Country Listing Bangladesh Table of Contents Bangladesh Government Budget Process Revenue Budget The annual budget is prepared by the Ministry of Finance and presented to Parliament for approval each year, except during periods of martial law, when the budget has been announced by the martial law administration. It is divided into a revenue budget and a development budget, on both the receipts and the expenditures sides. The revenue budget pays for the normal functioning of the government and is intended to be fully financed from domestically generated sources. The fiscal year ( FY see Glossary) 1988 revenue budget was based on anticipated receipts of about US$1.6 billion, or approximately Tk48.9 billion (for value of the taka see Glossary). Expenditures were to be US$1.5 billion, leaving a surplus of US$130 million for development. The previous year a revenue surplus of US$246 million was applied to the development budget. Tax revenues, almost half of them from customs duties, accounted for about 80 percent of revenue receipts. Excise duties and sales taxes also were important, each producing more revenue than taxes on income, which yielded only about US$150 million according to the revised budget in FY 1985. That amount represented less than US$2 per capita income tax. The largest part of the nontax revenuemaking up 20 percent of the revenue budget in the late 1980scame from the nationalized sector of the economy, including industrial enterprises, banks, and insurance companies. | |