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190. Minneapolis School Of Massage And Bodywork, Inc- Home Page To the Minneapolis School of massage and Bodywork, Inc. 0% interest installmentcontracts available to those who qualify http://www.mplsschoolofmassage.org/ | |
191. Massage Therapy And Bodywork: Healing Through Touch - William Collinge M.P.H., P While there are a wide variety of forms of massage therapy and bodywork, massage therapy and bodywork can help restore healthy structure and function, http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.asp?ID=1946 |
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197. The Healing Bodywork Centre With Mary Benson, Vancouver Massage Located in Vancouver, British Columbia, they offer a variety of courses. http://www.healingbodyworkcentre.com/ | |
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200. California Alliance Of Massage And Bodywork Schools (CAMBS) A membership organization of massage and bodywork schools with programs approvedby the State of California. http://www.camassageschools.org/ | |
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