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         Belarus History:     more books (100)
  1. The Minsk Ghetto 1941-1943: Jewish Resistance and Soviet Internationalism by Barbara Epstein, 2008-07-19
  2. A Village Named Dogalishok: The Massacre At Radun And Eishishok (Library of Holocaust Testimonies) by Avraham Aviel, 2006-08-03
  3. Vitebsk: The Life of Art by Aleksandra Shatskikh, 2007-11-29
  4. Gratz College Holocaust Oral History Archive by Lola Krause, 1981
  5. Jews in Eastern Poland and the Ussr, 1939-46 by Norman Davies, 1991-12
  6. Polesie (Biblioteka wilenskich rozmaitosci) by Stanislaw Krasucki, 1998
  7. Byelorussia (Socialist republics of the Soviet Union) by Mikhail Shimansky, 1986
  8. Lia Kamenki bruistai (Pa rodnym krai) by Ales Martsinovich, 1992
  9. My little town Postov by Israel Reichel, 1997
  10. Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the Ussr, Moscow and Leningrad: Biographical Addenda, Supplement I by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, 1981-01
  11. Three travelers to Postavy by Laurence A Thompson, 1994
  12. Zarnitsy v glubinakh ozer (Po rodnomu kraiu) by O. A Tarikov, 1993
  13. Z dziejow Ziemi Lidzkiej by Pawel Komorowski, 1997
  14. Heroi i muzy: Historyka-litaraturnyi¸ a¸¡ narysy by Henadzʹ Kisi¸ a¸¡li¸ o¸¡ŭ, 1982

121. HIV And AIDS In Russia, Eastern Europe And Central Asia
Russia and the former countries of the Soviet Union are facing serious HIV epidemic. Information, statistics.
search Until the mid-1990s, most of the countries of the former Soviet Union appeared to have been spared the worst of the HIV epidemic. Mass screening of blood samples from people whose behaviour put them at risk of infection showed extremely low levels of HIV, right up to 1994. At that time the whole of Eastern Europe put together had around 30,000 infections among its 450 million people, Western Europe had over 15 times as many cases, while in sub-Saharan Africa over 400 times as many people were living with the virus. The AIDS epidemic in Eastern Europe and Central Asia now shows no signs of declining. Some 210,000 people were infected with HIV in 2004, bringing the total number of people living with the virus to 1.4 million. AIDS claimed 60,000 lives in the past year. Worst affected are the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania), but HIV continues to spread in Belarus, Moldova and Kazakhstan, while more recent epidemics are now evident in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. It is estimated that around 860,000 people aged 15-49 were living with HIV in the Russian Federation at the end of 2003 (though estimates vary widely). Driving these epidemics is widespread risky behaviour - injecting drug use and unsafe sex - among young people. Extraordinarily large numbers of young people regularly or irregularly engage in injecting drug use. This is reflected in increasing HIV prevalence among injecting drug users throughout the former Soviet Union.

122. Íàöèîíàëüíûé áàíê Ðåñïóáëèêè Áåëàðóñü
Background, monetary policy guidelines, and list of banks (both open and closed).
English dataAr = new Array("coll","monpol"); picAr = new Array("h11","h21");
Î êóðñîâîé ïîëèòèêå â III êâàðòàëå 2005 ãîäà.
Oòêðûòîìó àêöèîíåðíîìó îáùåñòâó "Áåëîðóññêèé íàðîäíûé áàíê" âûäàíà ëèöåíçèÿ íà ïðèâëå÷åíèå âî âêëàäû ñðåäñòâ ôèçè÷åñêèõ ëèö.

123. The National Academy Of Sciences Of Belarus
State sponsored scientific organization aimed to carry out and coordinate the fundamental research in main directions of natural, engineering, social sciences, the humanities and arts. In English, Belarusian, and Russian.

124. Plasma Accelerators Physics Group
Research of quasistationary high current accelerators (plasma guns) and the corersponding flows and material interaction.
Laboratory of Plasma Accelerators Physics
Head of the Laboratory: Doctor of Science V.M. Astashynski
Institute of Molecular and Atomic Physics F. Skaryna Ave., 70
220072 Minsk Belarus
Tel.: +375 17 284 10 65 Fax: +375 17 284 00 30

Staff Research Activities ... Publications

Of significant interest in terms of high-energy plasma flow obtaining are plasma accelerators (plasma guns) with inherent magnetic field wherein plasma is generated and accelerated due to transformation of electrical energy supplied by an external source, into kinetic energy of plasma flow. For most interesting applications of plasma accelerators (plasma injection in different magnetic traps, micro-particle acceleration, material surface modification, etc.) high plasma parameters with its long duration are required. Quasi-stationary plasma accelerators of a new generation correspond to conditions mentioned . The accelerators operate in the ion current transfer mode and provide ion-drift acceleration of magnetized plasma. The idea of such accelerating systems was proposed by Professor A.I.Morozov from Kurchatov's Institute, Moscow, Russia.
Our laboratory is developing and studying different types (gas-discharge and erosive) of quasi-stationary high-current plasma accelerators, in which acceleration of plasma is accompanied by its compression due to interaction between longitudinal components of swept away current and its azimuthal magnetic field. As a result, created at the outlet of the plasma accelerator discharge device is the compression plasma flow with plasma parameters much higher than those in the discharge device.

125. Proc. Of The Natl. Academy Of Sciences Of Belarus, Ser. Chemical Sciences (Vests
publishes research papers as well as review articles in the field of nonorganic, analytical, organic, physical and bioorganic chemistry, geochemistry, chemistry of high-molecular compounds, engineering chemistry and chemical technology.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus ( continued
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Published by Belaruskaya Navuka Publishing House, Minsk, Republic of Belarus Editor-in-Chief:
Prof. Nikolai P. KRUT'KO , Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus ISSN
Commenced publication January 1965
Online since December 1996 Publishing quarterly
Articles in Belarusian and Russian. Summaries in English Associate Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Fyodor A. LAKHVICH , The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus Editorial Board: Vladimir Ye. AGABEKOV , Andrei A. GILEP, Fyodor N. KAPUTSKII Vladimir S. KOMAROV Anatolii V. KUDEL'SKII Anatolii I. LESNIKOVICH ... Ivan I. LISHTVAN , Sergei K. RAKHMANOV, A.I. RAT'KO, Vladimir S. SOLDATOV Vladimir A. KHRIPACH Managing Editor: Mrs. Yanina V. ROSHCHINA, tel.: Aims and Scope:
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Series of Chemical Sciences

126. The National Olympic Committee Of The Republic Of Belarus
Features athletes, news, and images.
Design and developed by "Open Contact"
Support "AltoLan"

127. BELBUDO.COM - Jiu-jitsu And Self-defense Of Belarus
Selfdefense organization with information on school, competitions and events.

English Russian Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Belarus
Official site of Jiu-Jitsu and Self-Defense Center of Belarus Contacts
Internal school of union - School of White Wind White Wind Wen Wu of Richard N. Reynolds - clean wind, true military honour and conscience.

Last update on
July 15 2005

Female self-defense. The section about a self-defense for women will be extended. See photo and video. Woman
The videofragments, rollers of festivals, certifications, competitions - rigid protection against the weapon (knifes, stick, cord), sparrings in gloves, gymnastics are submitted on a site.
THE OPEN LETTER To Hanshi, Richard N. Reynolds, To the founder of International Bushido Society, To the founder of school of White Wind Wen Wu, 9 Dan The founder, Chairman of BRPU of Jiu-jitsu and Self-defense, The main trainer of union, Judge of the International category, The official representative International Bushido Society (IBS) for the countries of East Europe and Africa, 4 Dan of White Wind White Wind Wen Wu, Alexander Iv. Kozyrev May 24, 2005

128. : Öèôðîâîé àññèñòåíò- Íîâîñòè,Îáçîðû,Ñðà
A Belarussian site with news and information on handheld computers, Palm, PocketPC, Smart phones and Notebooks. Daily updated (In Russian).

HP iPAQ hx2110

Fujitsu-Siemens Pocket Loox 718

Asus MyPal A600

Acer n50 Premium

Êîìïàíèÿ EDO Corporation ïðåäñòàâèëà íîâûé êàðìàííûé êîìïüþòåð, ïðåäíàçíà÷åííûé äëÿ ðàáîòû â ýêñòðåííûõ óñëîâèÿõ. Óñòðîéñòâî MINI-T âåñîì îäèí êèëîãðàìì, ïî çàâåðåíèþ åãî ñîçäàòåëåé, ìîæíî...
«Îêñèäæåí Ñîôòâåð» âûïóñòèëà Oxygen Express 1.0 äëÿ òåëåôîíîâ Nokia
Êàê îáåñïå÷èòü ñîõðàííîñòü íàñòðîåê è äàííûõ Âàøåãî òåëåôîíà Nokia? Oxygen Express – ïðîñòîå èíàäåæíîå ðåøåíèå ïðîáëåìû!Ðîññèéñêàÿ êîìïàíèÿ «Îêñèäæåí Ñîôòâåð» îáúÿâëÿåò î âûõîäå ñâîåãî íîâîãî ïðîäóêòà...
Ñïåöèàëèñòû Dell ðàáîòàþò íà íîóòáóêàõ Lenovo Thinkpad?
AMDZone ïîëó÷èëà íåñêîëüêî êîïèé ñ÷¸ò-ôàêòóð, èç êîòîðûõ ñëåäóåò, ÷òî êîìïàíèÿ Dell êóïèëà íåñêîëüêî íîóòáóêîâ Lenovo Thinkpad T43 äëÿ ñâîåé ôèíàíñîâîé ñëóæáû ñî ñëåäóþùèìè õàðàêòåðèñòèêàìè: ·       ...
Hummer – ìàøèíà, Hummer – íîóòáóê.
Óæå ìàëî êîãî ìîæíî íàéòè, êòî íå ñëûøàë  î Hummer. Ó ìíîãèõ ëþäåé ýòî ñëîâî àññîöèèðóåòñÿ íå ïðîñòî ñ ìîùíîé ìàøèíîé, à ñ îïðåäåë¸ííûì ñòèëåì æèçíè, êîòîðûé ìîæåò âûçûâàòü çàâèñòü è âîñõèùåíèå...
Palm Tungsten T X è Zire 22: ñëóõè
Ïî ñîîáùåíèÿì èñòî÷íèêîâ, â ñåðåäèíå îêòÿáðÿ ãîòîâèòñÿ âûïóñê äâóõ íîâûõ íàëàäîííèêîâ Palm – Tungsten T X è Zire 22. Íàçâàíèå ïåðâîãî, ïîõîæå, ÿâëÿåòñÿ ðàáî÷èì è ìîæåò â äàëüíåéøåì èçìåíèòüñÿ. Ïî...

129. Belarus Ireland Adoption & Parents Society Ltd.
Community of people in the Republic of Ireland who have or are actively involved in the adoption of children from belarus. Includes meeting details, articles, and mailing list.
Piltown Cross
Kinsalebeg, youghal
co cork
Tel: 024 91719
Email: Home Media Stories About Us Email Group Adoption Stories ... Contact Us Notice Board
Following the meeting in Belarus, attached is a brief. 13/9/2005 MORE WILL FOLLOW ONCE THE AGREEMENT IS TRANSLATED. Adoptions from Belarus will re-commence as soon as
a new Adoption Agreement is in place
A delegation from the Adoption Board met with the Minister for Education,
the Deputy Minister for Education and the Director of the National Adoption
Centre during the recent humanitarian visit to Belarus. The delegation were
accompanied by a representative of the Irish Embassy in Moscow. The Adoption Board emphasised the humanitarian nature of the visit and said that its primary purpose was to address the issue of the outstanding 18 cases which have been with the Belarusian authorities since before the closure in October 2004. The Irish delegation also indicated that they wanted to discuss future humanitarian co-operation on adoption. The Belarusian authorities expressed their satisfaction that a delegation had travelled to Belarus. This was the first such delegation to be received

130. - Poll Boycott Likely To Invalidate Belarus Election - October 15, 2000
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Poll boycott likely to invalidate Belarus election
MINSK, Belarus Officials say voters stayed away from polling stations in large numbers in a general election, invalidating many results and delivering a rebuke to President Alexander Lukashenko.

131. Ôèàëêè, ñòðåïòîêàðïóñû è àäåíèóìû. Ñåíïîëèÿ
Grower of African violets offers personal articles, a photo gallery of varieties, as well as some photos of Streptocarpus. Site in Russian/English/French.
@import "css/main.css"; @import "css/index.css";
(êîìíàòíûå ðàñòåíèÿ èç ñåìåéñòâà åñíåðèåâûå/Gesneriaceae)
(êîìíàòíîå ðàñòåíèå èç ñåìåéñòâà Êóòðîâûå/Apocynaceae) White Lotus Star, Muang Kanchana
Summer Carnival

132. USAID
U.S. Agency for International Development.
Home Home About Us Programs Accomplishments Library ...

Choose Oblast Cherkasy Chernihiv Chernivtsi Crimea Republic Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk Ivano-Frankivsk Kharkiv Kherson Khmelnytsky Kirovohrad Kyiv Luhansk Lutsk Lviv Mykolayiv Odesa Poltava Rivne Sumy Ternopil Uzhhorod Vinnytsya Zaporizhzhya Zhytomyr September 2005 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Welcome to the USAID Regional Mission in Ukraine Providing Development Assistance in the Region Since 1992 Since 1992, the USAID Regional Mission to Ukraine Moldova , and Belarus has worked with government, non-governmental organizations, and implementing partners, to further the processes of democratic development, economic restructuring and social sector reform in the region. Husband Casts Tradition Aside and Helps Deliver Son Maria Yarmakova with a newborn and her husband Nikolai Sakhi It wasn’t easy getting Nikolai Yarmakov to take part in the birth of his son. Within much of Ukrainian society a lingering attitude exists that a man does not do "female tasks" like making the bed, doing the cooking or, heaven forbid, taking part in the birth of his child. More customarily, while his spouse is giving birth, the husband gathers with his friends to await news of the birth and then toast the newborn.
Nikolai, 34, finally agreed to be present and help in the birth if his first child only after much cajoling from his wife, Maria, and doctors at the Sakhi Rayon Maternity Hospital in the Crimea. Sakhi Maternity is part of the Maternal and Infant Health Project (MIHP), a program supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development and implemented by John Snow, Inc. The MIHP purpose is to improve reproductive and infant health in Ukraine by fostering quality perinatal services. It is part of a general commitment by USAID in partnership with the Ukrainian government to improve the overall health of the Ukrainian population. MIHP has been working in Ukraine since 2003.

D©couverte du B©larus (ou Bi©lorussie), ville par ville   travers son histoire, sa g©ographie, son ©conomie. Mais aussi des informations culturelles et gastronomiques, un annuaire et une boutique.

134. Europe: Country Report
Report on belarus by the Committee to Protect Journalists.
BELARUS President Aleksander Lukashenko, facing international condemnation for his boldfaced attempts to cling to power, resorted to increasingly crude tactics to rein in his media opponents.
On July 20, President Lukashenko lost what little democratic legitimacy he still had when he refused to step down after his five-year term ended. Western countries, including the United States, have refused to recognize the constitutional referendum he orchestrated in November 1996, which allowed him to dissolve Parliament, extend his term, and grant himself sweeping new powers.
Local newspapers cannot afford to ignore warnings from the State Press Committee, which acts as the government's censor. Two such warnings can lead to the closure of a media outlet. On May 16, members of the dissolved 13th Supreme Soviet (the Belarusian Parliament) and the former Central Elections Commission held unsanctioned presidential elections, which the Lukashenko regime strongly opposed. On February 15, the State Press Committee issued warnings to seven independent newspapers that had published information about the coming elections.
In late March, police arrested former premier Mikhail Chyhir after he announced his intention of running in the May 16 election. The election itself was tainted to such an extent that the results were not recognized by many of the participants. But it did spark anti-government protests that continued through the summer. As the protests multiplied, Lukashenko used dirtier methods to suppress any challenge to his rule. A number of prominent opposition figures simply disappeared, and several others went into exile to avoid a similar fate.

135. Repräsentanz Der Deutschen Wirtschaft - Repräsentanz Des Deutschen Industrie -
Die Site informiert vor allem ¼ber die Dienstleistungen der Repr¤sentanz f¼r Unternehmer. Es geht dabei um die Initiierung und Pflege deutschbelarussischer Wirtschaftskontakte.
myWin= open("AHK.htm", "displayWindow", "width=310,height=130,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no");

136. Belarus
Animated GIF image.

137. - Observers Ban For Belarus Poll - September 9, 2001

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Observers ban for Belarus poll
Favourite: current president Alexander Lukashenko MINSK, Belarus (CNN) Elections officials have banned a group of observers from monitoring presidential elections, according to the chief envoy from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. The current president, Alexander Lukashenko, 47, a former collective farm director, has ruled Belarus since 1994, though he has come under fire from the West for a poor record on human rights and press freedom. But he is admired by many at home for his popular touch and maintaining salaries and pensions. He says he will continue the policies he has followed for the past seven years when he is re-elected. Lukashenko, dubbed "Europe's last dictator," looks assured of victory after a campaign which his main challenger, trade unionist Viktor Goncharik, said had been marked by pressure from authorities. Polling stations opened at 8:00 a.m. (0500 GMT) and are due to close at 8:00 p.m. (1700 GMT).

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139. CIA - The World Factbook -- Belarus
Features a map and brief descriptions of geography, economy, government, and people.
Select a Country or Location World Afghanistan Akrotiri Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Arctic Ocean Argentina Armenia Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas, The Bahrain Baker Island Bangladesh Barbados Bassas da India Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dhekelia Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gabon Gambia, The

140. Informazioni Utili Sulla Bielorussia, Città, Popolazioni, Ambasciata, Visto, In
Esteso vademecum informativo su questa repubblica presidenziale proposto dall'associazione cagliaritana.
"SARDEGNA BELARUS Onlus": Associazione Internazionale di Amicizia, Cultura e Cooperazione con la Bielorussia ATTENZIONE NEL CASO LA MAIL fosse piena inviare all'indirizzo SUPER OFFERTA FERRAGOSTO A MINSK 2005 - VOLO A/R Roma - Minsk Euro 220 + tax (e. 31) Totale Euro 251 Mercoledì 10/08/2005 ROMA-MINSK ore 11:00 Mercoledì 17/08/2005 MINSK-ROMA ore 08:05 ... In contemporanea la visita istituzionale della Presidenza del Consiglio Regionale della Regione Autonoma Sardegna La nuova mail di "Sardegna Belarus: Metro Minsk SMS In Belarus Gratis Il forum in russo per scambiarsi le opinioni Barometro di Minsk GIUGNO 2005: L'Ambasciatore Bielorusso Aleksei Anatolevich Skripko in SARDEGNA A VVIATO IL GEMELLAGGIO E LO SCAMBIO STUDENTESCO TRA UNIVERSITA' DELLA PRODUZIONE ALIMENTARE DI MOGILEV E L'ISTITUTO ALBERGHIERO DI IGLESIAS VIAGGIARE IN BIELORUSSIA SENZA FORMALITA' E PROBLEMI Assistenza trasferimento Aeroporto - Minsk e viceversa - appartamenti a Minsk in centro-Prenotazioni Belavia-Visto per la Belarus in aeroporto l l visto per la Belarus in aeroporto a Minsk, senza invito e con tariffa ordinaria turistica di sole Euro 50: il servizio che ti consente di decidere di partire anche all'ultimo minuto - abbinato a volo Belavia.

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