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41. Australian Cultural History ACH The Journal of the History of culture in Australia is a fully refereed the duke; the general; the minister; the prime minister, the assistant http://www.api-network.com/cgi-bin/ach/page.cgi?which=style |
42. What Is Australian Culture? Discuss australian art and culture, includes music, films, museums, shows. They all provide more input to the language, the general structure of society http://cracker.com.au/viewthread.aspx?threadid=242&categoryid=11281 |
43. Australian Culture - A australian culture and A Guide Resources and Review Includes ACIJ news,general broadcasting and journalism news, ACIJ online publications, http://www.electronicsee.com/Resources/Australian_culture.htm | |
44. RACGP | More Support Needed For Rural And Remote Medicine | Media Releases The Royal australian College of general Practitioners is calling for an australian culture is unique, and each community in rural Australia has its own http://www.racgp.org.au/document.asp?id=17095 |
45. Australian Literature And Culture Resources Most AustLit records originate from the general bibliographic records of the former Part of the australian Government s culture and Recreation portal. http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/guide/hum/english/E_Aust.html | |
46. Soc.culture.australian FAQ (Part 1 Of 6) (monthly Posting) It is devoted to the discussion of all aspects of australian culture. Travel advice general information about australian society and culture The http://www.faqs.org/faqs/australian-faq/part1/ | |
47. O'Regan & Batty Copies of australian Television culture can be purchased by writing to Allen australian social and political culture and, therefore, largely general http://wwwmcc.murdoch.edu.au/ReadingRoom/oztv/Batty.html | |
48. American Australian Association | Home Art and culture Tour to Australia (National Event). Wed Aug 3rd, 830PM The American australian Association welcomes Attorney general Philip Ruddock for http://www.aaanyc.org/ | |
49. Aboriginal Studies - General Resources Aboriginal Trail at the australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG, Australia) Contents Art, Artefacts culture; Community; Education; general; http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/AborigPages/General.html | |
50. Embassy Of Australia, Washington, DC The australian Consulategeneral in San Francisco provides consular and Australia s culture Network The online gateway to australian cultural http://www.austemb.org/sanfrancisco.html | |
51. Informit - Australasian Online Information - Australian Cultural History - Austr i australian Cultural History /i is a fully refereed international journal . the history of culture in Australia, and to address the general reader as http://www.informit.com.au/show.asp?type=IL&id=AUST_CULT_HISTORY |
52. People & Culture: General Articles culture general. about this site australian slang terms Competitive culture,will there ever be an end? Pittsburgh Hollywood in Pennsylvania http://www.essortment.com/in/Culture.General/ | |
53. Supporting Australian Arts And Culture Australia Post supported one of the nationÂs most significant cultural projects an all-australian recording of general enquiries, 61 03 9204 5021 http://www.auspost.com.au/BCP/0,1080,CH2973%7EMO19,00.html | |
54. [csaa-forum] Australian CS Position Poland preferably in australian Cultural Studies Criticism; interactive course forthe fifth year students, preferably general issues of australian culture. http://lists.cdu.edu.au/pipermail/csaa-forum/Week-of-Mon-20050110/000618.html | |
55. EUROPA - Education And Training - Australia Pilot Cooperation Project The European Commission and the australian Department of Education, Science andTraining now Directorate general for Education and culture Unit EACA-5 http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/calls/australia/australia_en.html | |
56. Australian Consulate General - New York For a site that highlights the cultural differences between Australia and Americaand gives advice about food, drinks, driving, tipping, etcetera, http://www.australianyc.org/consulate/education/children.php | |
57. Governors-General - Stories From Australia's Culture And Recreation Portal An overview of the history, powers and duties of the Governorgeneral of Australia.Links to relevant online resources are provided. http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/articles/governorgeneral/ | |
58. Australia Australian History australian History. general Resources. Prime Ministers of Australia australian Cultural Timelines Dreamtime, the Wreck of the Batavia, http://www.archaeolink.com/australia_australian_history.htm | |
59. Australia Aboriginal Social Studies Oceania cultures Anthropology general Resources Aboriginal Australia History,culture, and Conflict Aborigines are Australia s indigenous people. http://www.archaeolink.com/australia_aboriginal_social_stud.htm | |
60. General Resources On The Culture Of East & Southeast Asia: An Annotated List blank space. East Southeast Asian culture general Information Investigatingthe Consumption of Asianness in Australia culture, Class and Capital http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/general-culture-gen. | |
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