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81. FindArticles Search For "American Literature / Mexican American Authors" Introduction the landscape of ethnic american children s literature Critical Authentic Watermelon Maxine Hong Kingston s american Novel - author http://www.findarticles.com/p/search?tb=art&qt=American literature / Mexican Ame |
82. African American Literature Collection authors represented in the Collection. African american literature by Subject Nonliterature Subjects in the Collection http://www.suffolk.edu/sawlib/speccoll/SpeccollAfroam.htm | |
83. BigBang! Latin american literature. Extensive directory of Latinamerican authors, on-linejournals, literary movements. Review of Tery Eagleton s After Theory http://bigbang.uniroma1.it/english/genericLink.jsp?t=0&st=3&p=authors |
84. Library Users Guide English And American Literature american essays american fiction, authors, american dramatists, English published research in american literature. Indexes are by author and subject. http://www.library.uni.edu/instruction/luglitengamer.shtml | |
85. WU Libraries: Resources For American Literature Includes an extensive list of american literature sites. and 21st centuryModern literature, including complete holdings of important american authors. http://library.wustl.edu/subjects/amlit/ | |
86. The Expanding Canon: Teaching Multicultural Literature - Authors And Literary Wo Momaday s work has greatly influenced other Native american authors, Momaday has also brought Native american literature into a conversation of sorts http://www.learner.org/channel/workshops/hslit/session6/aw/author1.html | |
87. The Expanding Canon: Teaching Multicultural Literature - Authors And Literary Wo Session 2 Reader Response Keith Gilyard and Mourning Dove authors and People can argue what they will about an american literature not really http://www.learner.org/channel/workshops/hslit/session2/aw/work2.html | |
88. Literature american literature. american authors; http//guweb2.gonzaga.edu/faculty/campbell/enl311/aufram.html This site created by English professorDonna M. http://library.webster.edu/litlang.html | |
89. Spanish, Latin American, Brazilian And Carbbean Literature Comprehensive encyclopedia of Latin american literature with emphasis on the A compilation of essays about twentiethcentury Spanish-american authors. http://www.lib.duke.edu/ias/latamer/guides/lit5.htm | |
90. Internet Public Library: Pathfinders Focus is on authors of the Americas, with only eleven from Spain and Portugal.For Spanish american literature, two books will provide you with a good http://www.ipl.org/div/pf/entry/48528 | |
91. ALA | Internet Resources: Twentieth-century Authors Each section skims its designated period of american literature and also includessome Internet Public Library (IPL) Native american authors. http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/crlnews/backissues1999/december4/twentiethc | |
92. English And North American Literature Subject Guide African american authors american Fiction american literature american Poetry English literature Women authors Indians of North America in literature http://web.library.emory.edu/subjects/humanities/langlit/engl/ | |
93. African-American Literature - HomeworkSpot.com Explore the best Africanamerican literature resources for high school students . Af-Am literature Links Links to info about literature and authors. http://www.homeworkspot.com/high/english/africanamericanliterature.htm | |
94. American Indian Literature Resources Early american literature (to 1776) Source United States Information Agency USIA s Joy Harjo Native american authors Project Books and Bibliography http://cobalt.lang.osaka-u.ac.jp/~krkvls/literature.html | |
95. Authors--UCF American Literature Web Site authors american literature Online. Don t forget to BOOKMARK this page! Home Date Research Classes Return to Top. american literature http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~english/publications/AML/authors.htm | |
96. Outline Of American Literature - Authors 2 authors Chapter 2 Democratic Origins and Revolutionary Writers, 17761820.Charles Brockden Brown Outline of american literature Contents. http://www.4uth.gov.ua/usa/english/arts/oal/auth2.htm | |
97. Resources In American Literature And Culture (non-frames Version) literature resources. american authors A range of materials on american authors.This site can be slow to load and browse, but is quite comprehensive. http://www.columbia.edu/~lmg21/bookmark.htm | |
98. SELECTED RESOURCES FOR SPANISH AMERICAN LITERATURE A Bibliographic Guide to Spanish american literature Twentieth Century Sources . Zubatsky, David S. Latin american Literary authors An Annotated Guide http://www.lib.msu.edu/zeter/guides/subjects/latam/literature/SpanAmLiterature.h | |
99. Anglistik Guide: American Literature: Author And Work american authors on the Web. Subject Class, american literature Author and Work Subject Class, IC 519; american literature Author and Work; american http://www.anglistikguide.de/cgi-bin/ssgfi/anzeige.pl?db=lit&sc=IC 600 |
100. Oxford University Press: The Oxford Encyclopedia Of American Literature: Jay Par The Oxford Encyclopedia of american literature gathers together 350 essays fromover 190 and readers interested in american literature, its authors, http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Reference/Subjectareareference/Hum |
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