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61. Australia - Country Information - Australian Department Of Foreign Affairs And T Citizenship. general information about australian citizenship Status of theaustralian Citizenship Legislation Amendment Bill 2002 http://www.dfat.gov.au/geo/australia/ | |
62. UNESCO - Foreign Affairs And Trade - Environment (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) general.About UNESCO australian institutions working with UNESCO in all http://www.dfat.gov.au/intorgs/unesco/ | |
63. AIAA Links 2 australian Links. general australian Links Resources Events finders, australiancultural search engine on the web, Internet Development Guides, http://www.aiaa.org.au/links/linksau.html | |
64. Australia Travel Information | Lonely Planet Destination Guide Although mystery and debate shroud many aspects of australian prehistory, Labor supporters were appalled the powers that the governor general had been http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/australasia/australia/history.htm | |
65. Stephen Barton Argues That A Distinctive Australian Culture Will Persist Despite A robust australian culture has nothing to fear from America The generalmanager of the Australia Council argued that we must become a republic for http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=438 |
66. Australian Consulate General In Shanghai AustraliaChina Council australian Cultural Calendar ABC Asia Pacific Australia s Cultural Network Radio Australia State of the Arts http://www.china.embassy.gov.au/shanghai/tiyu/eindex.html | |
67. Australian Consulate General In Shanghai The office was officially opened by the australian Consul general, Mr Sam Gerovich, During his visit, Mr Gu visited Australia s premier cultural http://www.china.embassy.gov.au/shanghai/info/eindex.html | |
68. Internet Public Library: Australian History Guide to Australia culture http//www.csu.edu.au/australia/ This site haslinks to information on australian culture in sections like Art, Film, Dance, http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum30.15.00/ | |
69. Australia Street - ARCHIVE general. Bolton, Geoffrey Spoils and Spoilers A history of australians Docker, John The Nervous Nineties australian Cultural Life in the 1890s, http://www.australiast.uts.edu.au/ARCHIVE/BIBLIO.shtml | |
70. Maritime Union Of Australia: General: MUA Backs Australian Film Industry - 21 No MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin joined australian icon Jack Thompson in thecall to protect our cultural heritage against the Australia/US Free Trade http://mua.org.au/news/general/film.html | |
71. BUBL LINK: Australian Culture Subjects australia, australian business, australian culture DeweyClass 919.4 Subjects australian culture, internet resource directories, journalism http://bubl.ac.uk/link/a/australianculture.htm | |
72. Australian Government Attorney-General's Department - Information Law And Human australian Government The Attorneygeneral s Department In particular, areasof the australian Cultural Development Office have responsibility for arts http://www.ag.gov.au/agd/WWW/securitylawHome.nsf/Page/Publications_Intellectual_ | |
73. Society Of Australian Genealogists - Basics On Australian History Sources The following general histories are an excellent starting point. J Rickard,Australia a cultural history, London 1988. R White, Inventing Australia http://www.sag.org.au/ozsources/history.htm | |
74. National Training Information Service general knowledge of australian Indigenous cultures as appropriate to the region.· Assessment must take account of the fact that some guides may have http://www.ntis.gov.au/cgi-bin/waxhtml/~ntis2/unit.wxh?page=80&inputRef=25228&sC |
75. Australian Culture And Aboriginal Art Aboriginal culture Cairns Australia Tjapukai Dance Theatre Didgeridoo Spear boomerang throwing. Cairns Australia Accommodation - Cairns Accommodation http://www.cairnsholiday.com.au/Whattodo/Cultural/culture.htm | |
76. Oxford University Press - Australian General Dictionaries Bookcover of The australian Concise Oxford Dictionary (ISBN 0195517717 ISBN13 For title information, general enquiries or product matters http://www.oup.com.au/content/general.asp?ContentID=1212 |
77. Theo 107: RELIGION IN AUSTRALIAN CULTURE: Module 6 We will address the problems of transplanting a religion and a culture from one We will consider particular characteristics of the australian scene, http://dlibrary.acu.edu.au/research/theology/theo107/Mod 6.htm | |
78. ClayGate 994 : Australia ; Australian History 994, australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia 994,Suite101.com australian History culture Links http://library.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/irs/webcat/994.htm | |
79. Flinders University: Courses And Programs: Bachelor Of Cultural Tourism In First Year students will be introduced to cultural tourism, Aboriginal studies, For general information, australian students should contact http://www.flinders.edu.au/courses/ugrad/bachelor/bct.htm | |
80. Australian Aboriginal Studies - Aboriginal Resources - Academic Info Online resources on australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. Use keywords and maps to explore the culture, issues and education of http://www.academicinfo.net/ausab.html | |
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