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Astronomy Research: more books (100) |
141. AMNH Research | Astrophysics - Department Of Astrophysics research programs in theoretical and observational astronomy. http://research.amnh.org/astrophysics/ | |
142. Ethnoastronomy Of The Lakota Dr. Mark Hollabaugh presents his ethnographic research of Lakota astronomy. http://faculty.normandale.edu/~physics/Hollabaugh/Lakota/default.htm | |
143. Leeds : Physics & Astronomy : Home Page Discover physics and astronomy in a worldclass research environment that excels in teaching. 5A/5 research Assessment Exercise and 24/24 Teaching Quality http://www.physics.leeds.ac.uk/pages/HomePage | |
144. BeppoSAX - X-Ray Astronomy Satellite SAX is devoted to systematic, integrated and comprehensive studies of galactic and extragalactic Xray sources. http://www.tesre.bo.cnr.it/Research/SAX/ | |
145. Leeds : Physics & Astronomy : Research Welcome to the homepage of the School of Physics and astronomy of the University of Leeds. If you want to learn about the latest research, jobs and how to http://www.physics.leeds.ac.uk/pages/Research | |
146. U Of MN Department Of Astronomy - Research In addition, a wealth of related and adjacent research centers enriches the The Theoretical Physics Institute in the School of Physics and astronomy http://www.astro.umn.edu/research/ | |
147. Astronomy research, members, referred publications, conference proceedings, IAU telegrams, news from VERITAS and Whipple, and photos. http://cherenkov.physics.iastate.edu/ | |
148. Department Of Physics And Astronomy Features current news and announcements and provides information regarding the planetarium, science teacher outreach programs, ongoing research, curriculum, careers, and student organizations. http://www.physics.wayne.edu/ | |
149. NOAO Data Archives Operated by the Association of Universities for research in astronomy (AURA), Inc. Includes survey programs data archive, and links to other data collections. http://www.noao.edu/archives.html | |
150. Soumen Mondal Specializes in high angular resolution astronomy. Includes publications and research interests. Department of Space, India. http://www.prl.ernet.in/~soumen/ |
151. University Of Michigan Department Of Astronomy Astronomical research at UM. astronomy at Michigan is dynamic and varied. We are partners in the Magellan Telescopes, Two 6.5 Meter Telescopes at Las http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu/Research/research.php | |
152. Harvard College Observatory - Home Page research observatory for astronomy and astrophysics. Founded in 1839. http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/hco/index.html | |
153. Wiley-VCH - Astronomische Nachrichten Founded in 1821 by H.C. Schumacher, is one of the oldest astronomical journal worldwide still being published. Features papers on a variety of issues ranging from cosmology, extragalactic research, cosmic hydrodynamics, stellar physics, interstellar matter, solar and planetary physics to geodetic astronomy. http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/alphabeticIndex/2228 | |
154. Boston University Astronomy Department Includes information about its course offerings in astronomy and space science, research programs, lists of members, activities and related links. http://www.bu.edu/astronomy/ | |
155. IAYC - International Astronomical Youth Camps Annual European space camp for amateur astronomers aged 16 24. During three weeks 70 participants work together in small units on research projects relating to astronomy and science. http://www.iayc.org/ | |
156. University Of Leicester - Department Of Physics And Astronomy General departmental information, as well as information for prospective and current students, and details of ongoing research. http://www.le.ac.uk/physics/ | |
157. FCRAO Home Page General information, observer information, research, instrumentation, education, and image gallery. http://donald.phast.umass.edu/~fcrao/ | |
158. UD Physics & Astronomy Offers department directory, latest news, seminar schedules, and event announcements, with overview of the department, curriculum, and research activities. http://www.physics.udel.edu/ | |
159. Michele's Home Page Information on research projects primarily dealing with variable stars (XX Leo eclipsing binary star, SMC variable stars, novae). Provides links to a growing number of astronomy, space, and science related sites. http://physics.uwyo.edu/~stark/ | |
160. University Of Cambridge: Department Of Physics: Astrophysics Group A wideranging program of research, including the Mullard Radio astronomy Observatory, situated at Lord's Bridge. Group members, research interests, publications, surveys and catalogues, other resources. http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/ | |
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