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21. Branch Davidians OR (waco AND Koresh) - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia branch davidians Lose Appeal to Escape Prison for (waco) Role federal officersand branch davidians, a Christian religious cult headed by David Koresh, http://www.questia.com/search/branch davidians OR (waco AND koresh) | |
22. Branch Davidians - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Ruby Ridge, Idaho in 1992, the branch davidians in (waco), Texas in 1993, and branch davidians, a Christian religious cult headed by David Koresh, http://www.questia.com/search/branch-davidians | |
23. Why "WACO"...Who Feared "the Davidian SDA Cult"? use the words Âreligion than Âcult, and Âchurch center than Âcompound.ÂYes, the branch davidians had some strange beliefs, but no weirder than those http://csda.us/whywaco.html | |
24. An Apology -- Chapter 10d near (waco) between federal officers and a religious cult headed by David Yes, the branch davidians had some strange beliefs, but no weirder than http://www.tparents.org/Library/Unification/Publications/UC-Apology/UC-Apology-1 | |
25. Why Waco? Why (waco)?, written by two professors of religious studies, addresses the Perhaps we should ask who were the true cult followers the branch davidians, http://www.mcgath.com/whywaco.html | |
26. Branch Davidian - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (Redirected from (waco) massacre). The branch davidians are a religious group His sect was said by some to be a cult for its authoritarian structure. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_massacre | |
27. STATEMENT DD025 THE BRANCH DAVIDIANS On February 28, 1993 At The branch Davidian cult proved to be an extremely destructive group when (waco) TribuneHerald, 1/17/88 p. 8A / Confirmed by ex-branch Davidian member http://www.equip.org/free/DD025.htm | |
28. Waco 1993: David Koresh And The Branch Davidians: A Research Bibliography, By Lo Why (waco) ? cults and the battle for religious freedom in America . Eventssurrounding the branch Davidian cult standoff in (waco), Texas hearing before http://www.ambs.edu/LJohns/waco.htm |
29. Waco: A New Revelation, Reviewed By Gavin Phillips [Free Republic] The official version was that an insane religious cult, led by a sexual During that initial shootout, four ATF agents and six branch davidians were http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a388175d5194e.htm | |
30. Topic: Waco more inclined to use the words religion than cult, and church center than compound. Where Does (waco) and the branch davidians Fit Into the http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/t1000228.htm | |
31. Six-year Cover-up Cracks FBI Admits Use Of Incendiary Grenades At Waco members of the religious cult dead and many other davidians wounded, includingKoresh. In Texas the cause of the branch davidians has been taken up, http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/aug1999/wac1-a27.shtml | |
32. Cults Pathfinder The almost 80 branch davidians who died in (waco) in 1992 and the more than 900individuals from Does the anticult movement threaten religious freedom? http://faculty.valenciacc.edu/ckatz/pathfinders/Cults.htm | |
33. Branch Davidians :: On This Day 1993: Waco Cult Siege Ends With Inferno Religion news about branch davidians, religious cults, sects and world religions,for cult experts and other researchers. http://www.religionnewsblog.com/6847 | |
34. FINAL WORD ON WACO A heavily armed religious cult, the branch Dividians, was surrounded by start the fire that consumed the (waco) compound or shoot at the branch davidians; http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/library/news/2000/07/000724-waco1.htm | |
35. Waco Branch Davidians: Is Your Church BATF Approved? The branch davidians are most often characterized as a dangerous cult group, The (waco) debacle in 1993, involving David Koresh, the branch davidians, http://hushmoney.org/Waco_Branch_Davidians.htm | |
36. Dallas Morning News Waco Archive March 13, 1993 2 branch davidians leave compound, are detained; Action marksbreak in March 14, 1993 davidians in Missouri disavow (waco)area cult; http://www.public-action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/library/dallasmn.html | |
37. Branch Davidians Tabor, James D. Why (waco)? cults and the Battle for Religious Freedom. in America . branch Davidian cult standoff in (waco), Texas. Washington GPO, 1995. http://science.gcc.edu/reli/kemeny/BranchDavidians.htm | |
38. THE WACO MASSACRE THE (waco) MASSACRE. A religious group known as the branch davidians lived in theircompound they The man got the warning from parents of a cult member. http://www.pacinst.com/terrorists/chapter9/waco.html | |
39. BBC News | Americas | Koresh And The Waco Siege David Koresh, the leader of the branch davidians in (waco), Texas, thought he was an The showdown between the government and the cult began on Sunday, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/431311.stm | |
40. NewsHole Stan s Mom was married to the leader of the branch davidians prior to a religious cult leader, and they lived on a commune the east of (waco), Texas. http://www.holecity.com/asp/tvhole.asp?issue=129&sec=7&hole=1 |
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