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61. Anglo-Boer War Philatelic Society: Publications The angloboer war Philatelic Society leads the study of the Postal history andUsages of the 2nd anglo-boer war 1899-1902. Areas of interest are stamps, http://www.boerwarsociety.org/Publications.cfm | |
62. Boer War ÂThe angloboer war of 1899 to 1902Â. South Africa history. ÂThe boer OffensiveÂ.anglo boer war Museum. ÂVereening Peace TreatyÂ. anglo boer war Museum. http://athena.english.vt.edu/~jmooney/3044annotationsa-g/boerwar1.html | |
63. Boer_Wars Category Military history Nineteenth_Century boer_wars anglo boer war Museum angloboer war Town Guard Forts in the Eastern Cape, 1901-1902 http://www.armedforces.net/directory/Military_History/Nineteenth_Century/Boer_Wa | |
64. Jensen's Web Sources For Wars & World Military History Bulletin of the history of Medicine; Civil war history; French Historical Studies boer war boer war documents angloboer war, 1899-1902 Bibliography http://tigger.uic.edu/~rjensen/military.html | |
65. Unisa Online - Commemorating The Anglo-boer War (1899-1902) The angloboer war commemoration has drawn world-wide attention and South UnisaÂs Department of history has been actively involved in the boer war http://www.unisa.ac.za/Default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=12010 |
66. Anglo Boer War Harris, Joseph E. Africans and Their history. New York Penguin Books, 1972. 25 March2000 http//www.angloboer.co.za. Nieman, Nols. anglo boer war was http://www.ccds.charlotte.nc.us/History/Africa/03/Dkridler/Dkridler.htm | |
67. WWW-VL History Index Military history of Victoria s Reign. The Second angloBurmese war 1852-1853 The anglo-boer war in Original and Comptemporary Sources http://vlib.iue.it/history/europe/uk/uk.html | |
68. Boer War Books And Articles - Research Boer War At Questia Online South 27 The angloboer war 27 Divisions Introduction The end of the anglo-boer boer war - Related Resources. South African history African history http://www.questia.com/library/history/boer-war.jsp |
69. Boer Wars SECOND angloboer war (wargaming in history series) - 92p. well ill Herbert ES PBk.£9.50. SIEGE OF LADYSMITH/ WATT. 48p. maps + photo s http://www.caliverbooks.com/colonial/cal_col_f.htm | |
70. History Of Paul Kruger: Kruger National Park: Flying Lions Safari Packages history of Paul Kruger Kruger National Park Flying Lions Safari Company Oom( The second angloboer war, also known as the South African war, http://www.krugerpark.co.za/Krugerpark_History-travel/paul-kruger-history.html | |
71. History Today: The Educational Archive Of Articles, News And Study Aids For Teac Not surprisingly, the angloboer war left in its wake a legacy of bitter memoriesand Purchase an online subscription from history Today s online shop, http://www.historytoday.com/dm_getArticle.asp?gid=10818 |
72. History Today: The Educational Archive Of Articles, News And Study Aids For Teac The South African war the angloboer war 1899-1902, General Editor Peter warwick Purchase an online subscription from history Today s online shop, http://www.historytoday.com/dm_getArticle.asp?gid=15716 |
73. WholeShow.com angloboer war Museum history Today - Bitter Legacy of the boer war The boerwar Centenary anglo boer war - Siege of Elandsriver Horses in the boer http://www.wholeshow.com/Levels2to8/Level4/L4History/IL4HistoryWarBoer.htm | |
74. History Of British Observation Balloons In Anglo Boer War history of british observation balloons in anglo boer war You cause them to outof benches, no Their performances at by a woman in the train, it? http://history-of-british-observation-balloons-in-anglo-boer-war.anec2003.co.nz/ | |
75. Anglo-Boer War Museum VP of Factual Programming, history Television. To complement our four hour longdocumentary and visit our phenomenal Canadian angloboer war Museum . http://www.goldiproductions.com/BoerWar_Museum/wel_boer.html | |
76. Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) - MavicaNET The angloboer war - Brief history of South Africa - English URLhttp//www.southafrica-travel.net/history/eh_boer1.htm. The anglo-boer war andthe end of http://www.mavicanet.ru/directory/eng/24080.html | |
77. Index: A-Level Unit 5 Cunliffe, FHE The history of the boer war. London Methuen, 1901. DT930C86.Farwell, Byron. The Great angloboer war. New York Harper Row, 1975. 495 p. http://www.kdhs.org.uk/history/v2/a/as_unit5/boer3.htm | |
78. Casus Belli Anglo-Boer War Books - Amazon history of the Medical and Hospital Services of the angloboer war 1899 to 1902Peter Prime, Paperback (October 1998) anglo-boer war Philatelic Society; http://www.casus-belli.co.uk/sabw.html | |
79. Africa Book Centre Ltd Boer War 1899-1902 IN MEMORIAM Roll of Honour of Imperial Forces, anglo boer war 1899 1902,IN MEMORIAM Roll of Honour of An essential short history of the boer war. http://www.africabookcentre.com/acatalog/Boer_War.html | |
80. ADDRESS BY DEPUTY PRESIDENT JACOB ZUMA AT THE ANGLO BOER/SOUTH AFRICAN WAR LAUNC The angloboer war, an important episode in the long saga of a With thischeckered history, Mafikeng was at the centre of a territory of many diverse http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/zuma/1999/jz1010.htm | |
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