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81. Nbc6.net - Olympics What 2006 winter olympic sport are you most interested in? biathlon. Curling.Figure Skating / Ice Dancing. Alpine Skiing. Bobsleigh / Luge / Skeleton http://www.nbc6.net/olympics2006/ | |
82. ESPN.com: OLY - Winter Sports Calendar Keep track of preOlympics competition in every sport. Alpine Skiing biathlon Bobsled Cross Country Skiing Curling Figure Skating Freestyle http://espn.go.com/oly/wintercalendar.html | |
83. ESPN Outdoors The biathlon is the only winter olympic shooting sport and the only sport toappear in both summer and winter olympics. What do we hear about biathletes? http://espn.go.com/outdoors/conservation/columns/swan_james/1333681.html | |
84. MSN Encarta - Print Preview - Biathlon The biathlon became a Winter olympic sport in 1960, with only the menÂs individualevent contested. The relay was added to the olympic roster in 1968, http://encarta.msn.com/text_761582426___0/Biathlon.html | |
85. Press Point The US biathlon Team competes under the auspices of the United States biathlonAssociation, the National Governing Body for the olympic sport of biathlon. http://www.sportsfeatures.com/PressPoint/show.php?id=20030 |
86. GunWeek.com biathlon, like the shooting sports of the Summer Olympics, is indeed underfunded.In the Summer Games, the US Shooting Team, which gets more support from http://www.gunweek.com/2002/hs030102.html | |
87. World Cup Biathlon, OFFICIAL PROGRAM - Bangor Daily News Adverising Section Though a relatively unknown sport in the US, biathlon is the most popular biathlon gots its olympic start in 1936 olympic Winter Games in Garmisch http://www.bangornews.com/a/specialsections/worldcup/biathlon.html | |
88. US BIATHLON ÂWe came here to learn as much as possible before next yearÂs olympics. States biathlon Association, the National Governing Body for the olympic Sport http://www.usbiathlon.org/press/050209.htm | |
89. US BIATHLON In this preolympic competition, which was held exactly one year before the biathlon Association, the National Governing Body for the olympic Sport of http://www.usbiathlon.org/press/050210.htm | |
90. BIATHLON Tickets BIATHLON Event Tickets biathlon Ticket Prices, Tickets for Olympics Olympics. The fire of the Olympicsrepresents holiness, sports and the pursuit for world peace which are http://www.wstickets.com/olympics/games/biathlon_tickets.html | |
91. Cross Country Skier Shooting Stars - Biathlon Competitions It wasn t until 1955 that biathlon was accepted as an official olympic sport, Over there it is the mostwatched winter sport on television, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0HTI/is_4_22/ai_97616306 |
92. Biathlon -- Encyclopædia Britannica biathlon winter sport combining crosscountry skiing with rifle marksmanship . At the 2002 Winter olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah, http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9079090 |
93. Military Women In Sports Military women athletes participated in the biathlon and the Bobsled competitionsat the du Sport Militaire Military World Games, and the Olympics. http://userpages.aug.com/captbarb/sports.html | |
94. DerKeiler Directory - /Sports/Multi-Sports/Biathlon Minnesota biathlon, Trains athletes and coaches in the sport of biathlon, theolympic sport combining crosscountry skiing and rifle marksmanship. http://directory.derkeiler.com/Top/Sports/Multi-Sports/Biathlon | |
95. Olympic Sports Scene olympic sports Scene is a weekly feature on http//www.usocpressbox.org withpreviews and results highlighting US olympic Committee. Phone, 719866-2221. http://www.usocpressbox.org/usoc/pressbox.nsf/0/fbb4498b5be2c85a85256faa0077425f |
96. Altis : The Guide To Internet Resources In Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Australian Gallery of Sport and olympic Museum The BBU is the nationalgoverning body for the sport of biathlon in Great Britain, training and selecting http://altis.ac.uk/browse/cabi/22f755b3511d9c8ed88683b22183ba7c.html | |
97. ICalShare - Share Your ICalendars! SportsHockey (89) SportsMisc (62) Sportsolympics (7) SportsRugby (21)SportsSoccer (169) biathlon XXWinter olympic Games Torino 2006 http://icalshare.com/index.php?topic=olympics |
98. ICalShare - Biathlon XX-Winter Olympic Games Torino 2006 SportsHockey (87) SportsMisc (62) Sportsolympics (7) SportsRugby (21) biathlon XXWinter olympic Games Torino 2006 0 comments Create New Account http://icalshare.com/article.php?story=2004110316594534 |
99. Retards.ORG biathlon is a winter olympic sport that combines cross country skiing andmarksmenship. Athletes ski up to 20 kilometers and have to stop up to four times http://retards.org/weblog/?category=winter olympics |
100. Barbwire By Barbano: When Corporate Welfare Becomes An Olympic Sport When corporate welfare becomes an olympic sport. by ANDREW BARBANO IDEASAIDSdenial apartheid; mandatory abortion biathlon; Dalai llama racing; http://www.nevadalabor.com/barbwire/barb01/barb7-1-01.html | |
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