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41. Arizona Web Design News - News From The Arizona Web Design Community Inzone athletes can take their professional quality stat sheets and bios, You can read general sports news, or news that is specific to your sport of http://arizonawebdesign.obuweb.com/index.php/04-11-2005 | |
42. World-Wide Web Resources - Sport And Recreation Auburn University Athletic Department, with bios, stats, and press releases onall 20 varsity RTS baseball Site, comprehensive baseball links site. http://www.uky.edu/Subject/sportall.html | |
43. Staff Bios Pete, a licensed physical therapist and athletic trainer, cofounded While growing up, Matt competed in football, wrestling, baseball and water skiing. http://www.oxfordphysicaltherapy.com/pages/bios.html | |
44. Panelist Bios Kathleen DeBoer, a 23year veteran collegiate athletics administrator, In her second term, Mayor Barnes intends to focus on four specific goals http://www.sportkc.org/events/PanelistBios.htm | |
45. University At Buffalo - Contact The Division Of Athletics - Go Bulls! next meeting to discuss not only specific intercollegiate athletic programs, Review our staff bios and choose a speaker that would best fit your http://www.ubathletics.buffalo.edu/contact/speakers.shtml | |
46. University At Buffalo - Baseball - Go Bulls! and was given the responsibility of initiating a donor program specific toathletics as University at Buffalo Division of Athletics baseball Office http://www.ubathletics.buffalo.edu/baseball/coaches/breene.shtml | |
47. CAS Central Office Staff Bios information director and Major League baseball media relations director, George Hall, longtime Berlin HS athletic director, currently serves as http://www.casciac.org/casbios.shtml | |
48. HealthplexSpecialtyContent 4year letterman in baseball and team captain, Bloomsburg University His zestfor competitive athletics and working with young athletes make his http://www.crozer.org/CKHS/Left Nav/Healthplex/Specialties/Training/Trainer Bios | |
49. NorthStone Country Club - Golf & Fitness Staff Bios Golf Fitness Staff bios NorthStone Country Club is a private club located in He graduated from South Decatur High School where he played baseball, http://www.northstoneclub.com/fw/main/Golf_and_Fitness_Staff_Bios-1438.html | |
50. The Bay School Of San Francisco Faculty And Staff Bios The Bay School Faculty ans Staff bios He began his athletic career inprofessional baseball as a player and coach for the Atlanta Braves. http://www.bayschoolsf.org/academics/faculty_bios.html | |
51. Sports Links baseball Primer information on all things baseball including statistics, and audio and video clips of athletes, sports, and specific Olympic Games http://library.loganutah.org/directory/links/sports.html | |
52. Reading Phillies Baseball: Class AA Affiliate Of The Philadelphia Phillies Since MitchellÂs memories of Juhl were more specific, recalling that ÂMike Juhl In addition to being baseball coach, he is associate athletic director and http://www.readingphillies.com/alumni_pheatures_1995_mitchell_juhl.htm | |
53. AuburnTigers.com - The Official Website Of Auburn Tiger Athletics Auburn Football Ranked Fourth in Studentathlete Peformance Rate in thefollowing Whether an athlete that participated in a specific sport was retained http://content.auburntigers.com/football/page.cfm?doc_id=9819 |
54. BCC Athletics, Softball, Home Page Please see the BCC softball coaches bios on the BCC website (www.bcc.ctc.edu/athletics)for Softball field is located below the baseball field. http://www.bcc.ctc.edu/athletics/sotfball/Camps and Clinics.htm | |
55. Welcome To Adobe GoLive 5 PE 312 Practical Applications of Coaching baseball/Softball 2 credits. PREREQ bios 301 OR EQUIVALENT, OR PE 243, PE 300, AND PE 362. S http://ed.isu.edu/SSPED/CoursePE.html | |
56. The Athlete's Advisor-Weekly View Archives 2004 College Coaches Online University student athlete information I was a seasonticket holder for football and baseball, my last season being the 1993 http://www.athletesadvisor.com/articles/weeklyeview04.htm | |
57. Baseball Coaches - Notre Dame College Among Adams 20 years of baseball coaching experience are positions with VermillionLegion 17 and under, Campus Life Athletics Student bios http://www.notredamecollege.edu/athletics/baseballMen/coaches.htm | |
58. Baseball Team - Notre Dame College NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) 2005 baseball Team.2005 Numerical Roster. Click on a specific player to find out more. http://www.notredamecollege.edu/athletics/baseballMen/team.htm | |
59. Health Journeys - Resources For Mind, Body, And Spirit Our Practitioner bios. Amy Weintraub, MFA, RYT, Andrew E. Schwartz, Andrew Weil, MD He originated Exceptional Cancer Patients (ECaP), a specific form of http://www.healthjourneys.com/practitioner_bios.asp | |
60. Faculty Welcome Letters-Bios I am also an assistant coach with the varsity baseball team. As a studentathlete I played on threeconference championship teams which appeared in the http://www.mccallie.org/midschool/NewStudentsParentsPage/FacultyWelcomeLetters-B | |
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