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81. CNN.com - Californians Seek Cause For High Breast Cancer Rates - Nov. 1, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/conditions/11/01/cancer.cluster/index.html | |
82. Breast Cancer Support, Information & Advocacy BCANS has a very active community of breast cancer survivors. Our web site hasbeen providing online support for thousands of men and women whose lives have http://bca.ns.ca/ | |
83. GABG - German Adjuvant Breast Cancer Group Die GABG ist eine Studiengruppe zur Verbesserung der Prim¤rbehandlung des Mammakarzinoms mit dem Ziel der weiteren Verbesserung bisheriger Therapiem¶glichkeiten und die Reduktion der operativen, systemischen und radiologischen Radikalit¤t, sowie die Verbesserung der Lebensqualit¤t. http://www.gabg.de/ | |
84. Breast Cancer Prevention What Are the Risk Factors for breast cancer? Calculate Your breast cancer Risk (forwomen 3584) What is a Clinical Trial? http://breastcancerprevention.com/ | |
85. .::Pro Cancer Research Fund::. PCRF aims to raise awareness for prostate and breast cancer, and to support a novel line of research on treatment. Located in London. http://www.procanresfun.org | |
86. Mindy Machanic's Change Pages: Embracing Change (Health) Articles on healthy foods, cancer and breast cancer. Includes comprehensive links to additional resources for health and wellness. http://www.mindymac.com/Health.html | |
87. Avon Breast Cancer Crusade - Homepage The Avon Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity. Our IRS taxexemptnumber is 13-6128447. http://www.avoncompany.com/women/avoncrusade/ | |
88. CNN - FDA Panel Approves Potentially Powerful Breast Cancer Drug - September 2, CNN http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9809/02/breast.cancer.drug.02/index.html | |
89. Patient Resources Breast Cancer Risk of breast cancer with HRT May Be Lower than We Think Improved BreastCancer Survival Rates Linked to Smaller Tumors http://www.pslgroup.com/BREASTCANCER.HTM |
90. CNN.com - Latina Pop Star Brings Cultural Awareness To Breast Cancer - Oct. 3, 2 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/10/03/hln.bio.soraya/index.html | |
91. Scientists Pinpoint Early Signs Of Breast Cancer CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/02/01/bc.health.cancer.reut/index.html |
92. Breast Cancer The incidence rate for breast cancer rose 24% in the US between 1973 and 1991, These statistics indicate that screening for breast cancer, http://www-medlib.med.utah.edu/WebPath/TUTORIAL/BREAST/BREAST.html | |
93. Tamoxifen Information about the use of the drug tamoxifen (Novadex) for the treatment and possible prevention of breast cancer. It has potential lethal sideeffects. http://www.innerself.com/Health/tamoxifen.htm | |
94. Inflammatory Breast Cancer Support Group And Mailing List Symptoms, clinical trial links, patient stories, mailing list with archives, andother resources for patients and those who care about them. http://www.ibcsupport.org/ | |
95. Breast Cancer Information Centre : CancerBACUP Information on cancer of the breast. Types of breast cancer. Inflammatory breastcancer Paget s disease breast cancer in men. DCIS / LCIS http://www.cancerbacup.org.uk/Cancertype/Breast | |
96. Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition The Official Website of the Massachusetts breast cancer Coalition. http://www.mbcc.org/ | |
97. Index How to hold a Bunco fundraiser to help the fight against breast cancer. Roll the dice for a good cause. http://www.buncoforbreastcancer.org/ | |
98. NSW Breast Cancer Institute Home Page BreastNet the web site of the NSW breast cancer Institute, Australia.Information for doctors and patients including patient information guides, http://www.bci.org.au/ | |
99. Www.patientcenters.com -- Welcome To Patient-Centered Guides Breast Cancer Cente This breast cancer resource center has been created especially for those withmetastatic breast cancerindividuals who have been initially diagnosed with http://www.patientcenters.com/breastcancer/ | |
100. FDA Clears New Breast Cancer Radiation Device CNN http://cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/conditions/05/06/breast.radiation.ap/index.html |
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