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21. Back To School The National Mental health Association (NMHA) is the countryÂs oldest and largest The Âback to school kit contains a number of materials to help NMHA http://www.nmha.org/pbedu/backtoschool/index.cfm | |
22. Welcome To Coordinated School Health Programs back to homepage, Coordinating school health Programs, CSHP logotype And whatever your role in Coordinating school health Programs may be, thank you! http://www.mainecshp.com/ | |
23. MedlinePlus: School Health Overviews; back to school Tips (American Academy of Pediatrics); backto-schoolBasics Promoting Your Child s health (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/schoolhealth.html | |
24. School Health (Print Version) Overviews; back to school Tips (American Academy of Pediatrics) backto-schoolBasics Promoting Your Child s health (Mayo Foundation for Medical http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/print/schoolhealth.html | |
25. School Health Education Clearinghouse school health. back Home; SIECUS has developed the National school healthClearinghouse in an effort to give professionals easy access to essential http://www.siecus.org/school/ | |
26. Health Information - Medical Information - Harvard Health Publications Harvard health Publications Harvard Medical school. SEARCH. HOME SIGN IN SIGN OUT SUBSCRIBER ACCESS BROWSE back ISSUES PUBLICATION CATALOG http://www.health.harvard.edu/ | |
27. Diagnostic Tests  The Family Health Guide The Harvard Medical school Family health Guide, Diagnostic Tests How soonwill the results of that antibody test be back? http://www.health.harvard.edu/fhg/diagnostics.shtml | |
28. School Of Public Health At Johns Hopkins The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of Public health is dedicated to back toschool, back to Germs (Atlanta Journal Constitution, August 11, 2005) http://www.jhsph.edu/ | |
29. Back-to-school Health Concerns back to school always has been a time for making sure immunization records werecomplete and for getting regular checkups from the dentist and doctor, http://www.azcentral.com/families/education/articles/0801back-health-ON.html | |
30. Back-to-school Fair Touts Kids' Health, Safety PHOENIX The Arizona Physicians IPA and the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Departmentare teaming up to host a July 30 back-to-school health Safety Fair. http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/local/articles/0725phxfair21.html | |
31. Back-to-School Campaign backto-school Campaign Aims to Secure health Care for Children Expanded ResourcesAvailable for Indiana s Uninsured. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE http://www.doe.state.in.us/reed/newsr/2005/08-August/backtoschool.html | |
32. Back-to-School: Focus On Connecting Uninsured Children With Health Care backto-school Focus on Connecting Uninsured Children with health Care.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday July 29, 2005 Contacts David Roos, Covering Kids http://www.doe.state.in.us/reed/newsr/2005/07-July/media072905.html | |
33. Coordinated School Health Program - DASH/HealthyYouth back to Model; healthy school Environment The physical and aesthetic back toModel; health Promotion for Staff Opportunities for school staff to http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/CSHP/ | |
34. Spotlights: Back To School | CDC Viral Hepatitis Add Hepatitis B Vaccination to Your back to school List One of the mosteffective ways to protect the health and well being of your loved ones is to be http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/hepatitis/spotlights/back_to_school.htm | |
35. Back To School Resource Center Is carrying heavy back pack to school causing health problems for your kids?It might if they are carrying more than 1020% of their body weight in their http://pediatrics.about.com/od/backtoschool/ | |
36. Back-to-school Checklist - Tuesday, 07/26/05 Because optimal health and optimal learning go hand in hand, doctors and schoolofficials 8.4.05 No need to break the bank getting kids back to school http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050726/FEATURES04/5072603 |
37. FrugalWorld.com Offers tips for around the house, back to school, beauty, health and weddings. Includes contests and news. http://www.frugalworld.com | |
38. Back-to-school Checklist - Tuesday, 07/26/05 back to school has always been a time for making sure immunization records werecomplete Because optimal health and optimal learning go hand in hand, http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20050726&Category=FEATURES0 |
39. Virginia Department Of Health: Back To School 2005 back to school, back to health. Ver la versión en español The only real wayto know if your kids are eating healthy school meals is to get involved! http://extras.timesdispatch.com/backtoschool/ | |
40. Virginia Department Of Health: Back To School 2005 Though this back to school publication is aimed at students, the healthy habitsexplained throughout this supplement can also help those of us who graduated http://extras.timesdispatch.com/backtoschool/healthcommissioner.htm | |
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