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61. 28 January 2005 :: Animals Australia Federation Of Animal Welfare And Animal Rig Directorgeneral found to have case to answer. Leading WA solicitor Martin Bennett,acting for peak animal welfare body animals Australia, http://www.animalsaustralia.org/default2.asp?idL1=1269&idL2=1746 |
62. 24 January 2005 :: Animals Australia Federation Of Animal Welfare And Animal Rig animal Australia rights ethics groups, media releases fact sheets intensive The Directorgeneral of the Department of Local Government and Regional http://www.animalsaustralia.org/default2.asp?idL1=1269&idL2=1744 |
63. Circus Royale Australian Animal Welfare And General Links Circus Royale, Australia circus with international and Australian performers,circus animals and all the fun of the big top. http://www.circusroyale.com/links_ausanimal_gen.php | |
64. Circus Royale General International And Animal Welfare Links Circus Royale, Australia circus with international and Australian performers,circus animals and all the fun of the big top. http://www.circusroyale.com/links_gen_internat.php | |
65. Animal Aid : General Election 2005 : Animal Welfare EDMs 15 animal welfare related EDMs were presented to MPs between August 2002 andJanuary 2005, covering issues such as greyhound race dogs, game birds, http://www.animalaid.org.uk/election/edms.htm | |
66. Animal Welfare Society Of Jefferson County, WV | General Info animal welfare Society of Jefferson County, West Virignia Serving animals andour community for over 50 years. http://www.awsjc.org/contact.htm | |
67. Norwegian Animal Welfare Act Summary This comprehensive animal welfare Act from Norway covers nearly allaspects in Section 2 general provisions on how animals should be treated. http://www.animallaw.info/nonus/statutes/stnoapa1995.htm | |
68. Uk General Animal Welfare Provisions Michigan State University College of Law. When complete, this site will containa full set of legal material relating to animals including all levels in the http://www.animallaw.info/nonus/statutes/stukgenawp.htm | |
69. The Office Of General Counsel At The Catholic University Of America In Washingto The USDA animal welfare Act Regulations and Public Health Service Policy make Assurances shall be submitted to the Office of Laboratory animal welfare http://counsel.cua.edu/fedlaw/Animal.cfm | |
70. Exeter City Council - Council Wins Prestigious Animal Welfare Award Council Wins Prestigious animal welfare Award. Released 4 August 2005 George Dumble has been general Manager of Exeter s Markets and Halls Unit for over http://www.exeter.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=4290 |
71. VEIN Links : Animal Welfare, Alternatives And Ethics animal welfare information gateways; general resources; Guidelines and issues;Organisations and government bodies; Alternatives to animal use in teaching http://vein.library.usyd.edu.au/links/animalwelfare.html | |
72. 1999 World Trotting Conf Papers - Hugh Wirth The expectations of the general public regarding good animal welfare standardsfor animals used in sport are by no means static. When a matter associated http://www.harness.org.au/99wldcon/PWIRTH2.HTM | |
73. Guide To The Animal Welfare Act 1999: Table Of Contents This publication is not a legal interpretation of the animal welfare Act the skills of animal welfare inspectors are needed by the Directorgeneral. http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/legislation/animal-welfare-act/guide/ | |
74. Farm Animal Welfare Council - Enforcement Of Animal Welfare Legislation Up-date The role of animal welfare enforcement should be recognised as having a and welfare Officers should be identifiable at markets (by general notice and by http://www.fawc.org.uk/reports/enforce1.htm | |
75. Farm Animal Welfare Council The Farm animal welfare Council (FAWC) is an independent advisory body established FAWC considers that ÂFarm Codes should now expressly detail general http://www.fawc.org.uk/letters/310804b.htm | |
76. Green Library: Topics: Animal Welfare to top Latest Speeches animal welfare. *, general Debate - Save the Whales (18May 2005) , by Metiria Turei MP. *, Medicines (Specified Biotechnical http://www.greens.org.nz/docs/category.asp?cat=89 |
77. Animal Welfare - Roles And Responsibilities animal welfare. general Administrative. Washington University is committed tothe judicious and humane use of animals in research and education. http://roles.wustl.edu/AnimalWelfare.htm | |
78. Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre Example for a general listing of titles, type animal welfare in the Search Boxand then click on the Search button. Journal articles To look for particular http://www.upei.ca/~awc/resources.htm | |
79. Poultryyouth.com > Poultry Forum > General Poultry Forum > Paws Alert.... The Pe If passed, this will dramatically expand the scope of the animal welfare Act to far Please notify the general membership of your organizations ASAP. http://www.poultryyouth.com/forum/topic-4887.html | |
80. ANZCCART | Further General Reading Further general Reading. Alternatives to the use of animals in undergraduateteaching in animal welfare and meat science. Written by NG Gregory. http://www.adelaide.edu.au/ANZCCART/humane/further.html | |
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