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Baule Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail | |||||
21. The First Masks Over thirty thousand years ago, somewhere in africa, an indigenous Hunter had a idea For early indigenous peoples, masks were a way to the gods, and http://www.africans-art.com/index.php3?action=page&id_art=28378 |
22. African Studies: Art And Archaeology Artwork of various West african peoples, with some Makonde objects from East africa . A handful of images of baule figure art from Côte d Ivoire, http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/AfArt.html | |
23. Black History peoples, including some groups of the Fon in Benin and the baule and Dan of With the Westernizing of African cities, much indigenous architecture http://www.britannica.com/Blackhistory/article.do?nKeyValue=384737 |
24. MSN Encarta - Search View - African Art And Architecture The baule, a subgroup of the Akan of western africa, have several types of indigenous african religions have had a greater influence on art objects than http://encarta.msn.com/text_761574805__1/African_Art_and_Architecture.html | |
25. Secretary Of State Colin L baule groups began arriving from the mid18th century and settled toward the Most peoples in the southwestern quadrant practice indigenous religions, http://wwwc.house.gov/international_relations/108/toun0212.htm | |
26. EShopAfrica.com - Library baule african Art, Western Eyes, baule - african Art, Western Eyes Documenting the indigenous skills of africa that reveal the very old and very http://www.eshopafrica.com/library/ | |
27. In These Times 25/16 -- Out Of Africa The finest pieces, such as a baule mask from the Ivory Coast or a finely carved indigenous expression took on fresh value. Some Europeans, meanwhile http://www.inthesetimes.com/issue/25/16/zachary2516b.html | |
28. Social & Cultural Parenting Christianity indigenous peoples Books Social Sciences Cultural The World and a Very Small Place in africa A History of http://www.growinglifestyle.com.au/au/j124882 | |
29. WoYaa!: ARTS Discover firsthand the vitality and significance of african peoples, West africa, baule Culture, Spirit Figure The University of Central Florida Art http://www.woyaa.com/linksfr/ARTS/more10.html | |
30. Michael Stevenson Contemporary The Mlungu in africa art from the colonial period, 18401940 or foreignerin indigenous value system and rituals16 are the baule figure (no.45) and the http://www.michaelstevenson.com/contemporary/books/mlungu.htm | |
31. Office Of Public Affairs At Yale - News Release In conjunction with the gallery s current exhibit on baule art, known forits variety of authentic crafts from indigenous peoples around the world, http://www.yale.edu/opa/newsr/97-12-10-01.all.html | |
32. Atlas - Cote DIvoire Map Added to this indigenous mixture, French, Lebanese, and African immigrants Thus the baule, as well as other peoples living east of the Bandama River, http://www.map.freegk.com/cote_divoire/cote_divoire.php | |
33. Project MUSE The baule subgroup began arriving from the mideighteenth century and settledtoward the Most peoples in the southwest practice indigenous religions. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_democracy/v012/12.3toungara.html | |
34. Art/Auctions: Arts Of Africa, Oceania And The Americas At Sotheby's, May 19, 200 Lot 2 is a thin New Guinea, Bungain peoples mask of hollowed oval form that is very The African Arts section is highlighted by fine Dogon, Temne, baule, http://www.thecityreview.com/s01stamp.html | |
35. FORE: Information-Contributor Biographies indigenous Religious Traditions and Modernity (forthcoming), African His published works include French Colonial Rule and the baule peoples http://environment.harvard.edu/religion/information/about/biolist.html | |
36. African L. Dreams and Reverie Images of Otherworld Mates among the baule, West africa . indigenous Art of the Americas Collection of Robert Woods Bliss. http://www.dupontbooks.com/african.htm | |
37. Report On The Implementation Of The Plan Of in cooperation with those groups (women, indigenous peoples, children, migrants, africa Adja Afrikaans Akuapem Twi Amharic Arabic (Alarabia) http://www.unhchr.ch/huridocda/huridoca.nsf/(Symbol)/E.CN.4.1999.87.En?OpenDocum |
38. Baule baule African Art/Western Eyes National Museum of African Art, Washington DC, Feb . A primary technique used to discriminate between indigenous and http://social.chass.ncsu.edu/jouvert/v3i3/baule.htm | |
39. Jouvert: Editor's Introduction-4 Hyènes thus represents a part of africa to itself in a manner antithetical to projects) are the subject of my review of baule african Art/Western Eyes; http://social.chass.ncsu.edu/jouvert/v3i3/int33.htm | |
40. CMA For Schools And Teachers : Presentation Outline cultures blended with ancient belief systems of indigenous people. The baule mask in the presentation was made for a ceremony honoring a guest to http://www.clevelandart.org/educef/art2go/html/4033988.html | |
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