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81. Faculty Profile: Dr. R. Larry Peterson, Selected Publications, Department Of Bot Link to botany Main Page, Dr. R. Larry Peterson University Professor Emerituslpeterso@uoguelph.ca Welcome Message Contact Us Site Index Links http://www.uoguelph.ca/botany/people/faculty/peterson/publications.html | |
82. Dr. Robert T. Mullen, Faculty Profile: Publications, Department Of Botany, Unive Link to botany Main Page, Dr. Robert T. Mullen Assistant Professorrtmullen@uoguelph.ca Selected publications. Complete publications http://www.uoguelph.ca/botany/people/faculty/mullen/publications.htm | |
83. Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Koch Library Of Botany Faculty Koch Library of botany Faculty publications. Recent publications. NOTE The following bibliography contains hypertext links to the pages containing the http://library.tulane.edu/about_the_library/departments/koch_library/faculty_pub |
84. Richard E. Edelmann - Publications, Botany Dept. Electron Microscopy Facility Supervisor botany Instructor Email EdelmaRE@muohio.edu. publications. Kiss, JZ, and RE Edelmann. 1999. http://www.cas.muohio.edu/botany/bot/edelmare/re_pubs.html | |
85. ALA | Internet Resources: Botany This siteÂs categories include publications, bibliographies, from early 20th and 19th-century botanical medical publications are available. http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/crlnews/backissues2000/june2/botany.htm | |
86. Andrea E. Schwarzbach - Publications American Journal of botany 88 270277. (Cover Article). Botanical Society of America meeting, Symposium on Tropical intercontinental disjunctions http://schwarzbach.biology.kent.edu/publications/ | |
87. The Centre For Marine Studies, Marine Botany Lab Marine botany Centre for Marine Studies Level 8, Gehrmann Laboratories The University of Queensland CMS Home » Marine botany Home » publications » Books http://www.marine.uq.edu.au/marbot/publications/books.htm | |
88. BOTANY AND PLANT PATHOLOGY 1999 PUBLICATIONS Oregon State University Extension Service Publication EM 8740. Ingham, RE, PB Hamm, American Journal of botany 8612481256. Kaye, Thomas N. 1999. http://www.bcc.orst.edu/bpp/1999Publications.htm | |
89. BOTANY AND PLANT PATHOLOGY 1997 Publications botany AND PLANT PATHOLOGY. 1997 publications. ALDERMAN, STEVE. Alderman, SC, WF Pfender, RE Welty, ME Mellbye, RL Cook, JW Spatafora, and M. Putnam. 1997. http://www.bcc.orst.edu/bpp/publ97.htm | |
90. Botany botany. The Flora of Nigeria Grasses DP Stanfield 9781212179 326pp. ill. 2nd rev. ed. 1989 Ibadan Univ. Press $50.00/Pound28.00 S http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Publications/BCbotany.html | |
91. Publications for work published by members of the botany Department during the last 10 years. if you want to get all the publications from the Department for a http://www.tcd.ie/Botany/pub.html | |
92. MBG: Research: Publications Monographs in Systematic botany Monographs in Systematic botany from the Missouri Other Web publications Rediscovering Lost Species (.ppt format) http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/Research/publications.shtml | |
93. Publications In 2003 - Cambridge University Press the Press Annual Report Accounts publications in 2003 Zoology, botany Zoology, botany. Barbieri, M. The Organic Codes An Introduction to http://www.cambridge.org/uk/information/annualreport/ISBN/subject_82.htm | |
94. INSTYTUT BOTANIKI UNIWERSYTETU JAGIELLOÃSKIEGO publications OF THE INSTITUTE OF botany AT THE JAGIELLONIAN UNIVERSITY. Publication series Contents of PRACE BOTANICZNE series http://www.ib.uj.edu.pl/en/?d=wydawnictwa, |
95. 2004 BFRL Publications - Plants (botany) BFRL ICON 2004 BFRL publications plants (botany). plants (botany). Effects of In-Situ Burning on Coastal Wetlands Soil Temperatures and Regrowth of Marsh http://fire.nist.gov/bfrlpubs/bfrl03/key/key609.html | |
96. World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Botany / Plant Biology (Biosciences) Department of Cryptogamic botany incl lichen herbarium; Department of Phanerogamic botany - seeds, publications, herbaria, links; The Linné Herbarium http://www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/www-vl/ | |
97. 2002 Research Publications List of UWA Research publications. Last Modified 15/8/2003 410 pm Location http//www.publishing.uwa.edu.au/research/2002/botany.asp. http://www.publishing.uwa.edu.au/research/2002/botany.asp | |
98. 1995 Research Publications List of UWA Research publications. Last Modified 4/9/2003 450 pm Location http//www.publishing.uwa.edu.au/research/1995/botany.asp. http://www.publishing.uwa.edu.au/research/1995/botany.asp | |
99. Timber Press: Books On Gardening, Horticulture, Botany, Natural History, And The Has an online catalogue with options to browse via new book, title, author or subject. http://www.timber-press.com/ | |
100. BRIT Publications Second publication of the Illustrated Texas Floras Project?a College Center for Environmental Studies and the Botanical Research Institute of Texas. http://www.brit.org/sida/ | |
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