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101. Raising Cattle On Your Own Place By Charles Sanders Issue #85 beef cattle feeding on mixed grass hay during the winter Raising beef cattle on the small place is another enjoyable part of being as selfsufficient as http://www.backwoodshome.com/articles2/sanders85.html | |
102. The Prairie Star: Technology cattleWise.com offers beef cattle Internet hub plus tracking. By ANDREA JOHNSON, For The Prairie Star Friday, July 22, 2005 904 AM MDT http://www.theprairiestar.com/articles/2005/07/27/ag_news/technology/tech01.txt | |
103. Beef Cattle Production beef cattle Production is a certificate program. It provides technical information, business knowledge and skill development related to beef production, http://www.siast.sk.ca/siast/educationtraining/oncampusprograms/5880/5651/5852/i | |
104. The Atlas Of Canada - Beef Cattle By Census Division, 1996 The map beef cattle by Census Division, 1996 depicts the average number of cattle on beef operation per square kilometre of farmland by census division for http://atlas.gc.ca/site/english/maps/economic/agriculture/agriculture1996/beefca | |
105. Beef CRC Korea is Australia s fastest growing beef export market. The Rural Development Administration, through the National livestock Research Institute and the http://www.beef.crc.org.au/ | |
106. Researchers Explore Hoop Barns For Feeding Beef Cattle - Spring 2005 Leopold Let This hoop barn houses beef cattle 120 feeder cattle in deep bedded Source MidWest Plan Service bulletin AED 50, Hoop Barns for beef cattle. http://www.leopold.iastate.edu/pubs/nwl/2005/2005-1-leoletter/hoops.htm | |
107. Government Of Saskatchewan - Beef Cattle Below are the top 25 results of a search for beef cattle across all Government of The following virtual courses are part of the complete beef cattle http://www.gov.sk.ca/topics/keyword/keyword?topic=agriculture&keyword=261 |
108. Beef Cattle yearling.gif (59467 bytes), beef cattle Finishing and Narrow Strip Cropping Adjust to Local Environments Introduction of beef cattle to an existing http://www.agroecology.org/cases/beefcattle.htm | |
109. G2061 Corn Silage For Beef Cattle, MU Extension Finishing 600 steer, 2.4 daily gain, 12.2, 74, 0.38, 0.29. 1Nutrient Requirements of beef cattle, No. 4, NRC, 1970. http://muextension.missouri.edu/explore/agguides/ansci/g02061.htm | |
110. Trace Minerals For Beef Cows zinc, selenium or manganese to meet the requirements of beef cattle. The suggested minimum requirement for copper in cattle rations is 10 mg/kg. http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/beef4887 | |
111. Beef Cattle Publications beef cattle Publications of the Texas Cooperative Extension Service Many of our Extension publications are included in the Texas beef cattle Management http://animalscience.tamu.edu/ansc/publications/beefpubs/beef_all.html | |
112. Diseases Affecting Reproduction In Beef Cattle Diseases Affecting Reproduction in beef cattle. Guide B215 (replaces 400 B-44). Ron Parker, Extension beef cattle Specialist http://www.cahe.nmsu.edu/pubs/_b/b-215.html | |
113. EDJE Cattle - The Combined Directories Of Breeding Cattle Page Oakleigh Farms Registered Limousin beef cattle, MN Sidwell Hay cattle - Champion Maine Heifer IA beef Expo, more SDWL Laredo results! http://www.showcattlepage.com/ | |
114. Department Of Animal Science, Michigan State University The beef cattle Research and Teaching Center is located in the MSU farms area beef cattle originate from states such as Michigan, Tennessee, Kentucky, http://www.ans.msu.edu/community/facilities/beef_bcrtc.html | |
115. Rural:Livestock:Beef Cattle. Landline. Australian Broadcasting Corporation Subject RuralLivestockBeef cattle. Back on track in northwest Qld BROADCAST 18/07/2004 Often mustering is a race against time. http://www.abc.net.au/landline/archives/LandlineSubjectIndx_RuralLivestockBeefCa | |
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