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61. KIHU - Research Institute For Olympic Sports olympic sports Rautpohjankatu 6, 40700 Jyväskylä Finland Developing Followup System for Shooting Performance and Physical Condition in biathlon http://www.kihu.jyu.fi/english/ | |
62. Rec.sport.triathlon FAQ What is a biathlon/duathlon? 4.3. What are the distances for triathlons? 4.4.Is triathlon an olympic sport? 4.5. What are the governing bodies for http://www.faqs.org/faqs/sports/triathlon/ | |
63. SLAM! NAGANO: Biathlon Together they reasserted Grman biathlon power as the shootand-ski sport climaxedtoday at the the Germans took their third straight olympic relay gold. http://www.canoe.ca/SlamNaganoBiathlon/home.html | |
64. SLAM! 1998 NAGANO OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES Jeremy Wotherspoon wants to still be skating when the 2002 Olympics roll around, Sport by Sport biathlon Disl, Germans lead way in biathlon BOBSLED. http://www.canoe.ca/SlamNagano/home.html | |
65. Olympics 2002: Biathlon Review of the olympic event biathlon. Norway, which has recently dominatedthe sport at the olympic level, used the sport as a military tactic for http://www.factmonster.com/spot/02olbiathlon1.html | |
66. Biathlon - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia biathlon events are broadcast most regularly where the sport enjoys its greatestpopularity olympic medalists in biathlon biathlon World Championships http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biathlon | |
67. Category:Olympic Sports - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This category contains articles about past and present olympic sports and links to For details of olympic results by sport see Summer olympic events and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Olympic_sports | |
68. United States Olympic Committee - BIATHLON - BILL ALFOND JOINS US BIATHLON BOARD biathlon, an olympic sport that combines crosscountry skiing and rifle marksmanship,is the only US winter sport, yet to win an olympic medal. http://www.usoc.org/73_32309.htm | |
69. Biathlon Canada - Own The Podium Planning Meeting Summary The NSOs and olympic sport funding partners have agreed that Canada has the Joanne Thomson, biathlon. Wayne Page, Shane Pearsall, Bobsleigh/Skeleton http://www.biathloncanada.ca/main.asp?cmd=doc&ID=1797&lan=0 |
70. Biathlon Canada - Government Of Canada Invests In Coaches And High-performance S The entire sport system, from athletes and coaches to volunteers, officials, The Government of Canada is also a member partner of the 2010 olympic and http://www.biathloncanada.ca/main.asp?cmd=doc&ID=1951&lan=0 |
71. SkiTrax - North America's Cross Country Skiing Magazine biathlon, an olympic sport that combines crosscountry skiing and rifle marksmanship,is the only US winter sport yet to win an olympic medal. http://www.skitrax.com/index.php?module=Section&action=viewdetail&item_id=1876 |
72. Welcome To The Official British Biathlon Union Web Site Thank you the IOC and the world of sport! The British biathlon Union (BBU) UK National Governing Body (NGB) for the olympic winter sport of biathlon. http://www.britishbiathlon.com/ | |
73. Utah Athletic Foundation Soldier Hollow can tailormake an olympic sport experience in biathlon, skiing,snowshoeing or tubing. Utah olympic Park (Kimball Junction and Hwy. http://www.utahathleticfoundation.com/aboutus/groupbookings.html | |
74. Olympic Women's Biathlon Medal Winners@Everything2.com biathlon is a cool sport, because it has guns. Not just the women s events,throughout the time it s been an olympic sport, only three medals has been http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1266362 |
75. Topnotch Tours - Your Travel Planner For BC S Best Destinations. biathlon became an official olympic sport in 1960. Cross Country Skiing Racerstest their speed and endurance by traversing flat and rolling terrain in http://www.topnotchtours.net/template_2.asp?NsID=18&NsName=2010 Winter Games&NmI |
76. Weird Winter Sports These aren t things your crazy uncle does they re olympic sports. In thebiathlon that takes place at the Winter olympics, competitors just http://www.kidzworld.com/site/p1636.htm | |
77. Washingtonpost.com: Biathlon Biathletes Seek Greater Recognition for Their Sport The biathlon may be one of the Hanevold, who only managed 46th in the event at the last Olympics, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/longterm/olympics1998/sport/biathlon | |
78. HickokSports.com - History - The Winter Olympics This document contains a history of the Winter olympics. USOC Home PageOffersa lot of information, including history, on all olympic sports http://www.hickoksports.com/history/winterol.shtml | |
79. Canadian Olympic Committee that Bédard discovered her passion for biathlon and she took to the sportimmediately. Within a year she won the Canadian Junior biathlon Championship, http://www.olympic.ca/EN/organization/news/2004/files/hof_bios.shtml | |
80. Apcnews_Jan02 - InternetChallengeTM What activities make up the biathlon sport? 6. Name the new biathlon event forthe 2002 olympic games in Salt Lake City, Utah. http://edu.ns2000.net/webs/apcnews_Jan02/internetchallengetm.htm | |
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