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         Borderline Personality Disorder:     more books (100)
  1. Get Me Out of Here: My Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder by Rachel Reiland, 2004-09-01
  2. Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: Mentalization Based Treatment by Anthony Bateman, Peter Fonagy, 2004-05-20
  3. Through the Looking Glass: Women and Borderline Personality Disorders (New Directions in Theory and Psychology) by Dana Becker, 1997-05-01
  4. Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care about Has Borderline Personality Disorder by Paul T. Mason, Randi Kreger, 1998-07
  5. Another Chance to be Real: Attachment and Object Relations Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder by Roberts Donald, Roberts Deanda, 2007-12-28
  6. Borderline Personality Disorder: Tailoring the Psychotherapy to the Patient by Glen O. Gabbard, Jon G. Allen, et all 1996-01-15
  7. The Stop Walking on Eggshells Workbook: Practical Strategies for Living With Someone Who Has Borderline Personality Disorder by Randi Kreger, James Paul Shirley, 2002-08
  8. Borderline Personality Disorder: The Latest Assessment and Treatment Strategies by Melanie A. Dean, 2001-03
  9. Lost in the Mirror, 2nd Edition: An Inside Look at Borderline Personality Disorder by Richard Moskovitz, 2001-03-25
  10. Women and Borderline Personality Disorder: Symptoms and Stories by Janet Wirth-Cauchon, 2000-11
  11. Breaking Free from Boomerang Love: Getting Unhooked from Borderline Personality Disorder Relationships by Lynn Melville, 2004-09-01
  12. Role of Sexual Abuse in Etiology of Borderline Personality Disorder
  13. Borderline Personality Disorders: The Concept the Syndrome the Patient by Peter Hartocollis, 1977-08
  14. Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder and Addiction Workbook (Co-Occurring Disorders) by Juergen E. Korbanka, 2004-01

21. Laura Paxton M.A - BPD Recovery - Tools For Transformation
New approach to the treatment of borderline personality disorder (BPD), support and coping skills, and a program of recovery from BPD.
How to order copies
"Laura Paxton's book Borderline and Beyond is enormously helpful - no matter what kind of therapy is being used. It will be helpful for those not in treatment as well. I highly encourage everyone with the BPD to use this book as a guide."
Leland Heller, MD,
Author of Life At the Border: Understanding and Recovering from Borderline Personality Disorder "To develop a program to assist in the recovery process of borderline patients is work you deserve commendation for. To be able to instill hope in patients and staff alike is a precious gift you have given to those who have wished to hear your inspirational and authentic message."
Raymond Fideleo, MD
Sharp Mesa Vista Hospital
"Laura's love will radiate for so many people. She will radiate that light for all humanity."
Mother Sarita (Sara Vasquez,) Mother of don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, and his first teacher

22. Borderline Personality Disorder
borderline personality disorder. borderline personality disorder (BPD) is one of the most controversial diagnoses in psychology today.

23. Borderline Personality Disorder Sanctuary - Books, Education, Communities
borderline personality disorder archives Dr. and Therapist; newsletter, articles,personal stories, communities, family section, clinician s forum,
borderline personality disorder education, communities, support, books, and resources Home Ask the Therapist Experts Bookstore ... Archive s BPD Bookstore Mental Health Bookstore Psychotropic (Medication) Bookstore BPD Articles ... BPD Criteria Sanctuary Chat Family Sanctuary Chat BPD Bulletin Board Christian BPD Board BPD Open Forum Family Board Parent Board Child Board Self Harm Board BPD ICQ List Family ICQ List Other MH Communities M. H. Blogs Resources BPD Research PD Tests Personal Stories BPDs Speak Out Chaplain On-Board Contact Us Links About Us Awards Webrings Dr. Markovitz Archive BPD Research PD Tests Algorithms Clinician's Forum Clinician's Links Research Tools Ask the Therapist Mental Health Workshops Employment
Privacy - P3P ... Be a Hero, Be an Email Volunteer! Ask the Therapist Michael J. Formica, EDM, NCC, LPC, DCFC will take your questions on all the disorders found on all the Sanctuaries and more. BPD Bookstore Browse our books at our Amazon Affiliated Bookstore. Help us help others. Buy a book!

24. [borderline Cinema]
Željko Luketić, filmski kritičar i urednik na Radiju 101. Intro, borderline personality disorder, o autoru, literatura i popis filmova.
Da biste iskusili pravu 'moæ' ovih stranica bit æe vam potreban browser 4+ generacije te macromedia flash 4 plugin. Ukoliko ga josh niste instalirali možete to uèiniti automatski ovdje

25. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
borderline personality disorder (BPD).

26. Borderline Personality Disorder Articles
borderline personality disorder articles written by experts and other professionals.
borderline personality disorder education, communities, support, books, and resources Home Ask the Therapist Experts Bookstore ... Self Injury
Articles The discussions here are important, however they do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the webowners. If you would like to contribute an article, send it to Greetings from the Bottom by Kim Thompson Update on Medications for Borderline Personality Disorder by Paul Markvoitz, M.D., Ph.D. Relationship and Romance Addicts by Randi Kreger Self-Medication, Traumatic Reenactment, and Somatic Expression in Bulimic and Self-Mutilating by Sharon Klayman Farber, Ph.D., B.C.D. Isolation: For Partners of Someone with BPD by Randi Kreger What’s in a name? Borderline Personality Disorder Label Creates Stigma By Elizabeth Bogod 4/03 "How I'm Getting Better" UPDATED 3/03 The Cause of Borderline Personality Disorder by Tim Pheil L.P.N. 10/02 The Break–Up or How Not to be Stalked by Tim Pheil L.P.N. 9/02 How Advocacy Is Bringing Borderline Personality Disorder Into the Light Borderline Personality: New Recommendations (Harvard Mental Health Newsletter - 3/02) World Health Organization's ICD-10, F60.31: Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, Borderline Type

27. Passionately Bleeding // BPD Webring
The webring for blogs and/or personal sites owned by those who have (or have symptoms of) borderline personality disorder.
Passionately Bleeding
// intro // rules join members
: Four new members, one rejected. I'll do a code check later, when I have the patience.
Brief Introduction
First of all, I want everyone that came here searching for a cutters' webring to close his/her browser. Okay. Now that 50% of my audience has left, let me begin... This, simply put, is a webring for individuals with personal sites, blogs, online diaries, etc. What do we all have in common? Everybody in this ring is considered a borderline personality Have you been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder? Do you think you may have it? Perfect. If you have a website, read the rules, grab a code, and join. I'm not here to be a shoulder to cry onnone of the ring members are. This isn't a support community; it's a unity . Since one of the major discomforts most borderlines face is not being able to "fit in" anywhere, a webring uniting us should be a comfort to an extent (despite most of us hating this disorder.)
The ring is powered by RingSurf . I originally wanted to hand-code my own PHP script for this ring, but decided in the long run it would be better for the members. Virtually

28. NIMH Borderline Personality Disorder
borderline personality disorder Raising Questions, Finding Answers

29. Michelle Hope
Biography, link to daily blog with essays and photo album, and recovery bracelets from a woman recovering from 14 years of bulimia and borderline personality disorder. the web FREE WEBSITE Username: Password:
Who is Michelle Hope? With the help of a wonderful professional coach , I recently recovered from 14 years of bulimia and a lifetime struggling with depression, anxiety, and rage. Even more recently, I made the commitment to spend the rest of my life helping others to do the same.
What is My Mission? I understand now that my long journey through pain and struggle had a purpose. I was being carefully trained and prepared for this moment and this mission: To share comfort, hope, and support to all who are suffering. Filled with profound understanding, acceptance, and compassion, I strive to awaken hope and possibility that we all find a new way to live - with health, happiness, and peace. I do this for myself because it is what my heart wants and needs to be joyful and fulfilled. I do this for all those living in pain so that they don't have to waste another moment of their beautiful lives in that hell.
What are My Goals?

30. NIMH National Institute Of Mental Health (NIMH) Home Page
Bipolar Disorder, Manic Depressive Illness. borderline personality disorder. Depression. Eating Disorders. Schizophrenia. More Health

31. Borderline Personality Disorder
Mood Disorders; HistrionicPersonality Disorder; Schizotypal Personality Disorder;......borderline personality disorder. American
Borderline Personality Disorder
American Description
Diagnostic Criteria
A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
  • frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. Note: Do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in Criterion 5. a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating). Note: Do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in Criterion 5. recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days) chronic feelings of emptiness inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights)
  • 32. Pograniczne Zaburzenie Osobowo¶ci - Borderline
    Informacje o chorobie (borderline personality disorder (BPD)).
    Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
    Czyli... Pograniczne Zaburzenie Osobowo¶ci Inne nazwy tego zaburzenia to:
    Emocjonalnie Niestabilne Zaburzenie Osobowo¶ci

    (ta nazwa podkre¶la dysfunkcjonowanie uk³adu limbicznego)
    "Zagubienie w lustrzanym odbiciu"
    Ostatnia aktualizacja:
    Dawid Caliñski

    Krótko o stronie Informacje o Pogranicznym Zaburzeniu Osobowo¶ci Borderline BPD ) skierowane do ludzi dotkniêtych BPD i ich bliskich.
    BPD to przede wszystkim niestabilno¶æ my¶li (popadanie w ekstrema, niestabilne emocje , hu¶tawki nastroju i niestabilny, tj. chaotycznie zmienny, stosunek do innych ludzi, siebie i wszystkiego wokó³). Powodem BPD jest zwykle powa¿ne psychiczne/emocjonalne zaniedbanie dziecka lub traumatyczne wydarzenie niektórych obszarach ( uk³adu limbicznego ; pamiêci, emocji i postrzegania w³asnego "ja"; utrzymywania relacji z innymi) zatrzyma³ siê na okre¶lonym wieku. BPD wywo³uje zmiany biologiczne w mózgu podobne do zespo³u stresu pourazowego, które powoduj± i¿ cz³owiek jest nadwra¿liwy, przesadnie nerwowy, nieufny, a czasem zbyt ufny. Osoby z BPD maj± s³ab± pamiêæ, kontrolê emocji i kiepskie poczucie w³asnej to¿samo¶ci; zazwyczaj ponadprzeciêtn± inteligencje, któr± zmuszeni s± nadrabiaæ kiepsk± pamiêæ.
    BPD mocno wp³ywa na osobowo¶æ cz³owieka, dezorganizuje ¿ycie i sprawia, ¿e staje siê ono pe³ne niepokoju, nadwra¿liwo¶ci, roztargnienia, chaosu, skrajno¶ci, nadmiernych emocji, ca³kowitego braku emocji w innych chwilach, mi³o¶ci i nienawi¶ci, rozczarowañ, panicznego strachu przed opuszczeniem, bliskimi relacjami i blisko¶ci±, dzia³añ impulsywnych, ryzykownych i prób bezskutecznej ucieczki od samego siebie oraz aktów samo-destrukcyjnych maj±cych na celu powstrzymanie wewnêtrznego, psychicznego bólu.

    33. News - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors And Antipsychotic
    Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Antipsychotic Drugs Aid borderline personality disorder

    34. Borderline Personality Disorder Nederlands
    Verhaal van Laura en haar genezing van borderline. Met informatie over de stoornis, over zelfbeschadiging en over contacten met lotgenoten.
    Laura's home page in het Nederlands! Links Stichting English version Dus, daarom schrijf ik over mijn ideeen op deze pagina. Ik werk momenteel in Stichting Borderline, die de belangen behartigt van (ex-)borderliners. Wij zijn dringend op zoek naar:
    • nieuwe vrijwilligers voor:
      • het bestuur
      • begeleiding van lotgenotengroepen
      • allerhande andere acitiviteiten (lees over dit alles de pagina over de stichting en de lotgenotengroepen)
    • namen van goede en ervaren therapeuten, zodat we die aan anderen die op zoek zijn kunnen doorgeven. De meeste borderliners hebben een lange lijst van behandelaars, maar zijn op zoek naar behandelaars die hen echt verder kunnen helpen. Dus, heb je zelf een goede behandelaar gehad, waarvan je het gevoel had dat hij jou EN borderline goed begreep, waarmee je goed resultaat hebt gehad, meld hem of haar dan bij ons aan! Je helpt anderen hier verder mee, waarschijnlijk heb je zelf ook meer behandelaars gehad voor je bij die ene goede kwam, je weet dus hoe moeilijk het is! Help anderen en geef die naam door!
    ARTIKELEN Nieuw of aangepast: Goede Therapeuten Onveranderd: Mijn theorie over Borderline Lijst van symptomen en consequenties Meer over hechtingsstoornis Meer over woede Meer over mij In een therapeutisch centrum , door Dennis geschreven Een stuk over automutilatie , door Sanne geschreven

    35. Borderline Personality Disorder Research Foundation: About The Disorder
    Framed as the Manhattan Projectfor understanding/treating borderline personalitydisorder, the BPDRF is coordinating research to develop an integrated
    Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
    Borderline Personality Disorder
    Compounding the seriousness of Borderline Personality Disorder is that it is difficult to treat. The very characteristics of the disorder, such as unstable relationships and intense anger, interfere with establishing the therapeutic relationship that is necessary to any treatment, whether psychotherapy or medication. Further, mental health professionals often are reluctant to treat these individuals because they exhibit two characteristics likely to lead to clinician " burnout " : the BPD person's hostility towards the clinical professional and their persistent suicidal thoughts and feelings (Hellman, Morrison, & Abramowitz, 1986). Despite the devastating nature of this disorder, it has not received the scientific and clinical attention that other health and psychiatric problems of equal, or even lesser, level of disability have received. References:
    Hellman, I.D., Morrison, T. L., Abramowitz, S. I. (1986). The stresses of psychotherapeutic work: A replication and extension. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 42, 197. McGlashan, T. H. (1986). The Chestnut Lodge follow-up study: III. Long-term outcome of borderline personalities. Archives of General Psychiatry, 43, 20-30.

    36. Borderlines For Christ
    A Christianoriented ecumenical support community for persons struggling with borderline personality disorder. Provides information about their ministry in Halifax, and supportive mailing lists.
    The Vision of Borderlines For Christ Ministry is to provide a Christian oriented support community for persons struggling with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Through this ministry we have been providing services such as Christian counselling, support, information and advocacy since 1999. Borderline Personality Disorder is perhaps one of the most pervasive, difficult, life-controlling disorders one may be afflicted with. We believe that people with BPD can find healing through the grace of God. While there is valid reason to keep in mind the clinical definition of BPD , at Borderlines For Christ we encourage people to focus on the realities of life with BPD from a personal, down to earth perspective that concentrates on the experiences, needs, desires, goals and hopes of both the person with BPD and his or her loved ones. Through this website, there is an increasing number of resources available. Our primary resource is our mailing lists We have two groups of mailing lists; the first group is focused on providing support and fellowship and the second group is focused on providing information and promoting awareness. In the first group, our current resources are three mailing lists focused on providing support and fellowship. We hope and pray that these lists will be a place of healing, comfort and growth. The first mailing list

    37. News | Borderline Personality Disorder
    borderline personality disorder, BPD, Depression, Self Harm.
    @import "misc/drupal.css"; @import "themes/ocdtheme2/style.css";
    Join Our Forums
    We have a huge amount of members on our mental health support forums. This is a great place to go for maximum amounts of support. Please visit to join. see you there :) News
    Helpline News
    The helpline is now open, we have recently took on a supervisor for this service and also have many new volunteers active. Opening hours are still iregular but it will be up and running a lot more than it has been. To speak to a volunteer please call 0870 005 3273. Calls are charged at national call rates. last modified 19/09/05 News Our Other Web sites
    Amazon Books
    Our Sponsors

    38. Other Personality Disorders | Borderline Personality Disorder
    borderline personality disorder, BPD, Depression, Self Harm.
    @import "misc/drupal.css"; @import "themes/ocdtheme2/style.css";
    • Support Us Our Newsletter Web Links Flash Movies ... Common Illnesses/Disorders
      Other Personality Disorders
      Antisocial Personality Disorder Antisocial personalities are characterised by a pervasive pattern of disregard to other's rights, moral or legal. This includes failing to obey the social norms of the culture, often resulting in acts that could lead to arrest. These include repeated physical assaults due to irritability and aggressiveness, which often form part of this personality type. Antisocial personalities are often deceitful, characterised by repeated lying or conning others for profit or pleasure. They often show no remorse for their actions, appearing indifferent or rationalising their behaviours. They are also impulsive, not thinking about the consequences of their actions, and may have a disregard for the safety of themselves or of other people. Antisocial personalities often find it hard to have a long-term job due to irresponsibility, and needing constant change. Antisocial personality disorder is diagnosed after the age of 18, with behaviours occurring since 15 years of age. It is thought that approximately 6% of males have this disorder, and 1% of females. People with this personality type are sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths.

    39. Psychiatry Matters.MD
    Comprehensive psychiatry resource for physicians including information based on DSM IV, schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and others plus latest news and webzine.

    40. Life At The Border: Borderline Personality Disorder
    Book and articles by Dr. Leland Heller that explain borderline personality disorder as a medical condition that is treatable.
    Understanding and Recovering from the Borderline Personality Disorder
    Life at the Border, Understanding and Recovering from the Borderline Personality Disorder " by Leland Heller M.D., is a reference book at the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) and was placed on their recommended reading list. Dr. Heller indicates in his book " Life at the Border ," that borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a medical disorder and that the "right medications in the right sequence, combined with the right therapy and brain retraining works for those who want it.'
    Leland M. Heller, M.D. Finally there is a book that offers hope in recovering from the BPD. "The evidence suggests that this disorder is medical/neurological with psychological ramifications. The approach developed by Dr. Heller has been remarkably helpful with borderline patients... With the introduction of effective medications, psychotherapy time is shortened significantly, and the opportunities for therapeutic success are greatly enhanced. Patients and their families can live a more peaceful existence as the borderline goes through recovery."
    Rosanna Hanley, Ph.D.

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