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Birds By Location: more detail | ||||
141. Florida Birding Hotspots Brief descriptions of eight of the best birding locations in Florida. http://www.funandsun.com/1tocf/wildlife/birds/Birds.htm | |
142. Wakefield Bird Sites Photos, directions and information of locations within the Wakefield area that may be of interest to bird watchers. http://www.wakey.com/birds/ | |
143. Mainebirding :: Maine Bird Alert For More than one bird species from same location OK. If more than one location, please report each separately. Directions to sighting http://www.mainebirding.net/rba/birdalert.htm | |
144. All Seasons WIld Bird Store Offers a variety of birding products, along with annual birding tours. Locations around the Twin Cities, offers delivery service. Site has information on attracting different species of birds, links of interest to birdwatchers. http://www.wildbirdstore.net/ | |
145. BTO - General Information On Ringing Give the location the bird was found including the name of the nearest town or village, county and a grid reference if possible. http://www.bto.org/ringing/ringinfo/ | |
146. Alaskan Premium Bird Seed For Wild Birds ~ Will Henri's Farm - Anchorage, Alaska Contact information and locations for purchasing Will Henri's Banquet for Alaska's Wild birds. http://www.alaskabirdseed.com/ | |
147. Wild Bird Center Of Walnut Creek Backyard Birding Tips How to baffle your bird feeder. location is the key to using a baffle to keep squirrels away from your feeder. Your baffle will only work if the squirrels http://www.birdware.com/tips.htm |
148. Grey White-eye - Zosterops Borbonicus Mauritianus Photo of this species, scientific classification, and list of locations where this bird can be found. http://www.birds.mu/Endemic/Grey_White-eye.htm | |
149. Watchable Wildlife -- Birds Of Prey birds OF PREY VIEWING LOCATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Follow wildlife viewing road signs or check the California Wildlife Viewing Guide for directions to the http://www.dfg.ca.gov/watchable/prey.html | |
150. Monitoring Programs ÂWilmington Harbor ÂNews ÂDoer Mound ÂCoastal Survey Locations Surveys will be conducted during breeding and nonbreeding 5. nesting chronology (dates when birds were first seen on the site, http://www.frf.usace.army.mil/capefear/mon_birds.stm | |
151. NWF - International Wildlife Magazine - Birds, St. Lucia Parrot At a dozen similar strategic locations around the island, 80 other observers will Among a handful of reptiles and several rare birds found only here, http://www.nwf.org/internationalwildlife/1998/parrot.html | |
152. Spring 2000 Report On Bird Collisions With Windows At Swarthmore College Since this location is near a bird feeder, it is likely that most of the hits occurred during takeoff, resulting only in minor injuries (explaining why no http://www.swarthmore.edu/NatSci/es/birdcollisions.html |
153. Enjoying Nature - Where To See Birds In New Zealand For further specialist information on bird counts and locations (for real enthusiasts) Ornithological Society of New Zealand PO Box 316 Drury South Auckland http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/enjoy_nature/birds/information.asp | |
154. OnLocation(sm): Location Directory Virtual Tours and a whole lot more. This page is a directory of all the OnLocation(sm) destinations. Features virtual tours, articles, photo galleries, http://www.virtualbirder.com/vbirder/onLoc/ | |
155. Great Backyard Bird Count Count the birds in your backyard,local park, or other natural area on one or You can count in as many different locations as you wish, just make sure to http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/howTo.html | |
156. ESPN Outdoors -- Tips & Techniques when and where birds eat helps, as does finding a group of roosting locations. birds prefer to stay in one roosting area and often even roost in the http://espn.go.com/outdoors/tips/s/h_fea_05_finding_turkey_FHN.html | |
157. Printable Version birds are found in lower numbers than some of the other locations around Helena, Like many of the birdwatching locations on our list, private land http://www.helenair.com/articles/2005/04/19/outdoors/c01041405_01.prt | |
158. Phillip Colla Natural History Photography :: Online Photo Search Frigate bird, Sea of Cortez. Image 04761 Species Frigata sp. location Mexico (E. Pacific) Keywords bird, frigate, sea, Animal, Bird, Frigate, http://www.oceanlight.com/lightbox.php?cs=-148 |
159. Where'd I Put That?: Science News Online, Feb. 14, 2004 birds that hide and recover thousands of separate caches of seeds have become a in up to 2500 locations, and scientists estimate that the bird recovers http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20040214/bob8.asp | |
160. Site Guide to make Fermilab one of the best birdwatching locations in the entire Chicago area. The list of birds seen at Fermilab boasts 252 species including 83 http://www.fnal.gov/ecology/wildlife/Site_Guide.html | |
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