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181. Caltech Astronomy : Palomar Observatory Facilities include 200 inch, 60 inch, 48 inch, 18 inch, and the Snoop, and provides, general and visitor information, history, images, news, and research results. http://www.astro.caltech.edu/palomar/ | |
182. Astronomy, Research In Astronomy This website primarily provides information for students interested in MSc or PhD programmes in the Sciences. General, such as the educational system in the http://www.science.leidenuniv.nl/graduateschool/index.php3?m=32&c=67 |
183. Physics & Astronomy Offers weekly events calendar, news, and announcements, and provides overview of academic programs, classes, and research efforts. http://home.physics.ucla.edu/home.php | |
184. APICS Physics And Astronomy Committee The committee affords astronomers and physicists the chance to share expertise in teaching and research. Focus is on undergraduate conference series, lecture tours, and physics and astronomy resources. Lists committee and email contacts. http://apwww.stmarys.ca/APICS/ | |
185. University Of St. Andrews - School Of Physics And Astronomy Provides wide coverage of physics and astronomy for undergraduates, and significant research, but is small enough for staff and students to interact in ways that may not be possible elsewhere. http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~www_pa/ | |
186. Physics And Astronomy - Research Faculty York University Department of Physics and astronomy. Graduate Faculty research Listing of Faculty by Area of research astronomy and Astrophysics http://www.physics.yorku.ca/Research/Facultyr.html | |
187. Department Of Physics And Astronomy, The University Of Maine Department of Physics and astronomy. Information on people, research and programs. http://www.physics.umaine.edu/ | |
188. Carnegie Institution Of Washington: NASA Astrobiology Institute A private, nonprofit organization engaged in basic research and advanced education in biology, astronomy, and the earth sciences. Part of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. http://astrobiology.ciw.edu/ | |
189. University Of Sheffield - Department Of Physics And Astronomy Details of the student physics and astrophysics societies, jobs, teaching, admissions and current research. http://www.shef.ac.uk/physics/ |
190. Kuiper Belt Kuiper Belt Kuiper Belt Kuiper Belt Kuiper Belt Kuiper Belt K Uiper Guide to KBOs and recent research by Dr. David Jewitt of the University of Hawaii Institute for astronomy http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/faculty/jewitt/kb.html | |
191. NRAO Summer Student Research Assistantships We are also involved in cutting edge astronomical research, and in the design The NRAO manages facilities for radio astronomical research in New Mexico, http://www.nrao.edu/administration/directors_office/summer-students.shtml | |
192. Astrophysics And Astronomy At University College Cork Ireland http://astro.ucc.ie/ |
193. Home Page research People Observatory Talks Computing Contact Us Waterloo Physics Graduate Program U Waterloo Perimeter Institute http://astro.uwaterloo.ca/ | |
194. ESO - The European Southern Observatory Homepage Intergovernmental, European organisation for astronomical research, operates many observatories in Chile. Here you will find full scope information about http://www.eso.org/ | |
195. Jodrell Bank Observatory Research Astronomical research at Jodrell Bank Observatory and on the main campus encompasses a wide range of fields in which radioobservations play a crucial role, http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/research/ | |
196. H.A.R.T. Heartland Astronomical Research Team http://www.skygazer.org/hart/ |
197. NRC-HIA: Projects National research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada Government of CFHTLSVW The Canadian and French astronomical communities are http://hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/projects_e.html | |
198. The Lowell Observatory Public Astronomical Research Center The Lowell Observatory Public Astronomical research Center is an Internet observatory that allows users to access a researchgrade telescope, http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue8_5/hall/ | |
199. Review Of USAF-supported Astronomical Research Project Title Review of USAFsupported Astronomical research Date Posted Posted 05/25/2004 - Project Identification Number BPAX-L-04-04-A Major Unit http://www4.nas.edu/cp.nsf/0/1bc0487dc70a413585256e9f004fcfec?OpenDocument |
200. ASTRON WSRT, ING, JCMT Dutch time allocation committee more http://www.astron.nl/ | |
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