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Bears Spectacled: more detail | ||||||
61. San Francisco Zoo | Animals | Spectacled Bear Life span in the wild is unknown, but in captivity, spectacled bears live from 20 spectacled bears live in various habitats in the South America/Andes http://www.sfzoo.org/cgi-bin/animals.py?ID=19 |
62. Glasgow Zoo - Now Closed The spectacled bear and the sloth bear populations in Europe suffer from the Increasing the number of sloth bears and spectacled bears may therefore http://www.glasgowzoo.co.uk/articles/carnivores/conferencebears3.php |
63. Queens Zoo Staff Use Expertise To Help Latin American Zoos - Spectacled Bear Tra in Latin America are just beginning to explore the bene spectacled Bear and enrichment programs used for the spectacled bears at the Queens Zoo, http://nyzoosandaquarium.com/qz-news/10313978 | |
64. The Bear TradeâÂÂQuestions And Answers Asiatic black bear, polar bear, giant panda, sloth bear, spectacled bear, of the poaching of polar bears or South America s spectacled bear. http://www.hsus.org/wildlife/issues_facing_wildlife/wildlife_trade/the_unbearabl | |
65. Bear Skull Everyone Expects Units Of The National Park Service To Although not the smallest of the living bears, spectacled bears are not A big male spectacled Bear is about the same size as a large female black bear. http://imnh.isu.edu/digitalatlas/geog/parks/hagerman/text/bear.htm | |
66. Spectacled Bears - By "THE BEAR DEN" tremarctosLike many bears, living spectacled Bear males are about twice as big as the The living spectacled Bear is the most herbivorous of all living bears. http://www.excite.sfu.ca/projects/exwork/best/bearden/spectacl.htm | |
67. Appalachian Black Bears: FAQ: American Black Bear panda bear, polar bear, sun bear, spectacled bear, sloth bear, and Asiaticblack bear. The American black bear is the smallest North American bear, http://fieldtripearth.org/article.xml?id=733 |
68. Madison Magazine - The Magazine Of Lifestyle And Business Under her zookeep polar bears, grizzly bears, black bears, spectacled She knows that Miguel, the spectacled bear, starts to huff when he gets annoyed. http://www.madisonmagazine.com/article.php?section_id=918&xstate=view_story&stor |
69. Bear Conservation In Ecuador. World's Best Responsible & Ecotourism Holidays. The last remaining representatives of the shortfaced bears, spectacled bearsare listed as Vulnerable by the World Conservation Union, the IUCN. http://www.responsibletravel.com/Trip/Trip900107.htm | |
70. LII - Results For "bears" on all eight bear species (brown bears, pandas, polar bears, American blackbears, Asiatic black bears, sun bears, spectacled bears, and sloth bears). http://www.lii.org/search?searchtype=subject;query=Bears;subsearch=Bears |
71. IBA Bear Species Descriptions International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA) Sloth bear spectacled Bear Head Sun bear head spectacled bear Sun bear http://www.bearbiology.com/specdesc.html | |
72. Spectacled Bear Information about this South American species, including physical appearance,geographical range (with map), habitat, habits, and captive breeding efforts. http://www.thewildones.org/Animals/specBear.html | |
73. Spectacled Bear - Tremarctos Ornatus - ARKive ARKive Images of life on Earth. A new digital library of photographs, filmclips and accompanying information about endangered species, http://www.arkive.org/species/GES/mammals/Tremarctos_ornatus/ | |
74. Spectacled Bear - Tremarctos Ornatus: More Information - ARKive ARKive Images of life on Earth. A new digital library of photographs, filmclips and accompanying information about endangered species, http://www.arkive.org/species/GES/mammals/Tremarctos_ornatus/more_info.html | |
75. Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos Ornatus) spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) facts, photos and videos. http://www.thebigzoo.com/Animals/Spectacled_Bear.asp | |
76. ADW: Tremarctos Ornatus: Information Article about the spectacled Bear from Animal Diversity Web. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tremarctos_ornat | |
77. Spectacled Bear -- Encyclopædia Britannica spectacled bear (species e Tremarctos ornatus /e ), bear, the only South Americanspecies of the family Ursidae. It inhabits mountainous regions http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9069032 | |
78. Spectacled Bear Text The spectacled bear is the only bear in South America. They are mediumsized forbear species but are the second largest land mammal in South America, http://animaltrial.com/animals/bearpicturesfolder/spectacledbearpictures/spectac | |
79. Dialogue For Kids Wild About Bears: Bear Facts & Information polar bears, giant panda bears, Asiatic black bears, sloth bears, spectacledbears, sun bears and brown bears which are also known as grizzly bears. http://www.idahoptv.org/dialogue4kids/bears/facts.html | |
80. ..:: Welcome To The Cincinnati Zoo ::.. Bear beware The spectacled bear suffers from habitat loss and hunting for its The only bear native to South America, the spectacled bear is the most http://www.cincyzoo.org/Exhibits/AnimalExhibits/LordsOfTheArctic/spectaclebear/s | |
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