird handlers. Offers general information on baby birds and breeders for sale. http://www.birdseyeviewusa.com/ | |
150. CDP Aviary - Specializing In Normal Green, Blue, Split To Blue, And Cinnamon Qua Information about breeding, along with pictures of their birds, and available birds. http://www.geocities.com/gbquakers/cdp.html | |
151. Tiel Talk - Cockatiel Chat By Birds N Ways - Pet Cockatiels, Chats, NCS, Bulleti Message board devoted to the care and breeding of cockatiels, small parrots and exotic birds. http://www.birdsnways2.com/chats/ncs/ | |
152. Impeckable Aviaries Home Page breeding and sales of macaws, cockatoos, parrots, and other psittacine birds in Johnson City, Texas. Includes bird information and prices and availablity. http://home1.gte.net/impekabl/impekabl.htm | |
153. Breeding Bird Survey Summary And Analysis, Version 2003.0 The North American breeding Bird Survey, Results and Analysis 1966 2004. Version 2005.2. USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/bbs/bbs.html | |
154. South Carolina Department Of Natural Resources Detailed maps showing the distribution of every species of breeding bird in the state found during the survey, conducted 19881995. http://www.dnr.state.sc.us/wild/bbatlas/bba.html | |
155. Breeding Bird Atlas - Florida Division Of Wildlife Florida s breeding Bird Atlas. Home Search Contact Us. Acknowledgments. The Florida breeding Bird Atlas (BBA) project could not have been accomplished http://myfwc.com/bba/acknowledgments.asp | |
156. Illinois Breeding Bird Atlas- Species Distribution Maps WHAT IS THE ILLINOIS breeding BIRD ATLAS (IBBA) PROJECT? The IBBA Project was conducted to document the current status and distribution of the species of http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/chf/pub/ifwis/maps/ | |
158. SDNHM Bird Atlas Breeding Bird Species Accounts breeding Bird Species Accounts from the San Diego Bird Atlas Project. http://www.sdnhm.org/research/birdatlas/species-accounts.html | |
159. Great Basin Bird Observatory - Nevada Breeding Bird Atlas The Nevada breeding Bird Atlas is the first statewide inventory of Nevada s Our approach in Nevada was different from most other breeding bird atlases. http://www.gbbo.org/nbba.htm | |
160. BBS - USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center The North American breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is a largescale, long-term monitoring program designed to track the status and trends of North American bird http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/bbs/ | |
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