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121. New Test For Breast Cancer Shows Early Promise CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/conditions/04/27/breast.cancer.test.ap/index.html |
122. Sloan-Kettering - Breast Cancer Every adult is at risk for breast cancer. One in nine women who live to the ageof 90 will be treated for breast cancer at some time in her life, http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/293.cfm | |
123. Breast Cancer This is the breast cancer section of Cancer News on the Net® http://www.cancernews.com/breast.htm | |
124. Bangkok Breast Cancer Support Group Offers support and encouragement with objectives explained and mission stated. http://www.bangkokbreastcancer.com/ | |
125. Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization We are undertaking a survey targeting myeloma and breast cancer The US PostOffice is selling a stamp that benefits breast cancer research. http://www.yme.org/ | |
126. Breast Cancer Studies No Benefit To High-dose Chemo CNN http://cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/conditions/07/03/breast.cancer.ap/index.html |
127. NCCN Patient Guidelines breast cancer Treatment Guidelines for Patients  Version VI, September 2004.Click here to begin, American Cancer Society http://www.nccn.org/patients/patient_gls/_english/_breast/contents.asp | |
128. The Weekend To End Breast Cancer An annual fundraising event held in major cities featuring a walka-thon tohonour lives lost, celebrate survivors, and help bring breast cancer care to http://www.endcancer.ca/ |
129. Gene Test Predicts Breast Cancer Survival CNN http://cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/conditions/12/18/breast.cancer.predictor.ap/index.htm |
130. Breast Cancer Network Australia 2004 We are a network of breast cancer consumer groups and individuals across thecountry. We link those Australians who have been personally affected by breast http://www.bcna.org.au/ | |
131. Breast Cancer Week - Comprehensive Source For Breast Cancer Online newsletter. Subscription charge. http://www.breastcancerweek.org/ | |
132. American Breast Cancer Foundation The American breast cancer Foundation is a registered 501 (c) 3 non profitorganization. Our mission is to provide a fighting chance to every life http://www.abcf.org/ | |
133. Mid-Kansas Affiliate Of The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Local activities including a Race for the Cure, funding, grants, and breast cancer information. http://www.midkskomen.com/ | |
134. Redirect To Home Page Grassroots organization using education, advocacy and outreach to support affectedwomen and their families. http://www.pabreastcancer.org/ |
135. Breast Cancer Support Groups And Organizations Information on breast cancer support groups. http://www.cancernews.com/bcs.htm | |
136. National Action Plan On Breast Cancer State and Federal Resources for breast cancer Incidence and Mortality Data Includes links to dozens of breast cancerrelated sites and organizations, http://www.4woman.gov/napbc/ | |
137. Bay Area Breast Cancer Network: Education, Support, Advocacy. Information about services. Located in San Jose, California. http://www.babcn.org | |
138. California Breast Cancer Research Program (CBCRP) Responsible for administering funding to eliminate breast cancer by leadinginnovation in research, communication, and collaboration in the California http://www.cbcrp.org/ | |
139. Hardin MD : Womens Health & Gynecology (ObGyn) From the University of Iowa, the lists of Internet sources in women's health (including pregnancy, childbirth, breast cancer, and midwifery), obstetrics and gynecology. http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/obgyn.html | |
140. Breast Cancer Retreats-Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation, Inc. breast cancer Recovery Foundation sponsors Infinite Boundaries retreats for breastcancer survivors. http://www.bcrf.org/ | |
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