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81. Globalization And The United Nations View the Dialogue Paper by indigenous People prepared by the Members of the CSD Read NEPAD Foothold for Corporate Globalization in africa by Antonia http://www.ifg.org/un.html | |
82. PDHRE: Annual Report 2002-2003 and indigenous people, sustainable development and poverty alleviation. Held training sessions for NGOs going to Johannesburg held NY and bali. http://www.pdhre.org/annualreport2002.htm | |
83. Human Organization: Pampang Culture Village And International Tourism In East Ka Pampang, a village inhabited by Kenyah Dayaks, an indigenous people of While most foreigners vacationing in Indonesia visit the islands of bali or Java, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3800/is_200101/ai_n8946779 | |
84. Indigenous Research Network : Office Of The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) : Cultural relationships between indigenous and nonindigenous peoples in indigenous African Immigrants in Australia an exploratory analysis of the http://www.unimelb.edu.au/dvc-academic/irn.html | |
85. USC Catalogue: The Schools: USC College Of Letters, Arts And Sciences: Anthropol 140g Native peoples of Mexico and Central America (4, Sp) An exploration of the 322 Anthropology of bali (4, Sp) An introduction to the methodology of http://www.usc.edu/dept/publications/cat2004/schools/college/anth/courses.html | |
86. SARPN Newsletters Newsletter No 6 July 2002 The WSSD and Poverty From bali to Johannesburg developing a world solidarity fund; indigenous peopleÂs access to economic http://www.sarpn.org.za/news/Newsletters/No6/page4.php | |
87. Down To Earth IFIs Update 31, March 2003 Resolutions from the CGI meeting in bali 2122 January 2003 (UK) in April2003 to provide an opportunity for indigenous People s groups to present their http://dte.gn.apc.org/Au31.htm | |
88. UNITED NATIONS Press Release Xxxxxxxxxx SUB-COMMISSION CONTINUES The work done on the rights of indigenous peoples was encouraging. Once theywere families of African nations, but today their blood was mixed with the http://www.unhchr.ch/huricane/huricane.nsf/0/4B7F680857389E5FC1256D8200270D11?op |
89. IP Summit Declaration KhoiSan Territory Kimberley, South africa, 20-23 August 2002 We, the IndigenousPeoples, walk to the future in the footprints of our ancestors http://www.tebtebba.org/tebtebba_files/wssd/ipsummitdec.html |
90. Third World Network Africa - TWN Africa African Initiative on Mining Environment and Society (AIMES) The culture ofa people influences what is acceptable as modern. http://twnafrica.org/news_detail.asp?twnID=229 |
91. Vth World Parks Congress, 8-17 September 2003, Durban, South Africa All you ever wanted to know about the people behind the WPC, from IUCN and Thabo Mbeki, President of the Republic of South africa, stressed the need to http://www.iucn.org/themes/wcpa/wpc2003/english/news/daybyday/dailyreports/08090 | |
92. ET Final Report On WSSD gathered on the beautiful, spiritfilled island of bali, Indonesia. The climatewas tropical, the balinese people were gracious and welcoming. http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/jpc/wrapup.html | |
93. Anthropology A fascinating look at the Sambia people of the mountains of New Guinea, This lively film adds a new dimension to the appreciation of African music, http://www.filmakers.com/Anthropology.htm | |
94. Review Of African Crossroads And Kingdom On Mount Cameroon African Crossroads Intersections between History and Anthropology in Cameroon; In The Plantations and The People of Victoria Division , http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/dz/xroads/historian.html | |
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