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41. Ayurvedic Foundations Web Site What is ayurveda? Principals, meaning and origin of ayurveda. What is unique about ayurveda How to use Nature s laws for Health Mind, Body and Senses Soul http://www.ayur.com/ | |
42. Indiatime Ayurveda - Découvrez La Méthode De Médecine Traditionnelle Indienne La m©decine ayurv©dique et la consultation, les massages et les produits, les cures, avec stages et enterprise. Enfin les croisi¨res sur le canal du Midi, avec le but et l'itineraire, l'h©bergement et la p©niche, le contenu du stage et le tarif. Toulouse, HauteGaronne (31), France. http://www.indiatime-ayurveda.com/ | |
43. Ayurveda College - California College Of Ayurveda California College of ayurveda is an internationally recognized, stateapproved school. Two year, clinically oriented educational program leading to http://www.ayurvedacollege.com/ | |
44. Index Die erste Europ¤ische Meditationsakademie stellt sich und ihre Programme vor, mit Bildern der Einweihung in 1967. http://www.ilse-eickhoff-akademie.de/ | |
45. Untitled Document Schedule of yoga classes, chanting and meditation practices, events and workshops, ayurvedic therapies. http://www.shivacenter.org/ |
46. Mattner GbR - Gesellschaft Für Ayurveda Und Feldenkrais - 91056 Erlangen-Dechse Das Angebot an ayurvedaBeratung, Funktionaler Integration, Bewusstheit durch Bewegung sowie an Vortr¤gen und Seminaren wird vorgestellt. D-91056 Erlangen-Dechsendorf http://www.ayurveda-und-feldenkrais.de/ | |
47. Ayurveda Online Consultation From The Land Of Its Origin Our specialist doctors in ayurveda will explain what is ayurveda, How does ayurveda help and online consult ayurveda and Ayurvrdic medicines and ayurveda http://www.ayurvedacures.com/ | |
48. Dreddyclinic.com -Leading Integrated Medical Clinic And Ayurvedic School/Ayurved Clinic and ayurveda school combining both traditional western and alternative medicine in a holistic manner. Information on health topics, programs and http://www.dreddyclinic.com/ | |
49. * Scientific Researches On The Transcendental Meditation (TM) A presentation of the four main areas of research done on TM psychology, physiology, sociology and ecology. Also contains an outstanding collection of links, some never listed before researches on Education, Management, ayurveda, World Peace. http://tony.donetsk.ua/_tm/scientific_researches/index~.html | |
50. Ayurvedic Medicine Ayurveda Products Alternative Medicine Committed making ayurveda and Ayurvedic lifestyle available to all who are interested in higher levels of well being. http://www.inetba.com/diamondwayayurveda/ | |
51. Ayurveda-Home Page, Philosophy, Tri-Dosha, Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Prakruti, Vikruti Comprehensive information on ayurveda. Covers introduction to Aurveda, Basis for Ayurvedic Philosophy, Key concepts of ayurveda, Concept of the Six Tastes, http://www.holistic-online.com/ayurveda/ayv_home.htm | |
52. Ayurveda Allemagne - Bad Ems Site francophone de la clinique du Centre de Sant© par lâÂÂayurveda Maharishi de Bad Ems en Allemagne. Le terme âÂÂayurvedaâ d©signe  la fois cette tr¨s ancienne connaissance traditionnelle de la vie humaine et un syst¨me m©dical complet qui propose de nombreuses approches et proc©dures th©rapeutiques. Ensemble, ces approches apportent sant© parfaite et long©vit©. http://www.ayurveda-badems.de/francais/ayurveda/index.php | |
53. Ayurveda - Introduction, Consciousness, Mind, Body, Mind-body Medicine, Lifestyl ayurveda is IndiaÂs traditional, natural system of medicine that has been practiced for more than 5000 years. ayurveda emphasizes prevention of disease, http://www.holistic-online.com/ayurveda/ayv-introduction.htm | |
54. NIAM.com ayurveda The National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine (NIAM) is recognized as the largest and most authentic resource of information on ayurveda in the http://www.niam.com/ |
55. Sreepadam Ayurveda Chikitsalayam - Center For Ayurveda Treatments Education And Provides ayurvedic treatment, teaching, and research. Kanjoor. http://ayurvedatraditions.com/ | |
56. Basic Principles Of Ayurveda ayurveda is a holistic system of healing which evolved among the Brahmin ayurveda is a complete medical system which recognizes that ultimately all http://www.niam.com/corp-web/definition.html | |
57. Sailer, Tanja - Yoga Ayurveda Philosophie Informiert ¼ber Kurse, Seminare und Fortbildungen. http://www.tanja-sailer.de |
58. Ayurveda Home Page Introduction to the ancient hindu system of Ayurvedic medicine. http://www.compulink.co.uk/~mandrake/ayurveda.htm | |
59. Ayurveda - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia ayurveda also had a tradition of surgery. Two early texts of ayurveda are the The scholarly traditions of ayurveda date back to the time of Buddha, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayurveda | |
60. ^^^^^SHAKTHI SREE SANKARA AYURVEDA HEALTH RESORTS^^^^^ Offers information on ayurvedic treatment available, and information about tours of the state. http://www.ayurved-treat.com | |
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