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61. METU Department Of History HIST 219 Balkan history I In history, the balkans were the cross road of variousraces, HIST 220 Balkan history II Continuation of HIST 219. http://www.hist.metu.edu.tr/year2.htm | |
62. Nationality In The Balkans: The Case Of The Macedonians Balkan historywriting, whether of the nationalist or Marxist schools (the twoare not There is an alternative view of modern Balkan history namely, http://knigite.abv.bg/en/other/yasamee.html | |
63. The Consortium Rather than a fictional war in the balkans diverting the nation s attention from a Clinton disclosed that he d been boning up on Balkan history. http://www.consortiumnews.com/1999/050499d.html | |
64. Department Of History - University Of Michigan 430, history of the balkans from the Sixth Century to 1878 625, Studies inBalkan history. 626, Studies in Byzantine history http://www.lsa.umich.edu/history/courses/ | |
65. NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE in South East Europe Cold War in the balkans - history and Consequences . was dedicated to certain military aspects of Cold War Balkan history. http://www.nsf-journal.hr/issues/v1_n2/coldwar.htm | |
66. A There are some persistent themes in the history of the balkans. Indeed, alook at Balkan history reveals a major historical signature. http://www.zmag.org/dajkovic.htm | |
67. II - Serbia: 1992 - Academic - Writings - Yuccacentric.com - Writings - Academic Turning Points in Balkan history Serbia Declares Independence from Bosnia andHerzegovina in 1992. http://www.yuccacentric.com/writings/academic/Balkans-partII.html | |
68. | Orientalism, The Balkans, And Balkan Historiography | The American Historical The apparent absurd confusion of Balkan history is lampooned in Hergé s fauxchronicle In fact, the particularities of Balkan history and geography make http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/ahr/105.4/ah001218.html | |
69. Balkan Military History Welcome to the website Balkan Military history. Balkan Military history is devotedto the study of the military history of the balkans. http://members.aol.com/balkandave/frmcon.htm | |
70. Program Of Lessons c) Balkan history. The balkans during the later middle ages. The portrait of theBalkan peoples in Byzantine sources. d) Mediaeval European history. http://www.uoi.gr/schools/human/postmed/lessons.htm | |
71. Powell's Books - Explaining Yugoslavia By John B Allcock Though many think of the balkans as a uniquely troubled region, the author the author asserts that the continuities in Balkan history constitute the http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=17-0231120540-0 |
72. Rossitsa Gradeva Ph.D. at the Institute of Balkan Studies, 1989 MA in history at the Faculty of Balkan history I, 14th cent. to 19th cent. Ottoman Legacy in the balkans http://www.aubg.bg/faculty/info.php?email=rgradeva |
73. Stefan's Florilegium balkansmsg - 6/1/00. Balkan history and culture. (Yugoslavia) Subject IbnBattuta/Balkan history Organization Toronto Free-Net http://www.florilegium.org/files/CULTURES/Balkans-msg.html | |
74. LocalPin - Balkans Essay on Balkan history, with timeline, written in 1999.http//airnet.net/craig/g4c/rantIgnoramus.htm record no 3 of 7 25 Lectures onModern Balkan http://www.localpin.com/info/en/europe/regions/balkans/ | |
75. Salon Books | Misha Glenny's "The Balkans" And Michael Ignatieff's "Virtual War" In the balkans history he sees foreign powers struggling among Glenny positionsthe past 200 years of Balkan history as a fundamentally modern struggle http://archive.salon.com/books/review/2000/05/04/glenny_ignatieff/ | |
76. Syndrome-des-balkans.com Informations sur l'actualit© du syndrome des balkans. Revue de presse, historique et descriptif du syndrome, glossaire, liens et t©moignages. http://www.syndrome-des-balkans.com | |
77. FAQ For 25 Lectures On Modern Balkan History TwentyFive Lectures on Modern Balkan history. 1996. Online. Many topics inBalkan history are controversial, and I receive many comments from readers http://www.lib.msu.edu/sowards/balkan/faq.html | |
78. WashingtonPost.com: Balkans Report From WashingtonPost.com. updated 1999 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/inatl/longterm/balkans/balkans.htm | |
79. Balkans Connection You can find news, events, training, projects, grants, jobs and opportunities in the balkans. http://www.balkans.eu.com | |
80. Balkans Vers Une Paix Et Un Développement Durables Site du Mouvement de la Paix, militant pour la paix dans les balkans. Communiqu©s, chronologies, liens. http://www.paixbalkans.org | |
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