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21. Bringing It To Another Level: Indigenous Peoples Speak To Human Rights Commissio It was a good omen for all indigenous peoples in the Americas. RFUS organizeda training workshop for three of the six brazilian indigenous delegates. http://www.rainforestfoundation.org/1oas | |
22. Embassy Of Brazil In London : 30/03/2005 - Note From FUNAI Although infant mortality among indigenous peoples is higher than the brazilian indigenous policy recognises that ethnic development is based on http://www.brazil.org.uk/page.php?n=210 |
23. German Parliament Members Press For Brazilian Indigenous Land Demarcation of indigenous lands in Brazil and that failure to do so may mean freezing indigenous peoples, conservation and sustainable development must be held http://forests.org/archive/brazil/brgeraid.htm | |
24. ACTION ALERT-->Brazilian Indigenous Land Rights Under Assault indigenous peoples of Brazil. This will entail horrid consequences. and stainthe image of Brazil before the International Community. http://forests.org/archived_site/today/recent/1995/bracomin.htm | |
25. Brazil: Tupinikim And Guarani Indigenous Peoples Vs Aracruz Cellulose Brazil Tupinikim and Guarani indigenous peoples vs Aracruz Cellulose. Thanks tothe letter campaign and the pressure from brazilian and international http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/1/Brazil.html | |
26. Health Needs Of Indigenous People Stressed At Permanent Forum The brazilian constitution recognized indigenous peoples, and traditional indigenouslands had been set aside for them. The economic development of people http://www.un.org/rights/indigenous/may16.htm | |
27. BRAZILIAN RAINFORESTS Brazil s indigenous peoples are the guardians of the ancient The indigenouspeoples of Brazil have one of the most tragic histories of any of the http://www.lightparty.com/Economic/BrazilianRainforest.html | |
28. World's Indigenous Peoples - OzSpirit The International Day for the World s indigenous peoples takes place on August 9, brazilian Indians send White Man s Spirit to Heaven http://www.ozspirit.info/2003/53.html | |
29. New Page 1 promotion of the rights of indigenous peoples, which in Brazil amount to around Contrary to what was predicted in the 50Âs, the brazilian indigenous http://www.un.int/brazil/speech/01d-del-56agnu-indigenous-peoples-2910.htm | |
30. Brazil News 24/7 - Nothing But Brazil - Brazzil Magazine - Fresh News Daily - En brazilian Indians Want Their indigenous Identity Recognized Leaders of thethree indigenous peoples handed over petitions asserting the right of their http://www.brazzilmag.com/content/view/2915/49/ | |
31. Return To Education Supplement ContentsRainforest Information Centre Educational Today, the world s 500 million indigenous peoples are the miners canary; In 1992, the brazilian Government granted them a territory of 94000 square http://www.rainforestinfo.org.au/background/people.htm | |
32. Brazilian Rainforests: An Action Toolkit From EARTHACTION The indigenous peoples of Brazil have one of the most tragic histories of any ofthe world s peoples. Since the arrival of the first European invaders 500 http://www.earthaction.org/en/archive/96-02-forbra/alert.html | |
33. Brazilian Rainforests - An Action Toolkit From EARTHACTION Brazil s indigenous peoples are appealing for international help to protect their Brazil s indigenous peoples have a long history of being exploited. http://www.earthaction.org/en/archive/96-02-forbra/letters.html | |
34. Pilot Program To Conserve The Brazilian Rain Forest Pilot Program to Conserve the brazilian Rain Forest. indigenous Lands The project in field Involving indigenous peoples in land demarcation. Background http://www.worldbank.org/rfpp/projects/pptal.htm | |
35. Jogos IndÃgenas Do Brasil >>>--------------------->   Links         MUSEU DO ÃNDIO (Museum of indigenous peoples) The Museum of the brazilian indigenouspeoples is a scientificcultural organ of FUNAI and was founded by http://www.jogosindigenasdobrasil.art.br/eng/links.asp | |
36. Brazil - BRAZZIL - Brazilian Indians Ask For Help - May 2001 In January, the indigenous peoples from the states of Alagoas and Sergipe In their areas, indigenous peoples have been resorting to overt actions such http://www.brazzil.com/p10may01.htm | |
37. [Translators] `On "Intellectual Property" And Indigenous Peoples` - Brazilian-po Translators `On Intellectual Property and indigenous peoples` brazilian-portuguesetraslation. Georg CF Greve greve at fsfeurope.org http://mailman.fsfeurope.org/pipermail/translators/2004-November/000501.html | |
38. Daedalus: Indigenous People, Traditional People, And Conservation In The Amazon Full text of the article, indigenous people, traditional people, no othercase in brazilian law of a collective land title, indigenous peoples legal http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3671/is_200004/ai_n8883762 | |
39. Anthropology These concerns have preoccupied indigenous peoples for a long time but For example, the new journal Filhos da terra offers brazilian indigenous leaders http://lcweb2.loc.gov/hlas/ss57anthro-hirsch.html | |
40. AAAS - AAAS Human Rights Action Network The attacks come in response to the brazilian government s decision to ratify Ratification of this territory guarantees that the indigenous peoples may http://shr.aaas.org/aaashran/alert.php?a_id=298 |
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