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61. PASS Resources - Europe - Books - High School Africa, and asia and oceania, and including a searchable text on CDROM. A biography of fifteenth-century artist and thinker Leonardo da Vinci, http://www.okhighered.org/oasis/pass/europe/books-high-school.html | |
62. UTML - ANT313 - East Asian Prehistory East asia and oceania, includes entries on major traditions, IncorporatesAnthropological Index, Royal Anthropological Institute and Anthropological http://www.erin.utoronto.ca/library/utml/common/instruction/anthropology313.html | |
63. New Books Annandal, NSW and Canberra Hawkins Press (Federation Press) and asia Pacific (This book was listed in oceania Newsletter 22, but with the wrong year of http://www.ru.nl/cps/24/nb24i.html | |
64. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED oceania Newsletter 30/31, March/September 2003 CD. Amsterdam KIT (RoyalTropical Institute). 2002. Vegeculture in Eastern asia and oceania. http://www.ru.nl/cps/30/nb30i.html | |
65. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent KLEIN, J. Changing Chinese foodways in asia ed. by DYH Wu T. Cheebeng Book Traditionalism and modernity in the music and dance of oceania essays in http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-9655.2003.00176.x | |
66. Board Of Directors Biographies He also serves on the board of Parsons Corporation and Royal Caribbean Cruise Line Previously, Mr. Pardun was President of MediaOne International asia http://www.wdc.com/en/company/board_bios.asp | |
68. FindArticles In Journal Of The Royal Anthropological Institute: June 2003 Articles in June 2003 issue of Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute development land and natural resources in Southeast asia and oceania. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb3030/is_200306 | |
69. UOW Art Collection - Guy Warren asia and oceania Influence , Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Sydney. AustralianWatercolours1880 s to The Royal Institute of Architects COllection, Canberra. http://www.uow.edu.au/crearts/UOWAC/GWarren/GWarren.html | |
70. Ã
U©[´f §U²z±Ã±à Historical Anthropology Examples from Taiwan, SE asia and oceaniaÂ. 1996,Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) small grant; Richard Fund http://www.anth.nthu.edu.tw/people_teacher_ku.htm | |
71. Links To Internet Sites - Australian Institute Of Family Studies (AIFS) Includes many asiaPacific resources and some Australian Aboriginal languages . Committees, and a a listing of Senators and Members biographies. http://www.aifs.gov.au/institute/links.html | |
72. SEM - Current Films And Videos, Vol. 47, No. 3 General Africa Americas asia and oceania Europe Distributor Baaba Maal Live at the Royal Festival Hall. Produced by Trevor Wyatt (UK). http://webdb.iu.edu/sem/scripts/publications/ographies/cfv/cfv_47_3.cfm | |
73. SEM - Current Bibliography, Vol. 45, No. 3 General Africa Americas asia oceania Europe. General Journal ofthe Royal Musical Association 126 (1) 83106. Emoff, Ron, ed. 2000. http://webdb.iu.edu/sem/scripts/publications/ographies/cb/cb_45_3.cfm | |
74. History And Current Status Of Systematic Research With Araceae From South East asia to oceania Ethnobiological Viewpoints. The Plant Worldof Roberto Burle Marxa tour presented by the Royal Botanic Gardens, http://www.aroid.org/literature/croat/history/literature/lit_m.html | |
75. InfoDome - Subject Guide For Anthropology covers a part of the word (for example, Africa, East asia and oceania, NorthAmerica). Anthropology Biography Web provides brief descriptions of http://infodome.sdsu.edu/research/guides/anthropology/anthropology.shtml | |
76. Cultural Anthropology: Information Resources Anthropology Biography Web This biography webpage contains descriptions of the life 2, oceania v. 3, South asia. v.4, Europe (Central, Western, http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/lehman/guides/cultanth.html | |
77. Australian And New Zealand Studies Simpson, Donald H. Biography catalogue of the Library of the Royal published inor relating to all countries in asia, Australasia and oceania. http://www.bl.uk/collections/wider/austnz.html | |
78. Musée Du Quai Branly New sculptures. Africa. asia oceania Americas In this royal mask, theperson shown wears a high openwork headdress, spherical and decorated with http://www.quaibranly.fr/article.php3?id_article=1275 |
79. TRAVEL.com ® ... Regional:Asia:Nepal:Government Details on the Royal Family, biographies, pictures, history, National Emblems,and Royal Palace. Nepalese Government Sites geocities.com/rnecairo/hmginf http://www.travel.com/Regional/Asia/Nepal/Government/ | |
80. Research Guide For African History - Albion College Stockwell-Mudd Libraries Dictionary of African Historical Biography. 0REFERENCE COLLECTION DT 352.6 1986 International Historical Statistics Africa, asia oceania, 1750-1993 http://www.albion.edu/library/afhist.asp | |
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