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81. Ãj Lap (0.) The International Institute of Molecular and Cell biology in Warsaw (IIMCB), to learn how to use modern laboratory equipment and molecular techniques, http://www.chaperone.sote.hu/lilpopjo.htm | |
82. Safety Services - Biology Safety Services,biology,defensive working. Safety procedures and techniques; Safety equipment; Containment laboratories; Biological containment http://www.weizmann.ac.il/safety/bio8.html | |
83. Science Sophisticated new equipment to image the Earth in three dimensions produces a You can then specialize in one of two areas of computational biology http://www.carleton.ca/cu/ed4life/brochures/computational_sci.html | |
84. Courses Fundamentals of chemical measurement in chemistry, biology, engineering, Safety equipment, techniques (including first aid), and facilities will be http://www.wisc.edu/grad/catalog/letsci/chemisC.html | |
85. BAMBEd -- Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education Instructions For Authors General Articles on all aspects of biochemistry and molecular biology education are Simple experiments requiring inexpensive equipment and materials are http://www.bambed.org/misc/ifora.shtml | |
86. The British Society For Cell Biology - Cell Biology People, Tools & Techniques Cell biology people, tools techniques. PEOPLE Much of this is attributable to the development of tools and techniques that have enabled routine work http://www.kcl.ac.uk/kis/schools/life_sciences/biomed/bscb/softcell/peopletech.h | |
87. Graduate Catalog, 1999-2001. Fields Of Study This facility has unique equipment for the study of thermal phenomena in tissue. This laboratory investigates the interaction of light with biological http://www.utexas.edu/student/registrar/catalogs/grad99-01/ch4/eng/bme.ch.html | |
88. BBSRC - The Science We Support - Initiatives - Bioimaging (BI) The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council ( BBSRC ) is the to acquire equipment for projects to develop bioimaging techniques and apply http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/science/initiatives/bi.html | |
89. 1er Symposium De Chimie Et Biologie Analytiques In any chemistry or biology process, the structural knowledge of handled samples is separative techniques liquid chromatography and capillary http://www.scba2005.com/ | |
90. Martindale's The Reference Desk: Laboratory Test Diagnostics & Protocols Center of techniques and equipment used in the general chemistry laboratory. TECHNIQUES IN BIOLOGICAL ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RC Wagner, Department of http://www.martindalecenter.com/Reference_3_LabP.html | |
91. Molecular Biology Protocols Biotaq.com - Leading Internet Cell biology Techniques from David Bowtell Lab contains protocols on media Molecular biology Techniques Manual by Vernon E Coyne, M Diane James, http://www.biotaq.com/Protocols/Protocols.htm |
92. Chemical Engineering: Postgraduate Degree Programmes - MSc In Biochemical Engine One Year MSc taught programme in Biochemical Engineering equipment for the Conversion lectures on chemical engineering or biological science topics. http://www.eng.bham.ac.uk/chemical/pg/msc.htm | |
93. University Of Houston Department Of Biology And Biochemistry BIOL 4272 Cellular and Developmental biology Laboratory Fundamental concepts and laboratory techniques in modern cell and developmental biology. http://www.bchs.uh.edu/ugrad_labs.htm | |
94. Technical Books From the latest equipment and techniques to authoritative chapters on cave A Guide to the equipment, Techniques and Methodology of the BCRA System. http://www.caves.org/service/bookstore/technical.html | |
95. 2001-2002 Graduate Calendar - Biotechnology Computerbased molecular modeling techniques applied to biological molecules. The major equipment holdings include In Biological Sciences Greenhouse http://www.brocku.ca/webcal/2001/graduate/BTEC.html | |
96. UNDERGRADUATE CREDIT COURSES ZOOL 215B Biological Photographic Techniques Principles, equipment, techniques of photography of special use to the biologist. http://www2.hawaii.edu/~zoology/undergraduate/www.undergrad.course.html | |
97. METMBS 2005 Call For Papers Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences. (METMBS 05) lighted tennis courts, health spa (with workout equipment, whirlpool, sauna, . http://metmbs.sdsu.edu/ | |
98. Careers In Fisheries Research/Management Knowledge of supervisory principles and techniques; fisheries or wildlife management; fish propagation techniques; biology; zoology; chemistry; http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/wildlife/Employ/fishmgt.htm | |
99. List Of Active Newsgroups (Part 3) and information. sci.astro.amateur Amateur astronomy equipment, techniques, info, (Moderated) sci.techniques.microscopy The field of microscopy. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/active-newsgroups/part3/ | |
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