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81. BioMEDIA's Bear Biology Web Links bear information centre for grizzly and brown bears, polar bears, panda bears, black bears, asiatic bears, spectacled bears, sun bears and sloth bears. http://ebiomedia.com/teach/BearLinks.html | |
82. Why Borneo's Sun Bears Now Attack The reasons why get back to the suddenly aggressive sun bears. Habitat destruction concentrates their numbers, creating more competition for fewer resources http://www.earthisland.org/borneo/news/articles/010815article.html | |
83. ClipartReview.com - Clipart: Animal, Animals, Bear, Bears, Grizzly, Grizzly Bear animal, animals, bear, bears, grizzly, grizzly bear, sun, sunlight, Image Type Clipart, Clip Art, Web Graphics. Vendor Clipart.com http://www.clipartreview.com/_gallery/_pages/3030412.html | |
84. Rare Bears' Mating Efforts Fail To Produce Cubs, So Science Steps In If we keep going this way, there won t be any sun bears left in captivity, As a result, breeding of sun bears from the mainland of Southeast Asia has http://www.casperstartribune.net/articles/2005/07/20/news/special/3cf9419cf31871 | |
85. San Bernardino County Sun - News The San Bernardino sun serves San Bernardino County and California s Inland To calm residents fears about the bears, police and the Department of Fish http://www.sbsun.com/Stories/0,1413,208%7E12588%7E2998095,00.html | |
86. Department Of Natural Resource Sciences Populations of sun bears, Asiatic black bears, and sloth bears in Asia are declining rapidly and are threatened or endangered over most of their range. http://www.natural-resources.wsu.edu/research/bear-center/ | |
87. New York Giants - Statscenter - Giants.com 19 W at Green Bay, 2110 sun, Sep. 26 L at Minnesota, 27-22 sun, Oct. 3 L vs. The bears face the AFC North next season, hosting Baltimore and Cincinnati http://www.giants.com/team/opponents.asp?team_id=4589 |
88. HoustonChronicle.com - Bad News Bears Vertical Limit, Vertical Ray of the sun, Very Annie Mary When the original Bad News bears was released, in that distant era of 1976, childhood was http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/moviestory.mpl/ae/movies/reviews/3276672?mdate=20050 |
89. TicketsWest - Spokane Indians Vs Yakima Bears - Sun, August 28, 2005, 6:30 PM Spokane Indians vs Yakima bears. Avista Stadium. 602 N. Havana. Spokane, WA 99202. sun, August 28, 2005, 630 PM. Price $4.00 to $8.00 http://ticketswest.wchc.com/EventDetails.aspx?evt=40098 |
90. Sun Bear Short illustrated description of this bear of southeast Asia. http://www.bearbiology.com/sudesc.html | |
91. Malayan Sun Bear | Animal Facts | Chaffee Zoological Gardens Of Fresno Spend the day with over 700 mammals, birds and reptiles at the Chaffee Zoological Gardens of Fresno! The Zoo s winding pathways and dense vegetation provide http://www.chaffeezoo.org/animals/sunBear.html | |
92. San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Sun Bear Get fun and interesting sun bear facts in an easyto-read style from the San Diego Zoo s Animal Bytes. Buy tickets online and plan a visit to the Zoo or http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/t-sun_bear.html | |
93. San Diego Zoo Exhibit: Sun Bear Forest The San Diego Zoo has 4000 animals representing more than 800 species and subspecies, and a botanical collection of 700000 exotic plants. http://www.sandiegozoo.org/zoo/ex_sunbear_forest.html | |
94. Sun Bear Enrichment sun Bear Enrichment Tree Climbing Bear (Click to Enlarge any Photo) That may be so in the wild, but this is the first time for Ken our female sun bear! http://www.honoluluzoo.org/enrichment_sun_bear.htm | |
95. Animal Planet :: Corwin's Carnival Of Creatures The sun bear is covered by very short, dense, black fur which is very efficient The sun bear is found in Southeast Asia, particularly in Vietnam, Laos, http://animal.discovery.com/fansites/jeffcorwin/carnival/bearcave/malayansun.htm | |
96. Chipmunk And Bear The sun will not rise today, said Bear. He stared hard at the glowing light. sun is stronger than Bear, said the chipmunk, twittering with laughter. http://www.indians.org/welker/chipmunk.htm | |
97. MSN Encarta - Bear Several species, such as the sun bear and spectacled bear, have lightercolored chest and facial markings. Males are larger than females in all bear species http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761572258/Bear.html | |
98. Wildlife Works 100% organic cotton fitted woman s tee featuring the Malayan sun Bear. The smallest bear in the world, an adult male Malayan sun bear is about 4 feet http://www.wildlifeworks.com/prod/product231.html | |
99. Pueblo Zoo Sun Bear and the sun Bear stork will visit the Zoo. Solar Sue and Barney can be seen If a larger predator grabs the sun bear, it can virtually turn around in its http://www.pueblozoo.org/archives/jul00/feature.htm | |
100. Planet Ark Environmental News Pictures: A Borean Sun Bear Explores The Sun Bear Planet Ark gives you up to 40 World Environment News stories every day from the Reuters news agency. Nearly 10000 environmental news stories are fully http://www.planetark.com/envpicstory.cfm/newsid/25754 | |
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