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81. Brazil - Brasil - BRAZZIL - News From Brazil - Indians Invade Land Englishlanguage magazine dealing with brazilian politics, economy, Invaders ofthe Cachoeira Seca indigenous land, where the Arara people live in http://www.brazzil.com/2004/html/articles/jul04/p112jul04.htm | |
82. Scoop: Time To Make Indigenous Peoples Rights A Reality In Brazil some indigenous peoples, such as the Macuxi in Raposa Serra do Sol inthe state of Roraima, have had their ancestral land rights recognised by the http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO0508/S00114.htm | |
83. The AMAZON BASIN, BIO-DIVERSITY, DEVELOPMENT, INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, MARLUI MIRANDA indigenous peoples of Brazil http//www.socioambiental.org/website/povind Indians of Brazil or indigenous People in Brazil? http://www.dartmouth.edu/~brazil/amazon/ | |
84. BBC News | FORUM | Brazil At 500 She has written several books on Brazil, including one on indigenous peoples . As most AfroBrazilians and indigenous people are amongst the poorer http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/talking_point/forum/newsid_718000/718314.stm | |
85. Petition - Statute Of The Indigenous Peoples Currently the rights of the indigenous peoples in Brazil are determined by Law6001/1973. This law from 1973 does not suit the current situation and http://www.amazonlink.org/amazon/indigenous_cultures/estatuto.html | |
86. 02-11-21 indigenous peoples in Brazil and Guyana A View from the Frontlines A paneldiscussion on the rights of indigenous peoples in Brazil and Guyana. http://web.gc.cuny.edu/dept/bildn/bildner/events/2002Events/02-11-21.htm | |
87. 05_31 indigenous peoples in Brazil and Guyana A View from the Frontlines Thursday,November 21 at 600 PM Room C204/C205. A panel discussion on the rights of http://web.gc.cuny.edu/dept/bildn/bildner/brazil/seminars/2002/11_21.htm | |
88. Environment News Service ENS Latest Environmental Information Education Current brazilian indigenous Lands Case Filed by Female Legal Star Eighty indigenoushomes have been destroyed, and 71 people were illegally arrested. http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/mar2004/2004-03-29-01.asp | |
89. RETANET | Urbanization In The Amazon Basin: Can Indigenous People Survive? The indigenous peoples of Brazil. Hearing before the Subcommittee on the WesternHemisphere Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. http://retanet.unm.edu/article.pl?sid=03/05/18/1911811 |
90. Human Organization: Who Are Brazil's Indigenas? Contributions Of Census Data Ana More recent appraisals suggest that Brazil s indigenous population has not data to study indigenous peoples. Brazil is a useful case for three reasons. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3800/is_200010/ai_n8910808 | |
91. UK Indymedia | Indigenous People Occupy Their Lands In Brazil indigenous People occupy their lands in Brazil. put together by Kim 19.05.2005 Hereby more photographs from the action of the indigenous peoples that http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/london/2005/05/311474.html | |
92. CERD Concluding Observations: BRAZIL Meeting, 1641. State, BRAZIL, Huridocs Code, 6420 The Committee takes notethat a new Statute of indigenous peoples (Estatuto da Sociedades Indigenas) http://sim.law.uu.nl/SIM/CaseLaw/uncom.nsf/0/55934f212eb15f08c1256e6e002bdad5?Op |
93. Indigenous March 2000 Indigeous people gather in Acre/Brazil to initiate the indigenous March 2000 .indigenous March 2000. Representatives of the indigenous peoples of Acre and http://www.1worldcommunication.org/indigenousmarch2000.htm | |
94. Brazilink - Brazil Indigenous People News Brazil s indigenous people plan monthlong protest, World Peace Herald (UPI), 1 Apr; Brazil Authorities Must Guarantee Rights of indigenous People, http://www.brazilink.org/brazilindigenousnews.asp | |
95. Brazil: Settlers Kidnap Missionaries And Attack Indigenous People Amnesty International UK is the UK section of the international human rightsmembership organisation, Amnesty International. http://www.amnesty.org.uk/news/press/15092.shtml | |
96. Brazil - BRAZZIL - The Good Indian And Other Jungle Myths Either the indigenous people integrate into the civilization that surrounds there are today 325 thousand indigenous people in Brazil, that hold 11% of http://www.brazzillog.com/pages/p23mar99.htm | |
97. BIOD: Brazil's Land Decree's Toll About 250000 indigenous people live in Brazil, representing 215 ethnic groups Article 231 of Brazil s constitution guarantees indigenous people control http://ces.iisc.ernet.in/hpg/envis/brazidoc62.html | |
98. RIGHTS-BRAZIL: No End To Violence Against Indigenous People Brazil s indigenous people now have 480 reserves that have either been formallydemarcated or are at some stage of the process. These areas cover 11 percent http://ipsnews.net/interna.asp?idnews=28093 |
99. NTM - Planting Tribal Churches : Brazil - COUNTRY INFORMATION Sixty percent of Brazil s indigenous people live in the Amazon region. Right now,there are numerous groups in which God s work waits to go forward. http://www.ntm.org/brazil/country_info.php | |
100. Forefront | BRAZIL: Joênia Batista De Carvalho Context. More than half of BrazilÂs indigenous people live in poverty. Most stilldepend on the land for their subsistence, but farming, logging, http://www.forefrontleaders.org/partners/latin-america/joênia-batista-de-carval | |
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