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81. Maletis Beverage - Family Of Products Maletis Beverage Leading the industry with quality products, the look andricher taste of an allmalt specialty beer in a non-alcohol beverage. http://www.maletis.com/products.html | |
82. Montgmery County, MD - Department Of Liquor Control" Promote nonalcohol drinks; Serve alcohol-free drinks in containers that are Verify that all servers are legally old enough to serve beverage alcohol http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/Content/DLC/Liquor/Licensee/house_policy.asp | |
83. Chapter 8.50 tax from the sale of food and nonalcohol beverages exceeds fifty percent which compare state sales tax receipts for food and nonalcohol beverages http://www.co.pima.az.us/cob/code/c0813.html | |
84. Bar Do Guincho - Festas NON ALCOHOL beverages NON ALCOHOL beverages STARTERS SWEET WINES WINE SANGRIA WHISKY COCKTAILS READY TO DRINK BEERS SANDWICHES http://www.bardoguincho.pt/en/ementas/semalcool.htm | |
85. Extended Producer Responsibility And Stewardship The net costs for nonalcohol beverage container recovery in British Columbiaare not directly reported in annual reports. However, based on included income http://www.ec.gc.ca/epr/inventory/en/DetailView.cfm?intInitiative=78 |
86. Bottle Bill Resource Guide Alberta, all beverage containers except milk (milk is under a voluntary recovery nonalcohol - OVERALL 75% Aluminum 77%, PET 76%, Glass 69%, Other 73% http://www.bottlebill.org/geography/canada_summary.htm | |
87. Notice No. 872 Prohibition Of Certain Alcoholic Beverage Containers malt beverage products or are likely to be confused with other (nonalcohol) in the marketplace as both alcohol and non-alcohol beverage containers. http://www.wineinstitute.org/reflib/pub/fed/fedregister/misleading_containers.ht | |
88. Castle Hill Inn And Resort - Newport, Rhode Island Alcohol, and premium non alcohol beverages, tax, and gratuity on these beverageswill be an additional charge. *Subject to tee time availability. http://www.castlehillinn.com/Special_Offers/Lodging_Packages/ | |
89. Beverages beverages. Sik hye (Sweet malt beverage) non alcohol Oh mi ja wha chae (Ohmi ja punch) Soo jung gwa (Cinnamon ginger tea with persimmons) http://www.koreankitchen.com/beverages.htm | |
90. MSN Groups Cocktails, Punches, Wine and Beer and Liqueur Making, Drinks and Beveragesnon alcohol, Jams and Chutneys, Preserves and Canning, Beauty and Body Care, http://groups.msn.com/browse.msnw?catid=116&sortby=2&alphastart=M |
91. Premier Distributing Company - New Mexico O Doul s This nonalcohol brew contains less than one-half of 1 percent look and richer taste of an all-malt specialty beer in a nonalcohol beverage. http://www.premierdistributing.com/pdc/products.asp | |
92. Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. the look and richer taste of an allmalt specialty beer in a nonalcohol beverage . Busch NA - The company s first subpremium-priced, nonalcohol brew http://www.anheuser-busch.com/overview/abi.html | |
93. DISTILLERIES, WINERIES, ETC. distills or otherwise produces alcohol as a byproduct of the manufacture ofany reduced alcohol or nonalcohol malt or brewed beverage if the byproduct http://members.aol.com/StatutesP3/47.Cp.5.html | |
94. Alcoholism: Clinical And Experimental Research - UserLogin Alcohol and nonalcohol beverage picture cues were drawn primarily from advertisementsin several contemporary magazines and scanned on a flatbed scanner. http://www.alcoholism-cer.com/pt/re/alcoholism/fulltext.00000374-200312000-00014 | |
95. Japan Times: Most Breweries Report Strong First Half But robust earnings of its nonalcohol subsidiary Kirin Beverage Corp. and LionNathan Ltd., a brewery that operates in Australia and New Zealand, http://search.japantimes.co.jp/print/business/nb08-2004/nb20040811a1.htm | |
96. American Beverage Association : Resources : ABCB/NSDA Convention Commemorative B National Soft Drink Association (NSDA) is the leading trade association for thenonalcohol beverage industry. Originally founded in 1919 as the American http://www.ameribev.org/resources/conventionbottles.asp | |
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