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121. Human Rights Watch: Africa : Botswana News and detailed reports on the situation in the country. http://hrw.org/africa/botswana.php | |
122. IUCN Botswana Country Office Website The botswana office for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). IUCN's activities are designed to respond to development and conservation issues defined by the members, commissions and partners of IUCN at the global, regional and national levels. http://www.iucnbot.bw/ | |
123. Amanza Botswana Informations g©n©rales, panorama du pays et guide touristique. http://amanza.free.fr/botswana/presentation.html | |
124. Botswana Flags Geographic.org; Portugese Flag; Flag Of Botswana Images in several sizes and links to country facts. http://www.geographic.org/flags/botswana_flags.html | |
125. Chobe Safari Lodge, Kasane, Chobe National Park, Botswana A reasonably priced Safari Lodge on the banks of the Chobe River approximately 5 minutes from Chobe National Park http://chobesafari.island-safari.com | |
126. I Love Africa - Viaggi, Safari, Field Guide Massimo Dioli presenta la sua attivit di guida; propone pacchetti di viaggio in botswana e itinerari turistici in vari paesi. Galleria fotografica e form per contatti. http://www.iloveafrica.it/ | |
127. Botswana Accountancy College Private sector financial skills college subsidised by the Government of botswana and the Debswana Diamond Company. http://www.info.bw/~bac/ | |
128. Reisebericht: Afrika - Vom Kap Zu Den Victoriafällen Vom Kap nach Namibia, botswana und zu den Victoriaf¤llen. http://www.weberjochen.de/Afrika_97/Album_Afrika.htm | |
129. Africa In Style Tour operator specializing in luxury tailormade tours to Southern Africa (botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe) and botswana Overland Safaris. http://www.africa-in-style.co.za | |
130. New Page 4 Aims to contribute to the creation and maintenance of a healthy nation by reducing HIV transmission and mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS through mobilisation and coordination of multisectoral response and ensuring provision of effective prevention and quality care services nationwide. http://www.info.bw/~aidstd.unit/ | |
131. DGFB German-Botswana Friendship Association Kontaktforum f¼r alle an botswana und dem s¼dlichen Afrika Interessierten. http://www.geographie.uni-erlangen.de/botswana/ | |
132. Magnificent Birding In Botswana & Zimbabwe Detailed trip report with photographs and bird list. http://www.adventures.co.za/trip_bir.htm | |
133. Jeff's Africa Vacation - Page 1 1998 trip to botswana and South Africa http://jeff.beck.net | |
134. Botswana - Wikipedia Artikel over de republiek in het zuiden van Afrika met algemene gegevens over het land, de geschiedenis, geografie en economie. http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botswana | |
135. Casa De La Esperanza En Botswana Iniciativa del Comit© Multisectorial contra el SIDA. (Precisa lector de archivos PDF). http://www.undp.org/dpa/spanish/opciones/WSSD/Stucky.pdf |
136. Travel Information | Lonely Planet Destination Guide One of the better botswana maps. http://www.lonelyplanet.co.uk/dest/afr/graphics/map-bot.htm | |
137. AIR BOTSWANA National airline of botswana with national and regional destinations. http://www.airbotswana.co.bw | |
138. University Of Botswana Details of academic programs, academic services, and publications. http://www.ub.bw/ | |
139. Botswana - Eine Der Letzten Wildnisregionen In Afrika Iwanowski's Individuelles Reisen bietet empfehlenswerte botswana Safaris, besonders f¼r Naturliebhaber. http://www.botswana.de/ | |
140. MWB - Camphill Trust Botswana Working from the educational, curative and social impulses of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, Dr Karl Koenig and a group of close associates started a school for disabled children, set within the context of a shared, Christian, communal life. http://www.info.bw/~mwb/trustbot.html | |
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