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21. Home Page UFAW uses scientific knowledge and established expertise to improve the welfare of animals as pets, in zoos, laboratories, on farms and in the wild. http://www.ufaw.org.uk/ | |
22. International Fund For Animal Welfare The International Fund for animal welfare works to improve animal welfare, prevent animal cruelty and abuse, protect wildlife and provide animal http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
23. Animal Welfare Centre Dedicated to improvements in the welfare of farm, laboratory, and companion animals. Publications, information on upcoming projects and meetings, http://www.animal-welfare.org.au/ | |
24. UFAW Annual Report 2000 Quarterly scientific journal bringing together the results of scientific research and technical studies related to the welfare of animals kept on farms, http://www.ufaw.org.uk/journal/Animal welfare.htm |
25. Professional Opinions What the experts say about the welfare of animals in entertainment, industry, sport and recreation. Discusses horses in rodeos and the Premarin industry, also whether horses are livestock or companion animals (pets). http://www.animalwelfarecouncil.org/html/aw/opinions.php | |
26. Animal Care Web Site Main Page Helps establish acceptable standards of humane animal care and treatment; monitors and achieves compliance with the animal welfare Act through http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
27. OLAW: Office Of Laboratory Animal Welfare Web site for the Office of Laboratory animal welfare (OLAW), NIH. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/olaw.htm | |
28. Alley Cat Allies Second ProAnimal Group Decries County's Euthanasia Rates, The Gazette. Habitat Loss Leading Cause of Bird Decline, Defenders of Wildlife http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
29. Partnership For Animal Welfare group of volunteers who facilitate the rescue of homeless domestic animals, mainly cats and dogs, and place them into loving and stable homes. http://www.paw-rescue.org/ | |
30. Home The Scientists Center for animal welfare (SCAW) is a nonprofit educational USDA/APHIS animal welfare Regulations and Standard for Birds, Rats Mice http://www.scaw.com/ | |
31. Arizona Animal Welfare League: AZ's Oldest & Largest No-kill Shelter Reputed to be the largest and oldest nokill shelter in Arizona. Site includes a partial list of animals available for adoption. The shelter is accompanied http://www.aawl.org/ | |
32. Animal Welfare League Of SA Inc. If you d love to meet Rocky , please call the animal welfare League on 8348 1300 or call into 119 Cormack Rd, WINGFIELD, we are open 7 days from 10 am to http://www.animalwelfare.com.au/ | |
33. Marchig Animal Welfare Trust Supports spay/neuter and veterinary health facilities, as well as outreach on hunting and animal research. Describes application process, and lists grantees. http://www.marchigawt.org/ | |
34. Performing Animal Welfare Society PAWS is the only animal welfare society dedicated to the rescue of performing and exotic animals from cruel confinement and performances of pain. http://www.pawsweb.org/ | |
35. Animal Welfare Organization :: Animal Welfare :: Animal Welfare Organization :: animal welfare organization based in India working to reduce the sufferings of stray animals and promoting humane education in the society. http://www.strawindia.org | |
36. Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre, Atlantic Veterinary College, University Of Provides service, research, and education in the welfare of dogs, cats, horses and wildlife. Site features news, mandate, information about personnel, publications, and list of projects. http://www.upei.ca/~awc/ | |
37. Farm Animal Welfare Council The Farm animal welfare Council (FAWC) is an independent advisory body established by the Government in 1979. Its terms of reference are to keep under http://www.fawc.org.uk/ | |
38. KOREA ANIMAL PROTECTION SOCIETY | HOME Dedicated to promoting animal welfare and protection in Korea through education, stricter animal cruelty laws, and the continued development of the KAPS shelter. Photos, news archives, current campaigns, and resources for activism. http://koreananimals.org/ | |
39. Www.animalwelfaresociety.org - The Animal Welfare Society The animal welfare Society exists to provide humane shelter and care to animals temporarily in need of housing, and to further the cause of responsible http://www.animalwelfaresociety.org/ | |
40. Bulgarian Animal Defence League - Home Page The League actively campaigns on a variety of issues concerning the improvement of animal welfare standards in Bulgaria. These include spaying and neutering, pet registration and responsible pet ownership. http://www.angelfire.com/co/BADL/ | |
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