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41. Aut-op-sy Message, Indigenous Peoples' Week Discusses Neoliberalism (fwd) The 1997 indigenous peoples Week intends to expose, once again, posture ofthe brazilian State and dominant classes in relation to indigenous peoples. http://archives.econ.utah.edu/archives/aut-op-sy/1997-04-26.110/msg00000.htm | |
42. CAFOD : News And Events : News : Archive : MarchApril2005 : Pressure Grows 2005- Pressure grows for indigenous rights in Brazil Government grants more land rights COIAB (Coordination of indigenous peoples of the brazilian Amazon), http://www.cafod.org.uk/news_and_events/news/archive/marchapril2005/pressure_gro | |
43. Science Blog -- DEBATING ACTIVITIES OF INTERNATIONAL DECADE OF WORLDÂS INDIGENO The World Bank s indigenous peoples Programme recognized the complexity of the While the isolated brazilian indigenous groups had little contact with http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/archives/L/2000/B/un001704.html | |
44. Science Blog -- HEALTH NEEDS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE STRESSED AT PERMANENT FORUM The brazilian Constitution recognized indigenous peoples, and traditional indigenouslands had been set aside for them. The economic development of people http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/archives/L/2002/A/un020792.html | |
45. Brazil Indians - Brazilink information on indigenous people in Brazil. New Foreigners in Our Own Countryindigenous peoples in Brazil, Report, Amnesty International, http://www.brazilink.org/brazilianindigenous.asp | |
46. Brazil: Safety And Survival Of Indigenous Peoples At Risk - News.amnesty - Amnes As long as the needs of indigenous peoples are low on the list of governmentalpriorities, violence and chronic poverty will continue to threaten their very http://news.amnesty.org/index/ENGAMR190092005 | |
47. Brazil - Amnesty International Safety and survival of indigenous peoples at risk Report Foreigners in our owncountry indigenous peoples in Brazil English / Portuguese Other links http://news.amnesty.org/pages/BRAZIL | |
48. Encyclopedia :: Indigenous Peoples In Brazil - ISA Encyclopedia of indigenous peoples in Brazil. Find your way indigenouspeoples in Brazil Who, where, how many Encyclopedia Who they are Where http://www.socioambiental.org/pib/english/whwhhow/wichpe.shtm | |
49. Greenpeace Volunteer With Deni Children. The Brazilian Indigenous Peoples, The D Send URL. Fill in the form below and click on the send button. Our server willsend an email message to the recipient that includes the URL of the story http://www.greenpeace.org/international/photosvideos/photos/greenpeace-volunteer |
50. National Meeting: Indigenous Peoples And Organisations Of Brazil National Meeting of the indigenous peoples and Organisations of Brazil. 2530April 2003. FINAL DOCUMENT. We, the indigenous leaders of 54 peoples from all http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/cimi_doc.html | |
51. American Forest Peoples Indian social mobilization of American indigenous peoples has attained the 62% of all indigenous land claims, covering 11% of Brazil (100 million http://www.mongabay.com/0704.htm | |
52. Latin American Video Archives - Featured Titles On director Stoney s first visit with the indigenous brazilian tribe, the Krahos, A striking example of the power of modern media for indigenous people. http://www.lavavideo.org/featuredtitles/index.cfm?Features_ID=13 |
53. Latin American Video Archives - Featured Titles VIDEO BY AND ABOUT indigenous peoples indigenous peoples Brazil and MexicoOctober 1997. Sign up here to receive our free, monthly Featured Titles http://www.lavavideo.org/featuredtitles/index.cfm?Features_ID=2 |
54. Background Information On Brazil | Rainforest Foundation US There are 219 indigenous peoples in Brazil, speaking more than 180 Severalindigenous peoples within Brazil also live in neighboring countries. http://www.rainforestfoundation.org/1brazilback | |
55. Embassy Of Brazil In London : Indigenous Peoples indigenous peoples. Chapter VIII (Articles 231 and 232) of the 1988 Constitutionis devoted to the indigenous peoples of Brazil. It consolidates many of the http://www.brazil.org.uk/page.php?n=173 |
56. Brazil's Treatment Of Indigenous Peoples Brazil s treatment of indigenous peoples. One of the worst judicial decisionsagainst indigenous peoples. On 7 November, the Supreme Federal Court http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/42/index-eba.html | |
57. Amazon Alliance - Amazon Update: May 2000, No. 58 The Amazon Alliance for indigenous and Traditional peoples of the Amazon Basin is an Brazil indigenous peoples 500 Years March and Conference http://www.amazonalliance.org/upd_may00_en.html | |
58. Amazon Alliance The Amazon Alliance for indigenous and Traditional peoples of the Amazon Basin Regional Seminar of indigenous peoples of Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana. http://www.amazonalliance.org/upd_sep97_en.html | |
59. GLOBAL VISION : THE WANNIYALA-AETTO : RELATED READING & WEB SITES Includes information on indigenous peoples of Brazil, as well as their lands.In Portuguese. Kaypó feather head dresses How a photographic assignment served http://www.global-vision.org/srilanka/reading.html | |
60. Brazil: Indigenous Peoples Struggle For Return Of Lands Appropriated By Aracruz Brazil indigenous peoples struggle for return of On 21 May the demarcationis finished and the indigenous peoples demand the legal recognition of their http://www.wrm.org.uy/plantations/Tupinikim.htm | |
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