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141. KIDS MATH Click here to visit our sponsor Advertisement. http://www.kidsmath.com/Algebra.html |
142. The History Of The Calculus And The Development Of Computer Algebra Systmes Discusses development of integral and derivative calculus from the 17th century. Features contributions by key western civilization mathematicians. Includes examples of selected problems and how they were originally solved in earlier times. Also, covers the historic background to computer algebraic systems. http://www.math.wpi.edu/IQP/BVCalcHist/calctoc.html | |
143. Algebra And Discrete Mathematics A Euresco conference on the interplay between model theory, infinite combinatorics and various subfields of algebra. Hattingen, Germany; 18 23 August 2001. http://www.esf.org/euresco/01/pc01101a.htm |
144. EJERCICIOS RESUELTOS DE MATEMATICAS, EJERCICIOS DE MATEMÃTICAS, PROBLEMAS, CALC Ejercicios Resueltos de Matematicas y Atencion Personalizada para estudiantes de Ingenieria y Licenciaturas. Material En formato de Fotos y Video. Abarcamos Todos los Topicos de algebra y Calculo. http://www.guiamath.net/ | |
145. Beiträge Zur Algebra Und Geometrie Homepage (EMIS) Beitr¤ge zur algebra und Geometrie. Full text (DVI,PS) from vol.34 (1993). http://www.emis.de/journals/BAG/ | |
146. Banach Algebra Resources Links of interest in Banach algebras and related areas (operator theory, abstract harmonic analysis, C*algebras, and operator spaces). Maintained by Volker Runde. http://www.math.ualberta.ca/~runde/ba.html | |
147. Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry And Algebra In honour of Georges Gras. University of Besan§on, France; 1618 October 2003. http://www.univ-tlse2.fr/grimm/maire/colloquegras2.html | |
148. ARCC Workshop: Sphere Packings, Lattices, And Infinite Dimensional Algebra AIM Research Conference Center (ARCC) workshop. Palo Alto, CA, USA; 1620 August 2004. http://aimath.org/ARCC/workshops/spherepacking.html | |
149. Third Annual COLLOQUIUMFEST University of Saskatchewan, Canada; 1823 March 2001. http://math.usask.ca/fvk/Mb3.htm | |
150. Mgehrke.html New Mexico State University Nonstandard mathematics, operators on boolean algebras, fuzzy mathematics, universal algebra, general topology, posets and lattices. http://www.math.nmsu.edu/mgehrke/mgehrke.html | |
151. Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra And Combinatorics -- Erice 2001, NATO Ad Exterior algebra Methods and Other New Directions. Erice, Sicily, Italy; 9 15 September 2001. http://www.math.sunysb.edu/~sorin/Erice-2001/ | |
152. SIMATH Homepage Computer algebra system for number theoretic applications. http://tnt.math.metro-u.ac.jp/simath/ | |
153. Gilbert Strang's Home Page MIT. Lecture notes, text and research papers in numerical linear algebra and wavelets. http://www-math.mit.edu/~gs/ | |
154. Noncommutative Localization In Algebra And Topology Home Page ICMS, Edinburgh, UK; 2930 April 2002. http://www.ma.hw.ac.uk/icms/meetings/2002/nlat/ | |
155. Workshop On Applied And Numerical Linear Algebra In Hagen With special emphasis on Linear algebra in Systems and Control Theory. FernUniversitaet Hagen, Germany; 23 July 2004. http://www.math.tu-berlin.de/~kressner/GAMM04/ |
156. Course 311 - Abstract Algebra Lecture notes by David Wilkins, Trinity College, Dublin. Topics in Number Theory; Group Theory; Galois Theory. http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~dwilkins/Courses/311/ | |
157. The Precalculus Algebra TI-83 Tutorial Includes lessons for using the TI83 graphing calculator in a college algebra or precalculus algebra course. http://www.titutorials.com/algb83/mainpage.htm | |
158. Linear Algebra Textbook Home Page Textbook by Jim Hefferon covering the material of any undergraduate first linear algebra course. Book or chapters in PDF. http://joshua.smcvt.edu/linalg.html | |
159. LAPACK -- Linear Algebra PACKage written in Fortran77; provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, leastsquares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems. http://netlib2.cs.utk.edu/lapack/ | |
160. All Elementary Mathematics - Online Mathematical School... An online mathematical high school. Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, functions and graphs, analysis. Theory and solving problems. Also has practice exams and math jokes. http://www.bymath.com | |
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