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141. Experts Sound Alarm Over Polar Bears CNN http://cnn.com/2003/TECH/science/06/17/polar.bears.ap/index.html |
142. Polar Bears Leave Caribbean Circus CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/americas/11/20/puertorico.polarbears.ap/index.html |
143. Experts Predict Polar Bear Decline SEATTLE, July 6 As the pack ice that is the bedrock of their existence meltsbecause of global warming, polar bears are facing unprecedented http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/06/AR2005070601899. | |
144. CNN.com - Polar Bears Find Cure For Boredom - July 12, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/TECH/science/07/12/polar.bear/index.html | |
145. NOAA Photo Library/Historic C&GS Collection/Animals/Bear/Polar/theb3715 polar bears with dead seal. line. space. Image ID theb3715, Historic C GSCollection Credit NOAA. High Resolution Photo Available Click Here http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/historic/c&gs/theb3715.htm | |
146. Interior Chief Oil Drills Won't Harm Polar Bears CNN http://cnn.com/2002/TECH/science/01/18/polar.bears.oil.ap/index.html |
147. Acorn Naturalists' Product Information bears, polar, Black and Grizzly bears. Hodge. Wonderful introduction to bearsfor young children, ages 510. Kids relate to discussions of how bears http://www.acornnaturalists.com/store/xq/asp/SID.2/Product_ID.2961/qx/product1.h | |
148. Report Arctic Warming Imperils Polar Bears CNN http://cnn.com/2002/TECH/science/05/15/polar.bears.reut/index.html |
149. Polar Bears 'hot' Item In Puerto Rico CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/americas/03/05/puerto.rico.polar.bears.ap/index.html |
150. Travel Forum polar bear hunting in Greenland has so far been limited to traditional hunters . Given the concerns about unsustainable hunting of polar bears and the http://www.greenland.com/forum/guestbook/614.html | |
151. Bears - Koala Bears, Polar Bears, Wild Bears, Brown Bears - Gifts, Collectibles, 28259 A couple of trueblue, too-cool, polar bear buddies in striking Patchworkfinery. The largest is 4 3/4 x 4 1/2 x 8 high. http://www.dvercity.com/catalog_bears.html | |
152. TAXONOMY The USFWS administers polar bears for the federal government *232*. Lactation Period polar bear cubs nurse for at least one year and usually 2 to 21/2 http://fwie.fw.vt.edu/WWW/macsis/lists/M050060.htm | |
153. Cuddly Collectibles - Collectible Grizzly Koala Black Bear Polar Bear Figurines We carry a large selection of bears from small Plush to JUMBO! Pandas, Koalabears, Grizzly bears and more are available. http://www.cuddlycollectibles.com/Other Collectibles/Animals/bears.htm | |
154. IStockphoto.com : IStockphoto.com: Royalty Free Stock Photography Community: Pol polar Bear 1 1, bear, bears, polar, snow Keywords 1, bear, bears, polar, snowDetails Return to Index Home © iStock International Inc. http://www.istockphoto.com/imageindex/60/5/60574/Polar_Bear_1.html | |
155. IStockphoto.com : IStockphoto.com: Royalty Free Stock Photography Community: Pol polar Bear 2 2, bear, bears, polar, snow, white Keywords 2, bear, bears, polar,snow, white Details Return to Index Home http://www.istockphoto.com/imageindex/60/5/60575/Polar_Bear_2.html | |
156. Bears: New & Used Books Category Search Result For Bears Victor Vito and Freddie Vasco Two polar bears on a Mission to Save the KlondikeCafe List Price $7.95 / Similar to polar Bear, polar Bear, What Do You. http://www.fetchbook.info/fwd_topics/id_944.html | |
157. -= Polar Bear Fan Club =- Home polar Bear Web Fan Club A polar Bear resourse site. http://www.polarbear.org.uk/ | |
158. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Polar Bear Bear polar Bear Bear, any of a group of mammals distinguished by a large,stocky body; powerful limbs; dense fur; and a short, stumpy tail. http://encarta.msn.com/related_761579749_11/size_and_swimming_ability.html | |
159. Polar Bear -- Kids' Planet -- Defenders Of Wildlife Learn about the size, habitat, diet, population, and behavior of the polar bear. http://www.kidsplanet.org/factsheets/polar_bear.html | |
160. Bear, Polar Hunting Articles And Reports Below are published articles in the last 4 years on Bear, polar Hunting in the20 year Step 1 View A FREE Sample Hunting Report On Bear, polar Hunting http://www.huntingreport.com/hunting_article_list.cfm?animal=Bear, Polar Hunting |
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