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41. Organisms Which Thrive In Arctic Sea Ice - Krembs, Deming Arctic sea ice ecology, organisms from bacteria, viruses, and unicellular algae to mammals (polar bears, reindeer, fox, whales) text, maps and photographs (current and historical). NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) site provides access to widely distributed Arctic data and information for scientists, managers, decision makers and the general public on one of the last remaining frontiers. http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/essay_krembsdeming.html | |
42. Churchill Northern Studies Centre: Polar Bears Of Churchill, Manitoba The Churchill Northern Studies Centre is an independent, nonprofit researchstation located near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Study topics include polar http://www.churchillmb.net/~cnsc/ab-attrac-bears.html | |
43. American Polar Bears: The American Expeditionary Force To Northern Russia Story of Michigan soldiers stationed in Northern Russia during World War I. http://www.worldwar1.com/dbc/p_bears.htm | |
44. Ursus Maritimus Ice Bear Nanook Polar Bear Sea Bear White Bear The polar bear is a mighty hunter of seals. The most carnivorous of the bears, Like those of other bears, the ears of the polar bear are round. http://www.bears.org/animals/polar/ | |
45. International Wildlife Adventures - Polar Bear Trips, Galapagos Cruises, Belize Offering trips around the world to observe and photograph wildlife including polar bears. Led by professional photographers and naturalists. http://wildlifeadventures.com | |
46. BBC - Science & Nature - Animals - Children's Zone - Amazing Animals - Polar Bea polar bear Close up of polar bear polar bears are the largest land polar bearwith cub In order for polar bears to stay fat and warm they must eat a lot http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/reallywild/amazing/polar_bear.shtml | |
47. Rug And Taxidermy Of Wolf, Polar-, Brown-, Black- Or Grizzly Bear Norway. Tanners of polar, brown, black and grizzly bear and wolve hides for rugs and wall decoration. Taxidermy of bears and wolfes. Facts and pictures of the polar bear. http://www.qualitypolarbear.com/ | |
48. Animal Scoop - Bear - Asiatic - Black - Brown - Grizzley - Panda - Sloth - Polar Play the Tickle the Toe Game and learn about our animal kingdom. Animal picturesenhance your learning. http://www.billybear4kids.com/animal/whose-toes/toes2a-polarbear.html | |
49. Welcome To The Churchill Northern Studies Centre Promote and facilitates Northern research covering the physical environment, social issues and economic development, including sustainable resource development. Offers opportunities to study the northern lights, whales, arctic flora and fauna, polar bears and historic Fort Prince of Wales. http://www.churchillmb.net/~cnsc/ | |
50. MSN Encarta - Polar Bear All polar bears are white, although their fur may yellow in the summer. As with other true bears, polarbear mothers and young form strong bonds. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761579749/Polar_Bear.html | |
51. On Thin Ice Hudson Bay Polar Bears Examines the threat to the polar bear population at the southern extreme of the species' domain. http://www.defenders.org/magazinenew/Fall2001/polar.pdf |
52. Error - Erreur Learn about polar bears and the importance of safety for children, teens, and the polar bears. http://www.pc.gc.ca/Library/NationalParks/Polar/english/polar_e.htm | |
53. PolarBears They are almost related to brown bears. polar bears enjoy the land as much as the The polar bears spend most of their time on land and use the sea as a http://library.thinkquest.org/3877/PolarBears.html | |
54. 2002 Meet the polar bears and learn what it takes to make their team, see photos, and read about their history. http://www.onu.edu/org/cheerleading | |
55. Webshots - Images Of Polar Bears Get a free photo for your desktop each and every day with Webshots! http://community.webshots.com/album/7071654BtyjlpdSfV | |
56. France Fauteux, Art Ceramic Sculptures, Collectible Animals. A bilingual gallery of oneof-a-kind ceramic art. Also, a collection of creamware birds, owls, ducks, polar bears, frogs and other animals. http://arte-factum.com/Fauteux/ | |
57. Polar Bear Male polar bears reach their full size when they are 8 to 10 years old. A polar bear climbs onto the ice. Like a dog, polar bears dry off by shaking the http://www.ucls.uchicago.edu/students/projects/1996-97/Hillocks96/polar_bear.htm | |
58. Baseball Official baseball site with news, schedule, roster and statistics. http://www.ONUSports.com/Baseball/index.html | |
59. Feenicks' Polar Bear PAGE See below for some links to pictures of polar bears and Links to Other polar BearPages. Here are some polar Bear Pictures that I scanned myself. http://members.ozemail.com.au/~feen/pb_old.html | |
60. AfriCam - Africa Safari Live feeds of the African Bush, Bahamas, and polar bears. http://www.africam.com/ | |
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