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61. Course Descriptions | Washington University In St. Louis, Department Of Chemistr Students are expected to attend all lectures and associated activities during the A lecture course that builds on the material in Chem 251, 252, http://www.chemistry.wustl.edu/undergraduate/courses.html | |
62. Introductory Biology Courses: A Framework To Support Active Learning In Large En In large lecture courses, a major barrier to change is the difficulty Table 5 shows student participation in the various course activities during the http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1103716 |
63. Curtin S Toolbox For IBL Development Online Courses the unit outline; lecture notes; activities, focus questions and useful URLs for Ms Judy McGowan from CBS began to put this course online because of http://www.curtin.edu.au/home/allen/we3/igt/tool18.html |
64. Online Course Synopsis Handbook Laboratory exercises coordinated with lectures with emphasis on live material to with special circumstances (eg, who have not completed a biology course http://www.aas.duke.edu/reg/synopsis/view.cgi?course=26AL&s=02L&subj=BIOLOGY |
65. AnyWho: Internet Directory Assistance; Yellow Pages, White Pages, Toll-Free Numb Science/biology/Education/online courses (14) Lecture notes, syllabus, and links. Microbiology courses at Kapiolani Community College http://www.anywho.com/cgi-bin/webdrill?catkey=gwd/Top/Science/Biology/Microbiolo |
66. CAPER Team Website | Team Bios Moving Toward LearnerCentered online courses in Astronomy, Research and Development of Lecture Tutorial activities that Engage Students in Learning http://caperteam.as.arizona.edu/bios/prather_bio.htm | |
67. Online Continuing Medical Education Sites, Annotated List, Sklar There is also a single free course on bioterrorism and biological weapons online CME courses consists of 57 activities in twelve subject areas offering http://www.cmelist.com/list.htm | |
68. Online Learning Update This course focuses on current research in cell biology, immunology, neurobiology, genomics, The school also offers online certification courses. http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/onlinelearning/archive/2004_05_02_archive.html | |
69. Biology Information Center: Supplements found in biology, are available for use in creating lecture presentations. These course cartridges also provide online testing and powerful student http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072437316/information_center_view0/supple | |
70. SWBIC - Course Materials This online graduate course contains links to the lecture notes, course outline Whitman College An online course in molecular cell biology with topics http://www.swbic.org/links/ | |
71. BIOLOGY 1402 biology 1402394 online CELL biology AND GENETICS LECTURE Concepts in biology(p3). Read course syllabus, post introductions to the discussion board in http://www.gpc.edu/~mmajor/Biol_1402TimelineFa03.htm | |
72. Biology Education - Academic Info online course offered by Paul D. Bell, Sir Sanford Fleming College online biology Book The text items are modified lecture outlines I have developed http://www.academicinfo.net/biologyed.html | |
73. How To Read Class Schedules How To Read online Schedules. The day portion of the class schedule When taking courses that have both lecture sections (SEC) and nocredit lab http://www.depts.ttu.edu/officialpublications/Abbreviations.html | |
74. ASMcue I use my website in the traditional lecture setting and in my online course. Engaged Learners Applying the biology of Learning to Large Lecture Classes http://www.asmcue.org/program/index.asp?bid=2267 |
75. Biology Classes - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Free high school biology lessons, courses, labs, and lesson plans to help you master It is from a college lecture series, so is at the AP biology level. http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/explore/biologyclass.htm | |
76. Chemistry Teaching Resources - Courses And Tutorials Texts On The Web Chemistry 101 online *Hypertext* A set of lecture notes and example Lecture material for chemistry courses prepared by the Hardy Research Group, http://www.anachem.umu.se/cgi-bin/pointer.exe?Courses |
77. Online Course Descriptions course that incorporates several modes of instruction including lecture, Students should complete the online assigned reading and activities by the http://www.gadsdenst.cc.al.us/dl/ClassDesc.htm | |
78. S. Kekkonen-Moneta & G.B. Moneta: Online Learning In Hong Kong 105 mostly first year biology majors completed the lecturebased course. Compared to the online students, the students of the lecture course http://www10.org/cdrom/posters/p1081/ | |
79. Xavier University Registrar BIOL280 TOPICS IN biology (1.003.00) Short-term courses designed to explore BIOL440 BIOCHEMISTRY (3.00) A lecture course treating the structure, http://www.xavier.edu/registrar/course/biol.html | |
80. Spring 2005 Online Courses Spring 2005 online Course Offerings. ACC 101 Principles of Financial General Education Physical and Biological Sciences Three lecture; two lab. http://www.coconino.edu/extended/spring2005online.html | |
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